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Allt postat av Flundstrom2

  1. Jag tänkte dela med mig av lite skamlös reklam för ett antal artiklar som jag skrivit om mitt eget hobbyprojekt, nämligen mitt lilla hemmastudiobygge. In my first article, I try to summarize the best knowledge on acoustic treatment for hobby studios. In the second article, I unlock the secrets on expanding the Roland TD-11 entry-level electronic drum kit. Expanding an entry-level electronic drum kit is hard, but not impossible using creative thinking. In a series of articles I will describe how to convert a Roland TD-11 kit into a Neil Peart sized kit. I’m a hobby drummer since several years, having owned three different kits. With a move pending from a house to a condo, I recently replaced my old TAMA Swingstar kit with an electronic Roland kit. I wanted to be able to expand the kit, but didn’t have the €7.000 for a TD-30KV V-Drum Pro Set. So I had to compromise and read up on the alternatives. Eventually, I settled for a TD-11K for €1.000. Quite far from my dream kit, but realistic. So, what about extensions? Having downloaded the manuals for the kit beforehand, I knew it had an unused crash 2 input that could be used used for a third cymbal or fourth pad. Quite immediately, I added a dedicated 3-zone CY-13R Ride cymbal and a MDY-25 boom, using the original ride cymbal as a secondary crash in the crash 2 input. At this point, the kit was maxed out in terms of inputs. But, there are some hidden gems in the TD-11 module. Read the full article and related articles on my webpage, and you'll find out how to add even more cymbals and cowbells without spending a penny on extra hardware!
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