Lade just nedan nämnda rader i nystartade Matrix-systertråden också, men den lämpar sig lika bra här:
Many people want to believe there's more "out there" than meets the eye. Some of us like to believe there's life on other planets. And we're very entertained by stories about unusual ideas and events. So it only follows that people want to believe there's some mysterious force that prevents a double blind test from revealing subtle differences that can be appreciated only over time. Likewise, the belief that "science" has not yet found a way to measure what they are sure they can hear is appealing to some people. To my mind, this is the same as believing in the supernatural. There's also some arrogance in that position: "I don't need no stupid "science" because I know what I hear".
- Winer, Ethan, "The Audio Expert", Focalpress 2012, s. 721ff
En annan bok som är jävligt bra är Thuréns "Vetenskapsteori för nybörjare". Många år sedan man plöjde igenom den nu, men den är grundverk bland kurslitteraturen på rätt många universitetsutbildningar.