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Allt postat av peterT

  1. http://www.musicxp.net/ Tyvärr måste man regga sig. Är inte reggad heller, så här såg det ut för c:a 2-3 år sen när det det var fritt fortfarande. 1. Processor scheduling should be set to background services and not Programs. Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Performance Settings > Advanced Tab > Background Services 2. Visual effects should be set to a minimum. Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Performance Settings > Visual Effects Tab > Adjust for best performance 3. Switch Off Desktop Background Image Right Click Desktop > Properties > Desktop Tab > Background None 4. Disable Screen Saver Right Click Desktop > Properties > Screen Saver > None 5. Disable Fast User Switching Start > Settings > Control Panel > User Accounts > Change the way users log on or off > Untick Use Fast User Switching 6. Switch Off Power Schemes Start > Settings > Control Panel > Power Options > Always On > Turn off monitor and turn off hard discs to Never 7. Switch Off Hibernation Start > Settings > Control Panel > Power Options > Hibernate > Untick Hibernation 8. Disable System Sounds Start > Settings > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Sounds Tab > Sound Scheme to None. 9. Do Not Map Through Soundcard Start > Settings > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Hardware Tab > (highlight your soundcard from the list) > Properties > Audio Devices > (highlight your soundcard from the list) > Properties, and check the "Do not map through this device" checkbox. 10. Disable System Restore Start > Settings > Control Panel> System > System Restore Tab. Tick the "Turn off System Restore on all Drives" 11. Disable Automatic Updates Switch off Automatic Updates by going to Control Panel, System, Automatic Updates and ticking the box labelled "Turn off automatic updating. I want to update my computer manually.". 12. Startup and Recovery Options Right click My Computer and click on Properties > Advanced > Start Up & Recovery Settings and uncheck "Automatically Restart". 13. Disable Error Reporting Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced TAB > Error Reporting > Click the Disable Error Reporting box (Tick the "But Notify Me When Critical Errors Occur" if you prefer) 14. Disable Remote Assistance Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Remote > Untick "Allow Remote Assistance Invitations to be sent from this computer" 15. Fixed Swap File (Virtual Memory) Select the Advanced tab of the Systems applet and then select the Performance settings button. Then select the Advanced page. In here it is possible to customise the Virtual Memory. For custom size, this is often recommended to be 1.5 to 2 times the amount of your total RAM for both initial and maximum size. Set this to a fixed minimum and maximum value according to your existing RAM 16. Speed Up Menus You can use this tip to speed up the Start Menu in Windows XP. You can customize the speed of the Start Menu by editing a Registry Key. Click Start, and then click Run. Type Regedit in the box, and then click OK. Expand the menu in the left panel and select the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop folder. Scroll down in the right panel and double click on the MenuShowDelay file. In the Value Data box, change to default value for the menu speed from 400 to a lesser number, such as 1. Click OK. 17. Disable Offline Files Start > Settings > Control Panel > Folder Options > Offline Files > Untick "Enable Offline Files" 18. Disable Remote Desktop Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Remote > Untick "Allow users to connect remotely to this computer" 19. Disable Internet Synchronise Time Start > Settings > Control Panel > Date and Time > Internet Time > Untick "Automatically synchronize with an internet time server" 20. Disable Hide Inactive Icons Start > Settings > Taskbar and Start Menu > Taskbar TAB > Uncheck "Hide Inactive Icons" 21. Disable Automatic Desktop Cleanup Wizard Start > Settings > Control Panel > Display > Desktop > Customise Desktop > Untick "Run Desktop Cleanup Wizard every 60 days" 22. Disable NTFS Last Access Time Logging (NTFS Only) Start > Run > regedit > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CURRENTCONTROLSET > CONTROL > FILESYSTEM Add a new DWORD value - "NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate" (without quotes) and set the value to 1. Then reboot to make changes effective 23. Disable Notification Area Balloon Tips Click Start , click Run , type regedit , and then press ENTER. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced Right-click the right pane, create a new DWORD value, and then name it EnableBalloonTips . Double-click this new entry, and then give it a hexadecimal value of 0 . Quit Registry Editor. Log off Windows, and then log back on. 24. Disable CDROM Autoplay One of the very important (and well documented) tweaks in Windows 98SE, was to disable CDROM autoplay (auto insert notification). Disabling CDROM autoplay no longer offers a significant performance benefit in Windows XP, and therefore you do not need to disable it. Just don't insert a CD during a crucial recording. However, if you really want to disable it then here a few different methods. Method 1 Start > Run > Regedit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Cdrom Set autorun to 0. Method 2 Open My Computer Right Click on each CDROM and choose Properties Click on the Auto Play tab In the drop down box you can choose the Action for each choice shown in the drop down box Method 3 Go to Start->Run->gpedit.msc Computer Config -> Administrative Template -> System Double click Turn off Autoplay Enable it. 25. Disable Disc Indexing Text below taken from XP help. Indexing Service is a service that extracts the information from a set of documents and organizes it in a way that makes it quick and easy to access that information through the Windows XP Search function, the Indexing Service query form, or a Web browser. This information can include text from within a document, (its contents), and the characteristics and parameters of the document, (its properties), such as the author's name. Once the index is created, you can search, or query the index for documents that contain key words, phrases, or properties.
  2. peterT


    Det finns säkert mycket på nätet. Här är en början http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Zappa /Peter
  3. Hej! Jag är tvärflöjtist och har jobbat som lärare i c:a 30 år i en musikskola. Jag läser noter och spelar det mesta. Jag finns i Stockholm. Ska du spela in en låt eller ska du sätta ihop ett band? /Peter
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