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James Blansing

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Allt postat av James Blansing

  1. Jasså? "Skriv gärna fördelar o nackdelar om ni har möjligheten"
  2. Ni son gnäller på tjänsterna här antar jag också gnäller på alla lotterier och kasinos m.fl. speltjänster. Oddsen är nog lika små från början för att vinna/lyckas Fast med dessa musiktjänster så kan man ju faktiskt påverka oddsen själv.
  3. Dr. Loop "Du menar att när Ethan upptäcker att det går att släcka ut filerna mot varandra?" Läs hela tråden. http://www.gearslutz.com/board/so-much-gea...rence-poll.html
  4. Nu handlar detta inte om vad folk föredrar ljudmässigt utan om hur köpare av Adam på ett enda forum rapporterat om oproportionerligt många defekta och halvtrasiga Adam monitorer, väldigt stor skillnad. Tror förövrigt du skulle ha svårt att hitta 40 st. som skulle föredra Adam A7 framför ett par schyssta NS1000 någonstans efter att ha lyssnat på båda.
  5. Jo det säger rätt mycket eftersom det är oproportionerligt många klagomål på en modell på en enda webplats. Angående MacBook så blev det en nolla för mycket och jag tänkte på A7 i par inte styckvis men du har rätt.
  6. Inte alls, tog bara en halvtimme att hitta mängder av folk som klagade på A7 på gearslutz varifrån jag inte ens tog med alla klagomål,hade jag lagt ned en dag så hade jag säkert hittat tusental klagomål till. Men orka! Tror polletten har trillat ned hos de flesta varför Adam var TVUNGNA att förbättra A7:orna.
  7. Tydligen så gör det ju det eftersom det inte verkar vara någon annan tillverkare som har haft lika mycket kvalitetsproblem med någon modell och tro inte att Adam säljer mest studiomonitorer i världen för det gör dom inte.
  8. MacBook Pro finns det säkert minst 20000 gånger så många av som det finns Adam A7. så det argumentet håller inte. Som sagt klagomålen kom från bara ett forum. Har aldrig sett någon annan monitors brist på kvalitet bli så sågad av sina användare.
  9. Jaha diu Claes kallar du alla dessa klagomål på Adam A7 goda vitsord? "I went with A7 for the B room, and they were great until they started buzzing like a component was loose or something. My dealer took them back and I went with JBL and have been very happy." I suspect Adam has a real manufacturing problem and won't admit it. I won't buy another one until I see things improvi "With all these reported problems perhaps it might be good to ask: Is there ANYONE who has owned the A7 for a period of say, 2 years that DIDN'T experience any problems? If no one can say this then that would make things pretty clear.!" "I had a pair of A7's for a month or two and they sounded great but they both developed problems where the woofer would make a buzzy/fuzzy noise when playing back music. You couldn't really hear it in a dense mix but when I would solo a bass guitar or low freq. instrument it was very obvious and nasty. After doing some research and reading more reports of similiar issues, I ended up returning two working A7's back to my dealer and upgraded to the Focal Twins, and couldn't be happier." "Ok, I bought some A7's and really enjoy the sound and blah blah. But I sent back one of them because a buzz was coming from my cone. Then I recieved a replacement and the the pther one started doing the same thing! Not the brand new relplacement but the one I have had for two weeks. Ok, I have checked the cables and switched the signal path entirely still does it. I only hear it if the bass is soloed and up loud enough but not really that loud. Seems like these things are craping out but I love the sound of everything but this "buzz". AHHHHHHHH" "Immediately I realized that somehow the power led of the left monitor is blinking like crazy and behaving really oddly... Well I guess that's alright but the more worrying thing is that when played loudly the right monitor produces distortion. Left doesn't..." "I've had an 'interesting' experience with my A7s. I first bought a pair nearly 2 1/2 years ago. Pretty soon afterwards one of them got a lot more bassy than the other, so I phoned Adam and sent them to get repaired. The service engineer said that the amp was shelving at 12k on one of the speakers and replaced it. Everything was fine for a couple of months then the exact same problem came back. This time I made a fatal error and whislt messing about trying to fix them the power supply voltage go t switched, which blew the fuse! I phoned Adam and told them exaclty what happened. To be fair they were really helpfull and said they would repair them whatever the problem was. I sent them back to get repaired and the engineer replaced the amps again. This time they came back to me out of phase! I sent them back and the engineer said that he couldn't recreate the phasing issue, so I had to actually go down to their workshop in London and demonstrate the phasing. There was clear cancellation between the speakers! After leaving the engineer to fix the issue he called me back saying that they were fixed. I took them home and the exact same phasing issue was still there! The service guy in England from Adam suggested that I send the units to Germany to get looked at, which I did. They returned the units after a month, advisng that they couldn't recreate the problem but had replaced all of the amps again just to be on the safe side. It's crazy that the service engineers in London and Germay couldn't identify that there was even an issue when the units were