Hittade lite info om pci 424 från motu men jag tycker inte det framgår så klart hur det funkar.
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PCI-424 Features
Expandable to 96 active inputs/outputs at sample rates up to 96kHz.
Drivers for Mac & PC
24 simultaneous inputs/outputs for all popular Macintosh and Windows audio software (ASIO/WDM/GSIF/MAS/Sound Manager).
100% compatible with all host-based effects processing in today's popular audio programs.
CueMix DSP
this on-board mixing and monitoring matrix allows you to mix up to 96 channels of 96kHz audio with the same near-zero latency as today’s latest digital mixers and no processor load.
Resolve your entire system directly to word clock or SMPTE time code with sub-frame accuracy. No separate SMPTE synchronizer required.
Includes AudioDesk full-featured, sample-accurate workstation software for MacOS 9 with recording, editing, mixing, real-time 32-bit effects processing & sample-accurate sync.
Provides word clock and ADAT Sync – achieves sample-accurate digital transfers between digital tape decks and the computer.