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Allt postat av Martin

  1. Har kommit lite idéer nu 1. Korkskiva 2. Stora musmattor ihoplimmade och tillskurna så de täcker bordet. edit: hitta några roligare prints här: http://www.ebay.com/itm/895-395-2MM-Anti-Slip-Laptop-PC-Rubber-Speed-Game-Mouse-Pad-Mat-Large-XL-Size-/252321027576?var=&hash=item3abf8155f8:m:mWMArTrINv_mmK_urz1k7UA http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-900-400-2MM-World-Map-Anti-Slip-Computer-Rubber-Game-Mouse-Pad-Mat-Large-XXL-/201757499539?hash=item2ef9af2093:g:uScAAOSwhqJYW6c2
  2. Förstår hur du menar. Låt mig oformulera mig, med dessa 500 krs monitorer och just detta rummet så tycker jag denna lösning funkar bäst och låter mest naturligt. Jag är van med hörlurar så jag vill gärna ha lite bredare ljudbild överlag. Jag testar allt med högtalarplaceringar, kan hänga dem under bordet i ett rep om det vore så! 🙂 Stereobilden blir tajtare i mitten när man får in baselemnten närmare varandra. Om jag har högtalarna så långt in ståendes så blir det för "smalt" åt sidorna. Därför gillar jag dessa liggandes. Det blir lite mer diffust och oprecist ljudet, överlag. Skönt. Kan man fokusera på musiken o skippa perfektion.
  3. Stämmer. Jag gillar att ha tweeters på utsidan så det låter lite mer som hörlurar om högtalare. Att man hör både mid och bas och diskant från samma höjd är också en bonus.
  4. Hallå era crazy cats! Jag har högtalarna i en vinkel uppåt och bordsskivan i en sluttande vinkel ned - så det reducerar en aning av det ovanför 500 hz. Jag har tjock björkskiva på 180x80cm och jag gillar ytan och kommer inte byta bort bordet då jag har lite outbord i framkant och gillar att ha platsför min midikontroller och stor skärm. Har inte verkstad eller tid att bygga en studiomöbel heller. Däremot letar jag efter något typ av material att skära till ovanpå bordsskivan som inte är alltför äckligt att jobba ovanpå. Det är bra om det är genomskinligt eller i alla fall lite estetiskt. Nån som har något tips?
  5. Digitalt ljud är perfekt! (Nåja, nästan) Hi All, unfortunately I haven't had much time to participate in this thread, but this is related to a LOT of what I have been doing for the last several years, some of which have made it into products you all know about. I have a little bit of time right now so I'll go into a broad overview of what I have found in my wanderings through digital audio. First USB. There are at least three issues with USB that need to be addressed, it is rare for all three to be dealt with well in the same system, making it possible to do this is what I have spending a lot of time on. The three things are: timing signal integrity leakage loops Timing should be familiar to everybody on this thread. Its is the age old issue of where the clock that feeds the DAC comes from. Early implementations were terrible, having to sync a local oscillator to the USB signal. Asynchronous mode fixed that, allowed a local oscillator in the DAC to be in charge. Unfortunately MANY implementations did this very poorly so the advantage of async was not realized fully. Fortunately things are MUCH better today, with many manufacturers finally realizing how to do this. Everyone thought this would BE IT, the ultimate interface. Unfortunately it was not so, there were OTHER things involved here. The first I started looking at was signal integrity of the USB bus. Exactly how this makes it through to sound coming out of the DAC is not fully known at this point. BUT it does look like increasing the signal integrity at the DAC USB chip decreases small noise voltages in the ground plane of the DAC. Devices such as the REGEN are designed to increase the signal integrity going into the DAC USB chip. Some manufacturers have added isolation techniques after the USB chip, trying to block the ground plane noises from getting to the clock and DAC chips. Again unfortunately many of these implementations have not been done very well. But even the ones that ARE done well still do not seem to completely get rid of cable and source dependencies. There still has to be something else. Enter leakage loops. I don't have time here to go into detail on leakage loops, I have written extensively about this in recent posts. A few important points. This is caused by leakage from the AC line through capacitances in the power supply to the DC output of the supply. They have NOTHING to do with the traditional "ground loops" that happen through the safety ground (third pin) of the AC wiring, it is something different. Earthing (ground rods etc) have nothing to do with this. Leakage loops always go through at least two power supplies: AC line, PS A, DC output to circuit A, interconnect to other box, DC of circuit B to PS B back to AC line. Leakage loops depend on the type and implementation of both power supplies. Leakage current is line frequency (50/60Hz) plus harmonics, plus any crud from the PS. It is primarily low frequency AC, but higher frequencies can exist. The problem from the leakage loop is the voltage noise generated when the leakage current flows through a non-zero impedance, such as the shield on an interconnect between boxes (analog or digital). ALL AC mains connected power supplies have leakage currents, SMPS seem to have considerably more leakage current than most LPS. These leakage loops have always been there in audio systems (except the very earliest ones that ran off batteries!), but computers in audio have exacerbated the issue considerably due to most computer systems running exclusively from SMPS. Thus many of the ills of digital audio have actually come from the leakage current of the SMPS rather than the "noise" of the digital systems themselves. There are two ways to deal with the noise: block the loop or decrease the impedance of the loop. Blocking