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Allt postat av sixties
välkommen, alltid kul att testa olika typer av musik. Hoppas du hittar tillbaka till punken du är ju fortfarande ung. själv har jag lyssnat på punk i 32 år nu och inte tröttnat ännu. 😄 har du lirat i nått punk hc band man kanske hört talas om? själv har jag lirat i Martial mosh och dissober.
Vi som saknar riktiga amplifiers, vilket är det bästa alternativet?
sixties svarade på NutCase's inlägg i Diskussioner
jag kör genom en blackstar 5 w som jag linar och det låter bra tycker jag. -
välkommen! tycker du lyckats bra med produktionen och låtarna.
Fender Mustang, Super Champ XD, Gitarrförstärkare.
sixties svarade på Guitar Nilsson's inlägg i Diskussioner
jag kör "riktig" stärkare, en blackstar 5 w, som jag linar direkt till pc´n. den ger bra dist även på låg volym och ska låta från fender till marshall. hade först tänkt köpa en Egnater som har både fender rör och marshall rör men det blev en blackstar som var lite billigare. -
Fender Mustang, Super Champ XD, Gitarrförstärkare.
sixties svarade på Guitar Nilsson's inlägg i Diskussioner
det jag funderar på är hur ljudet låter som tex. när jag spelar löst på strängarna så distar rörstärkaren mindre och tar jag i hårt så blir det mer dist. låter inte modeleringar lika oavsett hur jag spelar? -
när du klickar på länk eller media får du ju upp en ruta där du kan klistra in adressen till din länk, funkar det inte för dig? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=netkL46URjg&feature=player_embedded
vem sätter mest prägel på bandet? skriver låtar osv. oftast förknippar man band med sångare och gitarrister. känns ganska B när tex. gamla 60-70-tals band turnerar och ende originalmedlem är bassisten eller trummisen och övriga är yngre okända medlemmar, då blir det ju mer coverband än original artist.
- 15 svar
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john Cale (velvet underground) producerade ju första stooges plattan och den gavs ju ut 69. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stooges_%28album%29 vet inte nått om hur de mixade och spelade in. här kan du läsa om funhouse plattan och dess inspelning: http://www.mixonline.com/mag/audio_rocking_studio_stooges/
jag har vanliga stereo högtare som ligger ner på skrivbordet (upphöjda 10 cm)och monitorena står på dem. när jag kör båda samtidigt får jag till basen bättre än med bara monitorena. jag kör alltså ljudet via en channel strip till både monitorena och till en stereo förstärkare med högtalare (technics). sen har jag ungefär samma volym på båda. monitorena i huvud höjd och stereo högtalarna i mag/bröst höjd.
köpte en gibson studio 60´s tribute som jag tror du också skulle gilla. skön att spela på, p´90 micar och kostade 6300:- ny! det är ju lite enklare lack men annars kändes den och lät jättebra. finns i vit också. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Soqx9Zo0LrM
inte din midi melodi . jag tänkte på tula hem men den är nog också lite anorlunda. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6pg6-Stg6g&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCru0-KN50Y
annars mixar du klart och timestretchar det färdiga spåret. alltså gör en audiomixdown och sedan importerar det spåret till ett nytt projekt och timestretchar det då.
berätta hur den var när du testat den.
du vill alltså ha en telecaster. har aldrig hört talas om just detta märke men de såg ju snygga och välgjorda ut och det var 14 dagars returätt. och 4000:- är ju inte så mycket för en bra tele (om dessa är bra vet jag inte). singlecoil ger ju ett tunnare mer diskantigt ljud än humbuckers och distar mindre. tycker sjäv det är kul med lite udda märken, att inte ha samma grejer som de flesta andra.
annars köper du UAD och slipper belasta datorns processor.
Topper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARJcdvH-Qc0&feature=related wall of clash (kör clash covers): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8D7ei6MDnM&feature=related
det låter bra. tänkte bara tipsa om att 22 oktober spelar 3 bra band på snövit. derby sthlm, topper och wall of clash.
