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Change log.

Cubase 7.0.1 / Cubase Artist 7.0.1 pre-release available

we are happy to announce the availability of the 7.0.1 maintenance update for Cubase 7 and Cubase Artist 7!

Please note that this Update is a so called pre-release version. Pre-releases are an immediate response to issues reported by customers. In order to make these improvements available as soon as possible, these updates don't pass through Steinberg’s entire quality assurance process. Although the internal preliminary testing indicates that the updates are stable and reliable, technical support cannot be granted. The next fully supported maintenance updates will include the improvements along with others.

The update adds a new workspace appearance system, extended key command control in MixConsole and VST Connect SE 1.1. Furthermore the following issues have been resolved*:


  • - Selecting a Project template, e.g. “Blues Rock Production” no longer leads to an unresponsive application state.
    - Displaying track pictures in the tracklist within the Project window works seamless.


  • - Double-clicking to open the crossfade editor no longer renders the application unreliable.
    - Copy/Paste of a range selection in Sample Editor or MediaBay will no longer lead to a "Realtime Algorithm has been deactivated" message.
    - Editing Length Values in the Logical Editor now works seamless.
    - After saving a new preset in Logical editor, the presets are listed correctly.


  • - Intensive velocity edit operations in the Key Editor when the track is set to Hermode Mode Tuning (HMT) playback no longer renders the application unresponsive.
    - MIDI-Reset message is now transmitted on all MIDI channels as expected.
    - MIDI track events sent to an instrument are no longer played back twice after changing the output routing.


  • - On PC systems the print tabulatur over more than one page no longer miss note lines on the second page.
    - On OS X systems the printout from scores no longer shows unwanted horizontal and vertical lines.


  • - The localization of chord types has been improved.
    - In the Key Editor Chord Editing Tab, chord types are no longer greyed out until a chord is selected and the labels on the Chord Buttons are easier to read.
    - When the Chord Editor is open other key commands are also available.
    - Executing “Make Chords” will overwrite and erase any existing chords.
    - Chords to MIDI now creates expected results, regardless of chosen time formats of chord and target MIDI track (musical vs. time linear).
    - The velocity of auditioned notes is now the same for notes which have been created by dragging Chord events onto a MIDI track.


  • - The high and low-pass filters are no longer active when bypassed and won’t produce unwanted artefacts.
    - In dual screen setups the mixer no longer jumps from the 1st to the 2nd screen as soon as "Channel Racks" is activated.
    - Enabling/disabling areas in MixConsole no longer lead to dissarranged areas when MixConsole is closed and re-openend.
    - Copy/Paste of Send Effect and settings no longer results in a non-active Send and wrong height of Send Rack.
    - The size of the Channel Setting window now remains intact when closed and reopened.
    - The on/off state of the “Show Track Pictures” option is restored correctly.
    - If two or more channels are linked together, the “activate side-chain“ state of the Standard Compressor channel strip module is now linked properly.
    - Envelope Shaper module no longer introduces phasing issues.
    - Using the channel strip on frozen channels now works reliable.
    - After switching presets of the EQ channel strip module, its parameters displayed correctly.
    - Dragging a user preset from MediaBay onto MixConsole no longer renders the application unreliable.


  • - Resizing the plug-in window now works as expected for plug-ins which support it.
    - Inserting the Tube Compressor channel strip module or activating its side chain no longer produces a short noise.
    - MixConvert V6 is now available as plug-in.
    - Under Mac OS X older iLok protected VST plug-ins such as Audio Ease Speakerphone 2, will no longer render the application unreliable.
    - VST Connect SE connections are now more reliable.
    MediaBay: The MediaBay Location checkbox icons are displayed correctly.


  • - Working with MediaBay via a remote control no longer leads to unexpected shutdown of the application.
    - FX Sends Level can now be remote-controlled properly also if Project Settings are set to +12 dB Fader in Project Setup.


  • - Under OS X 10.8 it is now possible to switch the sample rate without any issues.
    - The included REV-X/Channel Strip plug-ins of Steinberg MR/UR hardware now have an icon for preset operation

Localization :

  • Cubase now runs in same language as specified for the system (OS X only).

pme (oregistrerad)

Lite bugfixar i alla fall. Inget jag har lidit av tror jag. Och de jag har lidit av är kvar :-(. Men det är utlovat en release till i januari. Hoppas den blir bättre.

Postat (redigerat)

Haha.. nä det är nog första gången en Cubaseversion blir sämre efter en fix patch som ska lösa det mest akuta.. Patchen fixade iallafall så min VirusTI2 struntar blankt i att starta.. ... man kan inte få allt.

Edit: VST3 av Virus TI2 fungerar men inte VST 2

Redigerat av Lundin

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