Slö? Mitt internet började gå cirka dubbelt så snabbt efter jag började använda Firefox.
Nedladdning är kanske inte det bästa, men jag anväder Flashget till det.
Har oxå erfarat Firefox snabbare i surf, men det är förvånandsvärt nog är det mer resurskrävande. 😆
Sen finns det lite annat som behöver fixas till i FF, bl.a:
Firefox does not let you right click on an image and copy it to the Windows clipboard. This feature was added in version 0.9.
Firefox doesn't support colors on the scrollbar controlled by CSS. I'm told this is not part of the CSS standard and was added by Microsoft to IE.
Firefox does not support colors for table borders
Firefox has no Print Preview Toolbar button and no Size Toolbar button While viewing a page, if you hover the mouse pointer over an image in IE, you see the alternate text for the image (assuming there is any). Firefox does not do this (more detail on this is provided above).
Firefox can not invoke my preferred web page editing program, in fact, it can't directly invoke any web page editing program
Firefox does not appear in the "Open With" list for html files. That is, if you right click on an html file in Windows Explorer and say to "Open With", Firefox is not a choice. Even worse, when you opt to "Chose Program" to open the file with , Firefox is not in list of EXE files in Windows. It does show up in the Control Panel
Add/Remove programs (as Mozilla Firefox 0.8) but there is no size and the last used date does not appear to get updated. Update: the Control Panel issue seems to have been fixed by version 0.9x.
IE can save a web page as an MHT file which I often find very convenient. Firefox has no equivalent function. An MHT file is a single file that contains both the text of a web page and all the images.