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Dagen då Atrax51 senast vann var 11 augusti 2020

Atrax51 hade det mest gillade innehållet!

Rykte i communityn

4 Neutralt

Om mig

  • Kön
  • Stad/plats
    Stockholm and Moscow
  • Min utrustning
    Computer and music program "music maker"
  • Intressen
    Music , Art , Interiordesign.
  • Hemsida

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  1. I know exactly what you mean ! 👍
  2. Well not anymore , ive uploaded 2 short songs that i made with the Music maker program. But since i have so much other things going on that take my time ( painting, writing on a book,my own company)i cant focus on music. If i do something i want to do it good and since i love music and doesnt want to give it up i make lyrics. Its quick and gives me a chance to exercise my fantasy and brain.
  3. No feedback is needed. Its more of a "i have a melody and this text fits in my song" type of thing. I dont have time to produce music so please feel free to use my lyrics but i would very much like to hear the result so please upload it here if you do it. Thank you ! The mighty eagle I saw it on the news today. Countries are at war. Missiles launched and people's in dispair. Powerhungry men in suits play game. You and me we end up maimed ! Its always the same. Why does men in suits dictate Ordinary peoples fate ? Why did truth and logic loose its luster Can it be because the world has gone insane neatly tied on to chain. A chain made from moral disdain. And the war is raging on We never hear the stories of those who left their homes. All heroes , men in suits bang on their chests. Behind the curtain , contracts , oil and riches rests. Why does men in suits dictate Ordinary peoples fate ? Why did truth and logic loose its luster Can it be because the world has gone insane neatly tied on to chain. A chain made from moral disdain. And when the war comes to an end. The eagle leave its prey bloodied on the bed. Its people ohh people paying with their lives. Its people ohh people paying with their lives. Recources! Siphoned and the eagle thrives. If you have any questions please contact me. Atrax51@hotmail.com Best regards from Robin H.
  4. Cool ! 👍 what kind of music do you play ?
  5. Yeah ! Guitar and bass is sweet ! I bet you come up with lyrics fast when you get then going! 👍
  6. I am in no need of feedbacks. Its more of a "i have a melody and these lyrics fit my melody type of thing" Claustrophobia The locks are bolted, im inside This box of wood there is no light. Darkness all around myself. There is nobody here to help. The world around me is caving in Claus-tro-pho-bia begin. I am trapped within these walls Magicians helper . Damn them all! Pulse is rising. End is near. Fear and panic , hell is here! I try to scream but mouth is dry. My hands are slipping and i cry. "Help me please" im thinking now I try to get out but i dont know how. I am trapped within these walls Magicians helper . Damn them all! Pulse is rising. End is near. Fear and panic , hell is here! Suddenly i see a light I feel a hand i start to bite People cheering and i see Magician staring down on me. If you have any questions Atrax51@hotmail.com Best regards from Robin H.
  7. Of course! Shoot man ! Best regards from Robin H.
  8. Thats what i was thinking...
  9. Hello Osiris , no its not strange at all . I dont have as much time as i want to put into the music. I write texts because i find it interesting and a fun play with words and to stretch my fantasy. Today i was an inmate in San quentin... I have no intention of going pro in the music world since i simply dont have the time and since i dont have the time i sometimes find it irritating when people gives feedback like "you didnt spell this correctly , you must have a story , dont rhyme like that.... " i seriously doesnt think there is any right or wrong when it comes to making texts because i have seen soooo many songs with texts that doesnt have a shit to do with a story that makes top 10 and songs that make it just because they are catchy and irritating. I do this mostly because i enjoy making texts, rhymes and using my imagination. Writing lyrics about places i have never been or lives i have never lived. And if i can do something that will make someone else complete their song i think it is good ? Thats why i write "if you have the melody and my text fit the song...." Best regards from Robin H.