Jet city vs Orange vs Black star vs Marshall vs Fender
sixties svarade på Muje243's inlägg i Diskussioner
har haft orange och fick ingen bra dist (i mina öron), köpte en blackstar i stället och är supernöjd! -
jag har ett par liknande från yamaha och de är svåra att spela på, är du en duktig trummis kanske det kan gå att få till nått ok. det är dålig studs i padsen så det gör det svårt att göra virvlar osv.
här är turnedagboken Classe som körde oss (Dissober) på polen turne på 90-talet skrev i Piemag. 06 nov 2007 Dissober Fucks With Poland - Tour diary Pie Mag 9 This is a pretty crappy translation of the Dissober Poland tourdiary that was originally printed in issue 9 of Swedens PIE MAG under the title "Dissober fucks with Poland !". It was penned by the bands faithful driver Classe who gets top points for remembering it all through all the cold nights and all the hungovers. In Swedish, his story is really funny but I found it pretty tricky to translate it but anyway, read on and I assure you that you´ll at least have a laugh or two ... Foreword: Almost all of my friends shook their heads sceptically when I told them that I was gonna drive Dissober on their Poland tour. "Drive around those drunks, and in Poland of all places where the vodka is more or less free?". Not many people were positive but luckily I´ve never cared much about what other people think and what they feared would turn into a 10 day nightmare turned out to be a very nice experience and story ... Day 1 After a long night on the boat where we and 50 Polish truck drivers were the only ones that hung out in the nightclub we arrived at Swinoujscie at seven o´ clock in the morning. Outside the ferry terminal we met up with the Polish tourorganizer Bart. Bart looked a little bit dissapointed when the politically correct crustpunks he had seen on the promotion photo Dahlberg sent him (which was an old pic of the legendary swedish punks SVART PARAD !) turned out to be a mob consisting of overweight metalheads. Anyway, he politely shook our hands and we got into the minibus to drive down to Szczecin where the first gig was to take place. In Szczecin we went on a city tour and ate a meal at Pizza Hut before we went to the gig place, a giant ex-communist youth centre, to start drinking beer. Not before long Bart, who obviously couldn´t take much, fell asleep. About the same time the beer started to run out for us so we went down to the local store to get some more. We got back just in time to see Bart get thrown out of the backstageroom by an angry Polish woman who was barking like a dog. We understood nothing until a Pole told us that Bart had woken up, got up on the backstage table and started pissing, that's why the woman was so mad. We all thought it was highly amusing of course and Bart was greeted with enthusiastic cheers and applause when he after a while was allowed to come back again. Soon it was time for the Dissober boys to enter the stage and the tour premiere went good despite the crowd control barrier in front of the stage. After the gig we got on a streetcar to go to the apartment where we were going to spend the night. Of course there was a big party in the apartment where a Pole was dumb enough to challenge Koskinen for a vodka shot race which resulted in that the Pole got pissed out of his head and puked on Forsbergs leatherjacket. The Pole, who followed us on the entire tour, was rapidly renamed from Gregorscz or something to the much more suitable Vodkaman. Day 2 Todays gig was in the Vodkamans hometown Slupsk. We started the day by going home to the Vodkaman where we got served some kind of cabbage for dinner. We were deeply astonished by the fact that the Vodkamans dad was sitting in the livingroom watching a TV set with such a blurred and grainy picture that you could suspect that the transmitter was located far beyond the Ural Mountains. When we had finished eating we went to the gig place where Bart explained to me that I had to be sober since we should spend the night in a town 15 km away from Slupsk. After awhile the supportband TOXIC BONKERS showed up and started playing after a brief soundcheck. None of us had thought that a Polish crustband would be any good but the Bonkers turned out to be very tight and really great. Dissober was obviously taken by surprise and wondered how the hell they were gonna follow up such a killer gig. But it soon became apparent that everyone had shown up to see the Swedish rockstars and Thölin put on such a show that he fell off the stage without missing a note on his bass, something the Poles were mighty impressed by. Upfront there was a guy who obviously was totally into MOB 47 who kept yelling "Mob fourty fucking seven!" throughout the entire concert. After the gig we packed our gear into the minibus and drove off to the city where we were gonna sleep. At the aftershow party there was a weird hippie Pole who immediately laid his hands on Forsberg snaredrum and kept on playing bongostyle drums all through the night. We also noticed that the DISSOBER/TOXIC BONKERS tour had a full page on Polsh teletext, something that made us so glad that we had to take a photo of the TV screen. Day 3 Olszcyn was the next stop on the tour. For the first time the concert was at a real rockpub which meant that the place sold beer, something that was much appriciated by the touring crew. Tonights performance was not on a stage but on the floor right before a couple of benchs where people were sitting down for the entire show. Behind