Ok, ja försökte ta bort den andra tråden men vet inte hur man gör...
Men exakt var i kontrollpanelen ska ljudkortet "dyka upp"? Under "ljud, Tal och Ljudenheter" och "egenskaper för ljud och ljudenheter"? Där under fliken maskinvara är det enda stället som Edirol FA-66 står med (i rullningslistan där) och inte någon annanstans..
Jag fick hjälp av en kille på ett annat forum att köra en "diagnostic report" och eftersom det inte gick att bifoga filen har jag postat den här nedan, någon som kan dra några slutsatser om var felet ligger??
MVH /Michael
This report was generated on 2006-11-17 at 23:38:03
This is the summary. The details for each test can be found further down.
FL Studio 6.0.8 was installed in "D:\Program\Image-Line\FL Studio 6\"
No other instances were found
You have no registered FL plugins or tools
You are running Microsoft Windows XP
1 ASIO device was found
You have DirectX 9.0
2 DirectSound devices were found
The program didn't look for DirectX plugins
FL Studio will look for VST plugins in the following locations:
"D:\Program\Image-Line\FL Studio 6\Plugins\VST\"
The program didn't look for VST plugins
No 3rd party applications that may interfere with FL were found
1 ReWire devices were found
The Ogg Vorbis codec is installed and enabled
SoftVoice is installed
If you need help with any aspect of FL Studio, try the following links: FL website: www.flstudio.com
Technical issues (bugs): TechSupport forum
Fruityloops community: Looptalk forum
Frequently asked questions: FAQ forum
Registration problems: Support request
FL test results
1 installation of FL was found
1. FL Studio 6.0.8
Location: "D:\Program\Image-Line\FL Studio 6\"
VST plugins will be searched in:
"D:\Program\Image-Line\FL Studio 6\Plugins\VST\"
Audio device: (ds) Primär ljuddrivrutin
Audio buffer size: 46ms
Audio sample rate: 44100Hz
FL will use the slicer tool located at "D:\Program\Image-Line\FL Studio 6\System\Tools\BeatSlicer\zx_bs_d.exe"
You have no registered FL plugins or tools
System test results
You are running Microsoft Windows XP, version 5.1
You have the following servicepack installed: Service Pack 2
Windows is installed in "D:\WINDOWS\"
The program files location is "D:\Program\"
The default browser appears to be "D:\Program\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
Your system has 1 processor
The cpu is a AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3500+ running at 2211MHz
Instruction support: FPU CMOV SSE SSE2 SSE3 x64 DAZ
You have 2047MB physical and 2048MB virtual memory
You have 1 monitor set to 16bit color for a desktop resolution of 1280x1024 pixels
You have administrator privileges
3rd party software
No 3rd party applications that may interfere with FL were found
DirectX test results
You have DirectX 9.0 installed
DirectX reported version
You have 2 DirectSound devices
Primär ljuddrivrutin
Sound Blaster Audigy
The program didn't look for DirectX plugins
ASIO test results
1 ASIO device was found
It has 0 input channels and 0 output channels
The following samplerates are supported:
ReWire test results
ReWire uses ReWire.dll with version
1 ReWire device was found
1. FL Studio