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Om westhoff

  • Födelsedag 1988-05-26

Om mig

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    music and friends
  1. When. Why does everything has to be so got damn complicated in the world I live in? Why does only fucked up things happens around me? I try and I try. But all I can do is to sit down and watch my friends fade away. I really don't know what else I can do anymore. I guess god whants the best people beside him and not on the earth with the rest of us. I really can't remember when drugs wasn't a part of my life. Sadly true. I've seen my best friends died right in front of me. I even seen my own brothers take overdose. All I wonder when do it all end? Really ? Don't know how much more of this bullshit I can stand. I'm tired of being tired. When do it all end? When do it all stop? When does people stop dying away from me? When do the questions ends ? When is it all over? Please I need an answer. When?
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