the benches people went bananas but up front the deal obviously was to sit down because when one guy in the front got on his feet to do a little dancing Bart immediately gave him a good blow up and told him to sit down. After the gig alot of people followed us to the afterparty where we drank vodka and listened to HAVOHEJ for the rest of the evening. During the night Micke threw one of Dahlbergs beloved CD´s into the wall so that plastic was flying all over the room, something that of course led to that the music lover Dahlberg saw red. Day 4 We woke up staring straight into a video camera lens. It turned out that our host wanted to perpetuate our visit and he spent the entire morning running around filming us from all angles. After he had given us all a free VADER photo we had to say thanks and get on the road north towards the Russian border and Bartoszyce. The trip was made on unplowed forest roads and the little more than 70 km took us over 2 hours to drive. Once in Bartoszyce we went straight to the central parts to get us a couple of litres of smuggled Russian vodka that we got at the reasonable price 30 Skr (4 dollars) per litre. When we have solved the drinking question we got back to the gig place which was the personel dining room at a factory. We didn´t have anything else to do than start drinking vodka and since it was only 2 o´ clock we had the time to drink quite alot before the gig, especially Micke who fell asleep right before we were to enter the stage. Bart and the local organizer got really nervous and started running around like dizzy geese swearing in Polish all the time. Their nervousness proved unwarranted as Micke woke up and performed the gig in an outstanding fashion.He was about to fall off the stage at several occations and on the last song he stagedived off the stage and crowdsurfed on the audience. After the show we went to the squat where we were about to spend the night. The temperature in this place was around zero so you had to wear your outdoor clothes indoors. The night degenerated into one of the worst drunken battles of the entire tour and myself I fell aslepp around midnight while the others, or at least Thölin and Micke, kept partying all night. A Polish punker with thick bottles for glasses who earlier the same night had tried to impress us by wielding karate sticks into his own face even managed to put out the light in the entire building. The four-eyed punker was about to connect a radiator of standard Polish quality when he slipped and got his finger in the radiator. A sharp bang was heard from the fuse cabinet. Day 5 Woke up at 7 o´ clock in the morning with completely numb feet. The other guys were also shivering so we decided to get on the road immediately. We didn´t make it long though before I had to stop the bus and get out and puke. We kept on driving but after 10 km we had to stop again. This time it was Bart who had to empty his stomach and we got out to applaud him and take photos for the family album, well all except Micke got out since he was lying in the back of the bus puking into a plastic bag. The rest of trip down to our destination Warszaw passed without incidents except that I happened to break the right mirror when I didn´t keep the right distance when passing a car. We also drove past the concentration camp Treblinka where 800 000 people lost their lives during World War II. Definitely the tours most harrowing experience. It took us a couple of hours until we found our way to the concert place since Warzaw is a pretty big city. When we had parked the bus we decided to go and get us some vodka. Bart told us to look out for the "disco machos" who apparently was hiding in the bushes in the park where the gigplce was. We didn´t see any of them and we got back scot-free with our vodka bottles. The gig in Warzaw was the worst on the whole tour. The audience, that wasn´t very big, just stood there with their arms crossed without an intimation to move. After the show all in the audience left the place, something that happend after every show, in Poland people obviously don´t hang around after the bands have finished, they go home to their nests. In this place it didn´t matter that much since the owner ran an illicit club after the show so people kept on walking in all through the night even though it was tuesday. Day 6 The next gig was in Lodz, Toxic Bonkers hometown. The distance between Warzaw and Lodz was only 100 km so we drove there in little more than 1 hour. We started by walking around in the central parts under guidance by Toxic Bonkers. When we thought we had seen enough of the city we got on a streetcar and went back to the concert place. In the squat (the gig place) was an australian couple that was travelling around eastern Europe so we sat down and talked with them before the concert. During the show I, who had started getting a little dizzy thanks to the vodka, accidently spilled my vodka grog over an electrical cord box which caused the microphone to become charged. Micke got himself a couple of pretty mean shocks during the show and complaioned afterwards over a numb arm. I don´t know if it was due to the shocks or the booze that Micke got all strange after the show and ran around screaming Hammarby chants and sprinkling cherry wine all around the place, something that frightened the Poles alot. Later he calmed down and fell asleep quietly in a corner of the room. We others stayed upp drinking all night and the Vodkaman looked sour since we didn´t