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Allt postat av dempaboy

  1. This microphone is inspired by the legendary Neumann U-47, utilizing a German steel tube (Stahlröhren). The Peluso 2247 LE incorporates a Telefunken steel tube (not glass!) in an optimized circuit - it provides essentially the same sonic quality as the nearly impossible to find VF14 tube. Each tube is selected individually and the selection parameters are the same or even tighter than Neumann used for selecting VF14 tubes. Technically the only difference in the tube used in an old U47, is that the tube used in the Peluso 2247 LE has a separate filament supply coming from the power supply. The Peluso 2247 LE has the additional benefit of 9 polar patterns (instead of just 1!), controlled from the power supply. It captures the low frequency nuances of an original 47 with smooth mids and balanced highs. The microphone comes as a complete system, with a foam-lined wood box, power supply, 7 conductor cable, and shock mount, all of it in a lightweight case. Hand made in the USA. Peluso 2247 LE list price $2,025 - call for price. IN STOCK!
  2. Peluso skulle jag tycka var bra... Har en själv... Nehep....synd.
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