the loop means blocking the flow of the leakage current anywhere in the loop. There are several ways to do this, a battery supplying a component prevents leakage current from an AC powered supply. Breaking the ground of an interconnect with say an optical interface breaks the loop. But beware of this, the "receiving" end of the optical interface requires power, if that comes from an AC line connected PS, you are adding in another leakage loop. It may be better than the original, but it will still be there. The LPS-1 and the Intona deal with these two sides of loop breaking, the LPS-1 at the PS side and the Intona at the digital interconnect side. The OTHER way to deal with leakage loop noise is by decreasing the impedance of the loop. One interesting way to do this is on the AC mains side of things. Remember this IS part of the loop. Many audiophile have special "power conditioning" devices designed to "lower noise on the AC line". Unfortunately the implementation of these devices can greatly INCRESE impedance between devices plugged into them! They do decrease the noise between neutral and hot, but increase the impedance between devices, thus increasing the noise generated by leakage loops. My experience has been that in many cases the leakage loop noise increase wreaks more havoc than any advantage from decreased neutral to hot noise. Thus my recommendation is to get rid of the expensive filters and instead use a simple power strip that has nothing between outlets other than thick wire. EVERYTHING goes into this strip. This will dramatically decrease leakage loop noise simply by decreasing the impedance on the AC mains side of the loop. So in order to get the best from USB you need an async implementation done right, good signal integrity at the DAC and some means of blocking the leakage currents from the computer's power supply from getting into the rest of the system. It takes all three to really get the best from USB. Note there was nothing in here about "the noise from all that digital stuff going over the wire to the DAC". My research seems to show that this doesn't happen very much, the leakage current from the power supply is FAR more important to great sound. Now that we have covered USB, lets briefly touch on Ethernet. It seems like the same things affect SQ. You still need the main timing control to be in the DAC, signal integrity matters and leakage currents are very important. Fortunately Ethernet is inherently galvanically isolated if you are using UTP. BUT if you are using STP (shielded) with connectors that connect the shield you are right back in the leakage current mess. At this point in time I am not sure what the passive isolators are doing. They are high frequency transformers which usually have almost no response at the frequencies usually associated with leakage currents. They might be changing signal integrity in a good way, I have never looked at one on a scope so I don't know. One possibility is that the power supplies frequently supplied with network equipment (routers, switches) are some of the worst I have ever seen with some pretty strong high frequency components to their leakage current. These isolators may have better rejection at these frequencies than the ones commonly used in equipment. The Optical system completely block any leakage current of course, but you can get some back from the power supply feeding the downstream side of the optical system. The signal integrity of the downstream side is also very important and is also usually dependent on the quality of the power feeding it. An LPS-1 will do well for both purposes on the downstream side of the optical system. BTW the speed of signaling on gigabit Ethernet is much less than high speed USB. Both 100 megabit and 1 gigabit use the SAME rate of 125 mega symbols per second. High speed USB is 480 mega symbols per second. HUH? 100 and 1000 are the same? 1000 uses four pairs at the same time, 100 uses just one pair, AND 100 uses 3 voltage levels (high low and in the middle) but 1000 uses 5 voltage levels. The result is one bit per symbol vs two. So bandwidth of transformers needs to be exactly the same for 100Mb and gigabit, just a lot more of them for gigabit. I guess that is enough for now, and I didn't even talk about vibration isolation. från tråd https://www.computeraudiophile.com/forums/topic/29206-overall-isolation-network-usb-and-power/?page=12#comment-592269
  6. träna gymm rygg muskler köp strap o håll den uppe med ryggen
  7. Tack. Tyckte det lät trevligt och blev intresserad! 🙂 The studio microphone Gefell M 930 Ts unifies approved large diaphragm capsule technology with an optimized output transformer and a new developed circuit design. That attains a signal transmission with negligible distortion combined with a lower low frequency response, a very low noise floor and a high sound pressure level even at high external load. The M 930 Ts capsule can be found in the M 930, UM930, and UM930 Twin. It has a 32mm outside diameter, with a diaphragm diameter of 28mm. The capsule is shockmounted within the headbasket, reducing the microphone’s sensitivity to structure-born noise.
  8. Vad är det för mickar de kör på bommarna och de handhållna trådlösa med SR loggan på? Vad är det för material de har framför micken, vanligt puffskydd i kvadrat eller? bonusfrågan är ju vad de kör för mick pre´s
  9. Mm och båda kent och steely dan är smörja för mig!!!! ITS ON
  10. SPL Har Creon som är med färra pre's opckså
  11. Jag hör skillnad på precis varenda AD/DA omvandlare jag nånsin använt. Alla låter annorlunda. Allt idag låter dock bra. Och ingen jävel citerar mig nu elelr börjar käfta. Jag gör det inte,.
  12. har inte lyssnat men väldigt fina bilder!
  13. alla vet att man inte får till några bra produktioner med skärmar
  14. Martin