give him vodka but apart from that the night was pretty calm. Day 7 By lunch we got on the road to Wroclaw that was the next place on our intense tour schedule. When we got there we were for the first time on the tour treated to a restaurant lunch by the owner, at a vegetarian restaurant but it was pretty good anyway. The concert was at a club called Rocker and the place was packed. After the concert we, with Toxic Bonkers drummer behind the wheel drove to a Magnus Uggla look-a-like where we were gonna sleep. To step into his apartment was like stepping into a library, thousands of books high and low. Uggla was a deep one who studied philosophy on the University. Micke went to bed at once since he thought it was time to take it calm, he had puked blood earlier the same night. Dahlberg made a questionable trade with Uggla by trading a Distortion to Hell CD for a worn out vinyl by the obscure Polish punk band MOSKVA. Day 8 Most of us, but not all, jumped on the opportunity to take a morning shower, the first on the tour. Toxic Bonkers driver, a 50 year old drunken man who was part of their minibus rent was still too drunk to drive. He had forced Uggla up at 5 o´ clock in the morning to buy more vodka so that he would be able to drive, the result was quite the opposite. We in the Dissober crew said bye to Uggla and got on the road to Poznan. Poznan was a prime example of a really dirty Polish industrialtown, factorychimneys everywhere and the minibus got all sooty due to all the pollution. After some trouble we found the way to the concert place, a squat, and the obligatory vodka drinking could start. The gig was in an icecold garage next to the squat and the peak of the show was when Dahlberg lost his balance, stumbled across the stage and fell into the drum kit before a very amused Polish crowd. After the show there was a party as always and myself I got the shivers and had to go to bed early for once. Day 9 The day started with that one of the squats all cats pissed on Koskinens sleepingbag, something that made us all merry. When Koskinen had dried his sleepingbag we steered the bus towards Bydgoszcz and the last gig on the tour. In Bydgoszcz we went down to the centrum and went to eat at McDonalds, something that made the politically correct Bart so furious that he left us alone in a foreign city. We managed to get back to the concert place anyway and we met a very regretful Bart that apologized for his behaviour. Since we´re not resentful we said that it was ok. When I went to one of the clubs two toilets for a piss I became aware of that the toilets were mainly used for pot smoking, pissing was something you did outside the club. When Dissober was about to start playing Dahlberg was so drunk that he couldn´t tune his guitar so it all ended with that the Toxic Bonkers guitarplayer had to get up onstage and tune it for him and roars of laughter was heard from the audience. The concert was a worthy conclusion to a very successful tour. Alot of people, all of them going nuts and Bart, Vodkaman, Toxic Bonkers and their driver got up onstage to fill in on the chorus to "Sober Life No Way". Originally it was said that we should sleep in the same house as the concert but Micke had met two girls who according to him was "the best looking in the entire Europe !" and he kept on nagging so much so that we and Toxic Bonkers had to go home to them instead. Toxic Bonkers driver was very drunk as normal and the drive to their place was a real nightmare. The drive was in well over 100 km/h in central Bydgoszcz and in one crossing he blinked to the right and drove the the left and it was a miracle that they got there in one piece. Me, Dahlberg and Forsberg went to bed early since we had to get up at 6 o´ clock the morning after. The others, with Micke in the front, stayed up and continued to work on the girls all night with no result. Despite persistent thrusts from the desperate touring crew the Polish girls showed no interest. Day 10 Journey home. It was a shabby touring crew that got into the minibus to drive to the ferry and home to Sweden. Halfways to the boat the bus started coughing and run bad so we had to creep forward in 50 km/h. We got onboard the ferry anyway and when we drove off it in Ystad the bus had recovered and we could drive normally again. But around Jönköping the bus started coughing again and once again we had to drive 50 km/h. When we got up on the E18 between Örebro and Arboga the bus broke down totally and we couldn´t drive on. There wasn´t much else to do than call a tow truck and at 6.30 on the monday morning we and our dirty bus were towed up on the parking lot of the car rental place. Summary: All in all it was a very nice trip. The people in Poland were very kind, the prices were low and the interest for punk and hardcore was very big. If you play in a band and get the opportunity to go down to Poland, don´t hesitate to take the chance. You won´t be dissapointed ! Written down by Claes "Classe" Danielsson, official Dissober driver. Translated by Magnus Forsberg
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å andra sidan så simmar ju runt runt i sin skål eftersom den inte minns att den nyss gjort det så låten kan ju låta lika nästan hela tiden. texten kan ju bli kul också om man inte minns tidigare rader.
jag kan skjuta fram dead line till söndag kväll om du tror du blir klar till dess.
om man bara minns 5 sek bakåt i tiden så blir (eller borde kunna bli) varje akordsvända olika i såväl vers som refräng.