Jag postade en tråd i ett annat forum, men har inte fått någon vettigare hjälp där. Jag copy/paste'ar det inlägget hit:
Here is an update.
I did as you told me too, and exported a wave-file of the sinus testtone. Cubase showed 0dB offcourse. The sinustones was played with c g and e, on 2 octaves.
I did 3 different tests.
#1: From Cubase to Cubase via the Emu softwaremixer.
#2: Played the wave-file in windows mediaplayer, and routed the signal via the Emu softwaremixer.
#3: Played the wave-file in windows media player, and routed the signal via a balanced 0.3-meter cable, from the output of the soundcard, to the input.
On all the above tests, the Emu softwaremixer was set to work with +4dBu-signals.
I tried a new thing now.
I switched the inputs and outputs to -10dBv in the Emu softwaremixer, and then started Cubase.
I used the exakt same sinus testtones, and set the level to 0 in Cubase, and then exported a new wave-file. Then I played it in windowsmediaplayer, and routed the signal via the same balanced 0.3-meter cable I used in #3, from the output to the input of the soundcard.
Then I recorded it in Cubase. It looked like this:
Then I played it in Cubase, and it distorted like heck.
This doesnt make any sense...what is going on?!