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  1. Im using a CME UF 5 and its excellent with Reason, the Transport buttons also come in very handy, plus the Props have just released a Remote for the CME units...
  2. Great intro!!! OK this is some really really excellent work... Its got a great feel to it and you manage to add variety here and there to keep the listener interested and hanging on to see what comes next. I like the way you have layered the song from Intro into the Big Piano Break down. On the mixing side of things all sounds a bit too loud 2 me, not distoring but i dont know how you have applied Paning in the mix, but sounds like you have prioratized a lot of instrumentation in the centerfield of the mix instead of maybe just panning some Stuff slightly off center to create more space. If im wrong then maybe some correctional EQuing is missing from the mix, i do feel as if a lot of frequencies are fighting for space in the mix. Just my opinion.... Otherwise great great Track, havent heard good originality and creativity in the trance area for a long time. Huge thumbs up!!!!
  3. Hey mate, listening to your tune as i write and if im not wrong you are using FL Studio? The bass sound gave it away. Anyhows i like it, tought i think its in really good need of a better breakdown section where you could drop all the instrumentation and bring it all back up again slowly. also a bit more variety in the Perc and Drums programing could bring more variety and excitment to the track. I like the main LD sound but the motiff you are using in the background does get rather annoying after a while, maybe pitch it down a bit The twi twi twi twi sound, lol... Mixing wise its firly good , but i think your Hats and High frequencies could be tuned down a litlle. I honestly think you have a cool Trance tune going on, with some more attention to detail and maybe add some more EFX to it. Nice work tought....
  4. Had the same experience and even tought im from the UK i was very surprised to see a reply to an add that i placed in Blocket. Anyhows, stupidly enough i gave the guy the details and so on after speaking to Foreningssparbanken and getting their word that this person could not withdraw or cause any harm to me personally by me giving him my account details. I never received any cash from him in any form of payment whatsoever and eventually told him to F off... Really sad that these creeps are even infiltrating the Music scene now...
  5. Well im using a Toshiba Satelite A30 with a Celeron Processor (not the best for music) 512meg ram @2.6ghz and i run rather fairly well Cubase SL3. Im limited with the more CPU heavy VST but no problems recording audio or so. The main thing is to tweak the Windows XP to give the best performance and if you have a bit of cash go for a Centrino based laptop or else a good AMD 64, these are very goos from what i hear. Also i dont use the Laptop for anything other than music production, no games, no internet, nada, keeping it clean, defraging more than once a week and i have no problems with this machine at all.Sorry to write in English but i cant really write too well in Swedish, tought i can read it, lol.....
  6. Rucafest

    cd eller vinyl?

    Hey im selling my DJ kit wich is really good to use for home, studio and i have played live gigs with it. Im selling it all for 4000sek see my post DJ Equipment 4 sale. Its Turntables and they are Direct Driven.
  7. Refx Vanguard, excellent to use and not too expensive, also the Superwave bundle is really worth a look too and the Adventus at a rather very affordable price to buy.
  8. I recently received a email comtaining what is knonw as a 'Nigerian 419... Thing'. Anyhow the person who approaches u claims to be a Lawyer who somehow has gained access to a huge sum of money, usually $20.million and he requires your help in that all you need to do is supply a banc account for this money to be deposited in your account and to pose as a next of keen to this made up individual who 'accidently' died along with his entire family on a Fishing trip. The scam is that eventually they will email u a Bank form wich u are supposed to fill in your details and after emailing it back then the scam starts. They will not contact u for a few days and then will email u or call u saying that the bank requires a transfer fe that could be of $12000.00 or more. Now lots of people have fallen victim to this as stupid as it may sound, but beware guys, these people are very convincing. Cheers
  9. Yep i use to Dj also so i got a nice record collection, just UK Hard House and Hard Trance!!! Gotta love it mate.....
  10. Hey Pazo Yeah mate i live in Sweden but i moved here from London and cant really write so well in Swedish, tought i can read and speak most of it. I appologize to anyone who felt offended or invaded by the English written text. Regards Rucafest....
  11. Ok this as happened to me before as well and honestly even after uninstalling the FL and reinstalling it didnt help, so i lost the file. But it has worked with some other files of mine. I advice u to scan ur FL program folder for Virus and also do a full disk defrag followed by a Scandisk, then try it again....
  12. Well FLStudio and Reason are better known as all in one Studio packages, where Cubase is more of a Pro Sequencer package. FL Studio: Pretty much all u need, loads of effects come with and some included synths and stuff. Can record Audio Full automation Use of Midi Full VST and DXI support for 3rd party products and Rewire support Reason: Pretty much the same as FL but u cannot record audio in the program itself Theres no support for external VST or DXI so u get what it comes with Also Reason as a rather difficult to undesrtand and learn approach at routing different Instruments and modules to create vast sounds. Also supports Rewire (in fact i think they invented the Rewire technology) Cubase: Well a top end program if i may say so. Pretty much does everything as Reason and FL Studio. Been around longer than most other programs therefore its got a bigger user base. Supports Rewire so any package that includes Rewire can be used within Cubase and vice versa. Very good program for midi and external real Gear like Synths, etc... My opinion, its not the software u use, but your creativity and knowledge that count. Ive tried all 3 of these programs and love all 3 but can work fastest and best on FL and Cubase. I love FL mostly due to the ease of use and quickness it allows u to compose in. Just wish they made a few adjustments to the program like the audio recording, too much cliking here and there before u can actually record. Then i would also love to see a better Plugin organiser more like Cubase where u can set ur plugins to show as Drums, Synths , etc.... Reason i think is a great looking software, sounds great but i personnaly hate working in it. Cubase, oh yes Cubase you either hate it or love it and im stuck in between, lol,... Its a great program but once u work with FL Studio u just wonder sometimes why Cubase cant for example have a simple Sample track like FL wich would allow for much quicker experimentation and in fact drum construction. Otherwise i actually use Both and FL Studio and im rather happy when i Rewire FL into Cubase SL3...
  13. Mostly Hard House and hard trance, but i mess around a lot with Trance as well. Doing some Beats as well mixed with other influences..... Sometimes i use FL standalone otherwise i use it as a rewire client in Cubase SL3. I been using FL for about 3 years now and its an excellent piece of kit!!! Rucafest
  14. Thanx guys, Obrigado, gracias, tack!!! Ja so jag kan skriva lita Svenska, lol Oh my........
  15. Rucafest

    Hello all

    Rucafest here!!! Sorry i cant really write very well in Swedish, so English it will be. Im a 29 year old thats moved here from London about 3 years ago (Swedish gilrfiend) Anyhow ive been producing dance music for 3 years now, ive dj (vinyl) since i was 16 and mostly its the Harder styles that i favour, Hard House, Hard Trance, etc... I pretty much love any type of music, even Classical!!! At home i have a plain set up using: FL STUDIO Producer Edition Cubase SL3 Toshiba Satellite A30 laptop, 500 meg ram, 40gig hdd, etc... Maya usb 44 souncard Small mixer Phonic P5A monitors ( i really like their sound) TSM mic Loads of VST 2 x Stanton Turntables 1 x Stanton DJ mixer Anyhow u can ear some of the stuff i have for sale at: www.playittonight.com and search for Rucafest Cheers and looking forward to knowing u lot!!!!
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