    Akg K 271 MK II

    Dålig marketing... det går ju att mixa i dem såklart. men de har ett väldigt annorlunda ljud mer midbetonat så att säga, lite som en en stratocaster
  15. Martin

    Akg K 271 MK II

    AKG 271mk2 är ett par trackinglurar som används för att man ska höra instrumenten när man står i rummet och spelar. Lite trattiga i ljudet för att kunna fokusera på sin slinga (mellanregister) som man behöver sätta på tapen. Ska absolut inte användas o mixas i om man inte vill gissa i basen och diskanten.
  16. För svenskar inte kan rytmer sen p.g.a kulturellt gillar folk rena melodier i norden
  17. Brukar köra peaks på + 4-6 db och sen limmat mot nollan -0.0 Musik handlar om att hjärntvätta, det är et propagandamedium! det ska ej lämnas hänsyn till de efterlevande!
  18. En hybridamp är ju CPU med en högtalare på. Så det är liksom samma sak som en plugg förutom högtalaren.
  19. Nån som vet vart man köpa världens dummaste gitarr?
  20. HAR PCI-E FW kort med texas chip i Örebro området. Säg vad du betalar inkl frakt. Mvh Martin
  21. http://spl.info/en/products/interfaces/creon/overview.html
  22. Finns det inte även nått slags tröghet i bara den mekaniska delen av elementet? Alltså är ohm inte ett särskilt bra mått på hur trögdrivna lurar är? SPL Phonitor 2 kör min polare snart. Ska bli kul o lyssna på den.
  23. Det enda jag vet är att OP-amps skiljer sig inte från e.x en dammsugare du kopplar in 220V uttaget. Låt mig förklara de drar alla olika mycket ström och du kan bränna mer grejer på kortet om du skulle hitta en OP-amp som har annan karaktär än de som satt i från början. Jag har för mig det är så. Ta inte mitt ord för det.
  24. Jag bor i Örebro. Kanske kan hjälpa dig! Vad äre för problem?
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