  10. I am in no need of feedbacks. Its more of a "i have a melody and these lyrics fit my melody type of thing" I did my time It was cold when i walked on through the gates. I had been told "its harder in the states" I had been told "you did a crime, but dont do no elses time" "Just mind your own and soon you'll be home" Ohh San quentin is a beast Makes grown men cry No its no feast I did my time. i came out. i survived. Out on the yard i heard him call my name. "Shotcaller" called on me but i never came. They made a shank and it had my name. They start to come, for this im not to blame. Ohh San quentin is a beast Makes grown men cry No its no feast I did my time. i came out. i survived. The years went by and lord know that they tried. To take my life , defiance has its price. All i did was mind my own, i have now reaped what i have sown. I pay the price for the gautlet that was thrown. Ohh San quentin is a beast Makes grown men cry No its no feast I did my time. i came out. i survived. My final day has come now i am old. I did it all , i did as i was told. I did a crime i did my time And theres no coming back for me. No count me out, now that i am free. If you have any questions please contact me. Atrax51@hotmail.com Best regards from Robin H.
  11. I am in no need of feedbacks. Its more of a "i have a melody and these lyrics fit my melody type of thing" A box of crayons A box of crayons spilling out i feel the same. Some days are blue and it is hard to spell my name. Sometimes its yellow and the sun is out. Im feeling fine and i have no doubt. I keep getting flashes of colors here. Sometimes the world is not so clear. Like a box of crayons i see the world. In all the colors it is twirled. The color green it makes me warm. thinking of the trees in all its forms. Red is the color that i like best. Because its love and it beats the rest. I keep getting flashes of colors here. Sometimes the world is not so clear. Like a box of crayons i see the world. In all the colors it is twirled. I dont like black cause it is dark. It gives me chills, it doesnt have a spark. My life is like a mix of all, these colors here They paint my soul. I see them everywhere i go Sometimes they'r dull Sometimes they glow I keep getting flashes of colors here. Sometimes the world is not so clear. Like a box of crayons i see the world. In all the colors it is twirled. If you have any questions please contact me. Atrax51@hotmail.com Best regards from Robin H.
  12. Yes Osiris , what happens if you have the key to someones heart and turn it all around ? Try it ? You might like it 😃 I dont really understand the obsession about stories ? Can you explain for me the story of the number one hit "Tutti frutti" by Little Richard ? All people have diffrent taste , i can love a song but doesnt have to know the language even ? But you must know the meaning and what the story is if you are going to like it as i understand it ? We are two diffrent person with diffrent tastes obviously and for me there does not have to be a story everytime in a song.
  13. Whats kepp? Now ? Or know maby ? Reade or read the I get confused when you keep coming back and tell me how bad my spelling is and you give me this ? Anyway i write text and if someone make a melody / song and think that my text fit this melody / song just holler to me. I dont have much time to put into making it myself but texts keep popping up in my head so i share them. If its annoying to you just block me and continue with your songs. //Robin H.
  14. Turn the key around. Summer came and went away. Your my island and you stayed. In this ocean we call love. I heard you whisper on and off. Turn the key around turn it all around. The key to my heart turn it all around. Turn the key around turn it all around. The key to my heart turn it all around. We drifted around and round You and me . We where bound Where bound by our heart. Right there , right there from the start. Turn the key around turn it all around. The key to my heart turn it all around. Turn the key around turn it all around. The key to my heart turn it all around. I have you in my arms ill take you to my shore. Ill keep you safe from harm, ive never felt like this before. Two islands in a sea. Baby that is you and me. Turn the key around turn it all around. The key to my heart turn it all around. Turn the key around turn it all around. The key to my heart turn it all around. We are drifting side by side. Closer then ever , come the tide. You are my harbour in the storm You have a heart that is warm. Turn the key around turn it all around. The key to my heart turn it all around. Turn the key around turn it all around. The key to my heart turn it all around. I will always be right here. A rock to keep you out of fear. Together we are strong. Our love goes on and on and on. If you want to work with me just give me a holler. Atrax51@hotmail.com Best regards from Robin H.
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