clearly out of phase. This wasn't just on my system either but happened in their own workshop in London! Surely just a case of polarity right? Anway, the speakers came back from Germany with the phasing issue resolved...BUT this time one of the woofers kept cutting out when first switched on. After 20 minutes of being on the issue seemed to resolve itself but it happened each time I turned the units on every morning.To top this, they also had a dent on the base where they had been knocked or dropped whislt being repaired in Germany! I phoned the service guy in England, who was very understanding and helpful. He got a brand new pair shipped out to me within a couple of weeks and picked up the old pair. The new pair have a quiet buzzing coming from the woofers when powered up, but this doesn't increase when the gain is cranked and I can live with it, for now. This whole drama took over a year to get resolved from the first issue happening. I don't know if this is a reflection on Adam Audio generally" "The joy with my A7's was equal with the pain! Very disappointed with adam false help!!! From promising emails with replacing parts. I had problems with the tweeters disconnecting, hissing and at last burning and melting tweeters, Unbelievable!!! No limiters , so no loud listening" "5 years ago after reading so much good hype bout adams i picked up a used pair p11a's on ebay, for half the retail price. they were in perfect nick and i used them uptill last year until i saw smoke and nasty chemical smell coming out of tweeters - i had changed preset in fireface mixer and got a medium to large 3 second volume spike. i was disgusted that such a short spike could kill my tweeters - i mean, cmon these guys are making studio monitors that cant handle any kind of volume - well i guess the larger models can but theres a lot of guys buying small adams. i never really liked the adam - yes there is a lot high end detail but it fatiqued my ears - too much information. especially run from a fireface. it was all bit to clinical. dare i say germanic (tongue in cheek). " "I got the A7s over 2 years ago. While under warranty one of them started buzzing on low frequency content so I got it fixed. The 'repair' was to replace the whole amp section. Ever since then, i could never put my finger on it exactly, but some days I heard quite a tonal difference between the 2 speakers. This drove me slightly crazy on and off until recently when the other original speaker started to buzz. Out of warranty this time I bought a whole new speaker so I could send the other off for repair. When the new speaker arrived it was slightly different to my other 2. The cabinet was a few cms deeper and the volume control on the front was totally different. I opened all the speakers up to have a look at the amp sections and I found that my original one (that had the original amp) had slightly different components to the other original (that had the replacement amp). This replacement amp looked more like the brand new speaker's amp (though not exactly). After talking to the Adam distributers here in Australia, who couldn't help me much, I decided not to send the faulty one off for repair. I took the new speaker's amp section out and put it in the original faulty speaker, then took the new ribbon tweeter and put it in the faulty speaker. The buzzing was solved and the 2 original speakers actually sound like a pair!! The only difference now is that the volume control on one is set at 9 oclock while the other is on 12 oclock." "I just unpacked a brand new set of Adam A7's and one of them won't power on. Checked fuses and cables but nothing worked. Thinking of getting my money back." "I'm just bought a pair of these things on strong reccomendation from my sales rep I have used them once to mix four songs and I was getting ready to start using them this weekend for another mixdown. I read this thread and started crapping egg rolls so I turned them on the listen and one ofthe LED's was not working and then it came on and then it flickerd in and out... WTH!!!" ".............Ah if only I could go back in time.......to about 18 months ago, when I bought into the hype. True they are great monitors at a great price point but in this time the woofers have blown twice, on the same speaker and about 2 months ago the other one started to sound like it was on the way out.....I haven't sent it off fro repair yet as it means using my other monitors gene 1029a's and when mix decisions have already been made on the Adams, I don't want to have to re-jig everything halfway through a project.......to compound matters a couple of days ago.....I had a volume spike and noticed smoke coming from the speaker....blown tweeter? maybe. What's more in the brief honeymoon period of them working ok a couple of months ago, i ought the sub 8 which i have yet to incorporate. I have to say undoubtedly the worst gear purchase I have ever made, yes I am angry but they have cost me so much time and i'm fed up sending them back." "I also had problems with my set. First the volume between speakers changed drastically to w here I had to run one at 9 o'clock and the other at 3 to get them matched. Then one of the speakers changed in tone losing a lot of bottom. A couple days later the tweeter blew in the good speaker. I put them away and they've been in my closet for the last 2 years. Like everyone says though, they're a great sounding speaker. Just terrible build quality." "Hi, I've had my A7's just