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  1. Well, I think I have to leave this forum 😛 Bye!
  2. Okay, Thanks for explaining! What was the rule you mentioned: Alla inlägg måste göras på svenska, norska eller danska. Does it mean I'm only allowed to talk in Swedish, Norwegian and Danish?
  3. The only thing is that I feel very illiterate at this forum, lol. What is the Studio Forum about exactly? 😕
  4. Yeah, I searched at Google before, Google.se too, but I thought: maybe they'll know something about them, because they're from Sweden too.. And I'm honored to be the first not-nordic-member of this forum 😕
  5. Roosmarie

    Can anyone help me?

    Well, I'm Roosmarie, and I'm new her, my biggest problem is that I can't read Swedish very well 😄 I'm searching for a Swedish band called Paralive, I think they split up, but I'm not sure. Does anyone know them? I hope so. Tack!
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