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Allt postat av Rocker

  1. Hej, Du kan välja hur du vill att midi skall spelas in under Project settings -> Recording (i översta menyraden) Här är alternativen: MIDI: Overlapping Recordings pop-up menu: • Create Take Folders • Join with Selected Regions • Join when Cycling: When recording in Cycle mode, this function merges the data recorded in all cycle passes into a single region. If not in Cycle mode, each newly recorded MIDI region will be independent (not merged). • Create Tracks when Cycling: When recording in Cycle mode, this function automatically creates a new take track for each cycle repetition. Each previous track plays while you’re recording. • Create Tracks and Mute when Cycling: When recording in Cycle mode, this function automatically creates a new take track for each cycle repetition. Each previous track is muted while recording.
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