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Allt postat av Snowraven

  1. Jag tror att M3 står för Korgs 3:e generation av Workstations. I alla fall tycks man ju kunna tolka texten från Korg.com på detta vis. "The M3 heralds the third generation of Korg Workstations. The M1 started it all, first appearing in 1988 to bring the world a new concept called the “music workstation.” It went on to become the best selling workstation in history, and was further expanded and enhanced through the T and O1/W series. Trinity defined a new level of innovations including touch screen technology and configurable effects, and was the forbearer of the successful TRITON range of products." Korg själva säger t.o.m. att det är en KARMA 2. =) Och vad jag kunde avgöra från demonstrationsvideon var att JAAAAAG VIIIIILL HAAAAAA!!!!
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