under a year, and now one of the woofers has started cutting out for no apparent reason. Gutted, it'll take anything up to 6 weeks to see a repair at this time of year! Anybody else suffering this problem?" "I bought a pair in Sept '07, from Sweetwater. First pair had issues out of the box (no sound from one, no working volume control on the other). Sweetwater overnighted me a replacement pair, which have been pretty much fine (though I do get occasional static - though I think that is from my sound card because when I reset it it goes away). Until today. All of a sudden, no sound out of the left speaker. Tried the above fix, didn't work. This is quite frustrating. I have babied these things, never move them, don't even really push them. I emailed Adam, we'll see what they do. Of course this had to happen on a weekend. Does anybody know the warranty length? The card inside the box says only 2 years, but lots of retailer websites say five. Sweetwater doesn't sell them anymore, so I'm not sure what warranty they advertised when I bought them. I plan to contact them too. What a pain in the a$$. These are great sounding (flat) monitors. But clearly they have QC issues. I have a friend who had this same exact issue with his pair, so he sold them." "I have had my Adam A7,s since February this year . Everything has been working fine ,my mixes are better and what I hear is truly what I hear. Anyway to the problem, today I was playing a mix back and recording some Bass gtr. all was well ,when all of a sudden I was getting no sound out of one of my speakers. on further inspection it seems the art tweeter is working fine but the woofer is not producing any sound. Is the woofer shot? should I be contacting Adam." "exact same thing happened to me two weeks ago. I brought it back to the place I bought them and after opening the monitor it turns out that the speaker contacts were kinda loose." "...............bass driver went on one of mine a few months ago" "Hmm...this just happened to me, too. Just went silent out of nowhere..." "One of mine started exhibiting distortion a couple of days ago..." "I have the A7's. Had them for over a year now. I crank them, they are loud, use them with a Tannoy woofer and they are great. Twice so far, the left one will not make sound or will sound softer than the right" "I recently noticd that my A7's are making a buzing noise when I play bass through them. I read others having a similar issue and am wondering what they have done about it. I think there may be something wrong with the woofers. If I apply slight pressure at the edges of the woofers, the noise disappears. it's as if something is coming apart or rattling in them. I talked to ADAM and may need to replace them." "Had it with one A7, to my surprise the tweeter got exchanged ... it was not a mechanical problem" "Yeah, I had it happen to both my A7's at different times....it was disappointing since it was the first decent monitors I had owned" " I recently bought myself a pair of Adam a7 monitors. I ended up with adams because I just love the sound of a7's but... Initially when I installed these monitors I realized that the power led of other speakers was blinking like crazy. Eventually the monitor somehow got significantly more silent than the other and also the character changed a lot. Well I got it replaced and got myself a new one. Great! Well this happiness it lasted few days before the blinking started again with the replacement and after a few days the other one which was working fine until that day started to blink as well. So Adam definitely delivers out great quality I would say. I have sent emails to Adam without getting any replies and so on. Another thing is that the each monitor I'v had have sounded a bit different. Doesn't impress me very much. So I guess I just have to switch to another brand. Too shame because I just loved the sound of A7's. Next I will probably choose a brand that can actually deliver working products! Adam is a joke to me from now on..." "Also own the A7 for a about 1 year and one speaker also dropped significant in volume. Weird you got the same problem." "This is just unbelievable! How can their quality suck so much. Really pisses me off. Especially now when they don't even bother to answer any of my emails. I have already send 5 emails with no replies. If you do a search you will see that there are lots of people with same problems regarding A7's..." "It just sucks sitting there without any speakers for 2-3 weeks (about this long will i t take to get em back someone from my thomann musicstore told me). Thats why i didn´t sent em back till now (the volume drop happened like 2 month ago)." "Like I said I have already replaced one speaker and now I'm waiting to replace both of them, because both of them are broken. But somehow I got the feeling that it won't stop here..." "Similar Issue here (i made a post about it a year ago) Mine were delivered with one speaker sounding different and quieter I got the power amp replaced and also the volume pot. They still not sound the SAME and also there are volume differences." "I would just like to add that i purchased a pair of A7's from Studiocare here in the UK about a year ago and have had a couple of minor problems with them." "I can also confirm that there are these volume issues with A7's. Among all the other problems I've had (broken power leds x 2, differing sound characteristics etc.) currently my right speaker is 1,5-2db softer than the other.... basically all this makes me just smile. What else can you do..