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  1. This is the beginning,5yrs,since youtube started,there is still a long way to go,so I am very optimistic that Youtube will be a MAJOR player in the future.The old way is OUT!!Music will be distributed in many different formats and in just as many different forums. What is so exciting is the fact that music has gone back to the creators,the master slave mentallity that exists in the business today and has been forever..is finally been broken. The new thinkers will win in the long run and those who continue to build a FANBASE and maintain it will also have their true and fair share of the market.The lovers of music will do music for the love of it and will also get paid,the fakers and 5min wonnabies will not have a chance today as they did before when a few giants had all the say in the making of an artist,ops..I mean product. If you look carefully on what the new internet generation think and consume music...is clear that they want their music instantly and in a very high quality format.So where else would you find it if not in the internet and if it is free then you go where is given for free..Youtube...quality will finally be the judge... Still is all good and fun to be witnessing history in the making.
  2. But do you think in Sweden the business is being run like a family business?Like everybody knows each other and only bring their people in the game.As a new comer with no contacts you are more or less without a chance? You must be well informed in this matter or?
  3. I guess you are right..hard work will payoff eventually...In a way we are back to squre one again doing it the old way. Demos,touring,stickers and etc...were almost gone, and the business started producing products instead of artists. The ones who were and still are ARTISTs are going strong these days,they are filling up stadiums like never before. I saw in Metro today,AC/DC,Ulf Lundell,Bruce Springsteen and many other big acts are on the road like never before,their hard work is paying off now. Youtube is promoting their music like never before...all for free..people watch and then they want to see them alive!! So here Youtube is showing us a glimse of the future to come...those who are prepairing the good old way will get payoff in the future...youtube helps to build a follow up crowd and then is up to you to maintain them. What about cd sales..will they be done mostly in the digital form?Will the shop move to the concert/stadiums?
  4. Hej Guyz.... I am not trying to mess up your dayz but really...what do you think is gonna happen with the future of the music business? How I am going to be able to make it as an artist/musician when the record companies are shutting down or holding thight to their wallets! I mean how is talent going to be noticed besides IDOL or I GOT NO TALENT showz? I am worried here...how are musicians going to make money if nobody is willing to build them up? Can Youtube be the caretaker here and help musicians come up from the mass underground world of NOBODY HEARS OR CARES ABOUT MY TALENT? Come On Guys do not play around with your answers,I think you have an idea somewhere...waiting to be shared! HELP.....!!!!
  5. A loooooooooooooong way to Goooooooooooooooo!!!!! Shall get there one of these dayzz........dizzle!
  6. mmmm...I do try to mixzar..long way to go I guess...but hell..I am having a ball at it...!
  7. Hi, I just think the message is more important..read through the grammar and spelling mistakes... there is something undercover....you rizzle my world! 😉
  8. Hi, well I am not that good in learning languages,even my english sucks!! But the good thing about sweden..people here are very willing to speak english, and always better than me at it!
  9. As for the future of Youtube I am very curious what role is going to be playing in the music business future. I am strongly in the believe that it will dominate the music scene,people are now soo used to put up their stuff for free over there that it will be almost impossible to start taking money for such bad quality. It will be the playground for all those who wants to be seen, to be discovered to be noticed in any fashion or shape. The frontier when it comes to the world of marketing...here anybody can be somebody..those with the right determination and imagination will continue to suprise and make headline topics... Lets face it...with soo much media outlets out there Youtube has managed to stand tall that even all the major media players has a youtube site...or? If Lady Gaga get 1 million clicks in the shortes time in the history of internets existence...and that a lot of people are happy to get to know her...in the internet..Go Youtube.! Remember when they said that televison will never kill the radio...it did,more or less,the radio is singing the last chorus, the same with Youtube and all the other ones such as Itunes,Wetune,Theytune,CanYouTube and all these players,Youtube will sweep the floor with them. Mark my words...I was very skeptical about Youtube...but as of this moment I am getting more and more people watching my so called fake videos...the point here is that we all get those 5min of fame nowadays,only if we just dare put ourselves ou there. How you use the 5 mins to be years of BRAND positioning is the real challenge here,and everybody is welcome to play. Youtube is freedom...for the free spirited and the optimistic ones...imagine what you can create in there..you can actually have your own Program and say what ever you like as long as you follow the rules! Youtube has changed my view of the music business future...it has conviced me that with the right strategy the world is yours! You will see very soon how it will more less move in the living room to be the center of all communication and entertainment in our homes. For me it will make 5mins Stars to Life long Stars...people will be extremely more famous through Youtube,it is doing that now as we write. It is like THE WILD WILD WEST...nobody knows when it will be completely tammed and chained down.
  10. I know that my videos stink but they do the job....the whole project was a big joke and it was ment to test Youtube to see if people will watch anything as long as it has a famous name on it! I guess we proved a point!
  11. You still have not answered any of the above,what is your opinion about the future of Youtube?
  12. Hi Good People! Thak you fort the good input here,it helps.This thing about youtube is a jungle for me. Since nobody really knows how to classify a hit today,we are all having to guess us forward. For us at DHOTLIPZZ we have STOPPED worrying about if is HIT/SHIT or whatever...we just want you and others out there who really love doing some fun music to keep on sharing and digging... What do you think Youtube is going to do for the music business? a)Help sell music b)Help make STARS d)Become the ultimate Music and Video SHOP e)Become the main Live Show/Concert provider in the internet f)Is just a WILD WILD WEST? It will be fun to hear how you reason?
  13. Hi Everybody Listen to our YouTube Hit And Let us Know what you think! The songs name:I lost My Princess Follow the links below. Kindly Tino Mhina DJHOTLIPZZ RECOMMEND US PLEASE! YOUTUBE-THE HIT 1)http://www.youtube.com/user/JONASBERGSTROMFANZ DJHOTLIPZZ MUSICBYUSFYOU 2)http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000675185257 DJHOTLIPZZ MYSPACE 3)http://www.myspace.com/djhotlipzz-mymusic YOUTUBE-THE SONGS 4)http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDJHOTLIPZZ MUSIC BY US FOR YOU LET US "PIMP" YOUR MIXZZ!!! DJHOTLIPZZ
  14. Tja, skicka till :Dj.hot.lipzz@live.se /Tino
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