😉" "Interesting, you're getting the bass resonance too!? That's what the one I returned also had. I found that issue to be the most annoying." "I am an S3A user and wanted to check out a pair of S3X's... I've talked to a few people that bought them only to be told by the majority that I should wait. Apparently the quality control has been really bad... specifically problems with the low end distorting and inconsistency from speaker to speaker. Adam quality control has been going down the drain!" "Oh no, one of my A7's speakers is starting to intermittently go on and off. Anybody had this problem before? Nothing has changed in my studio - just all of a sudden it has started happening!" "Ah, so I'm not the only one with one resonating bass speaker. Workable, but annoying I just have them for three months or so, problem appeared within two. Now I'm waiting until the store I bought them from has some stock so I'm not left with one speaker until it's repaired (great for mono checking though )." "I've got a pair of A7's and haven't really had any problems until just recently. I've got the low level hiss people have talked about before on here, but it isn't loud enough to cause any problems. But one of the tweeters just started buzzing pretty loudly when it's turned on and I don't know if it means it's blown or what. This is audible when NO sound is coming out of it, just when it is powered up, the buzz starts. I switched the sides of the monitors and the buzz followed it so I guess it's not ground loop" "My A7's have many of the issues mentioned here as well. 1.) Bass resonance, as posted in an earlier thread of mine. 2.) Audible hiss with the volume only 1/2 way up. 3.) One speaker is softer/louder than the other." "I'm new to this forum or this is my first post since i'm a long time registered. I have to say that i also have the bass ressonance distortion thing in 1 monitor and that's really annoying." "I am currently going through the same thing. My A7s worked fine for over two years, then suddenly about two weeks ago one drops in volume and develops a very loud hiss. I emailed Adam and got a response quickly from the European office indicating they passed on my issue to the U.S. office and they'd be in touch. A week later, still no word from the U.S. office." Obs detta är inte ens alla klagomål på Adams A7 högtalare (och någon modell till) från 1 (ett) enda forum! www.gearslutz.com
  10. Genelec köper inte bara element från Peerless och då inte standardelement, utan även från ett flertal andra elementtillverkare bl.a från några Estniska och Ryska tillverkare. "Genelec benefits also from the latest advances in driver developments by collaborating closely with a selection of leading driver manufacturers who are specialized in manufacturing high-end tailored made drivers. Genelec’s tailored made drivers are manufactured according to our proprietary design specifications and requirements as well as quality and test criteria. The final quality of the tailored made drivers is assured by Genelec via thorough testing both in the manufacturer’s site and in Genelec’s factory, to fit seamlessly to our system solutions."
  11. Finns separata ljud och effektmoduler som du kan koppla till ditt elpiano som jag antar har MIDI? Kolla på blocket eller Vend.se.
  12. Nej 8030 har minst 30mm vilket inte är helt fel för en 5"-bas. De flesta 10" effekttåliga basar har större än 1,5" spolar ju större spole ofta desto högre effekttålighet, sen beror det ju också på talspolematerial, lindning, kylning, spolmaterial och magnet m.m.
  13. Genom att uppgradera A7:an med en tåligare talspole i basen och en tåligare diskant + nya förstärkare som inte klipper lika lätt som den tidigare så är det givet att de åtgärdar hållbarhetsproblem.
  14. Ja varför har de flesta effekttåliga studiomonitorer större talspolar i basen än 30mm tror du?
  15. ADAM själva "It has been redesigned with a much bigger voice coil (1.5”)" Den tidigare spolen var på runt 30mm vilket är på tok för litet för ett baselement som ska användas pro.
  16. Närfältmonitorer borde dock tåla att mixa musik på relativt högt, eller tycker du inte det?
  17. Tyvärr så har du fel talspolen som satt i A7 var för klen och därför har de TVINGATS byta mot en större som tål mer effekt. Har hört användare som har tvingats byta baselementet tre fyra gånger. Men de nya är säkert bra..
  18. Fast problemet med det resonemanget är du själv har så dålig koll. Högkvalitativa kablar är inte ovetenskapligt utan precis tvärtom. Sen kan man diskutera om man tycker att det är värt att lägga ned stora pengar på det eller inte.
  19. Det handlar ju mer om att yttre störningar inte ska komma in i känsliga kretsar i förförstärkare o.s.v.
  20. Nu gjorde jag ju egentligen inte det men varför inte? Det är också en kvalitetsfaktor. Men du tror kanske inte att kablar och kontakters kvalitet kan påverkas av tiden tand?
  21. Ja men allt han säger håller garanterat inte AES ledningen med om! Du vet vad ett seminarium är va?
  22. Den håller ofta bättre kvalitet än vanliga apparatkablar.
  23. Öh Ethan Winer är inte AES. Sen hade du kanske snappat upp och förstått lite mer av vad de sa om du hade varit bättre på engelska.
  24. Men snälla lilla Gilbert Länkhund, det är verkligen ingen myt att kvalitetskablar ofta är betydligt bättre än billiga kablar vad gäller avskärmning och störrejektion.
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