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Reaper version 4.30 finns nu att ladda ner på http://www.cockos.com/reaper/ för den som är intresserad.

v4.30 - November 14 2012

+ License: REAPER evaluation period is now 60 days

+ About: fixed usage statistics being reset when switching between 32/64 bit

+ Actions: option to stop playback at end of loop

+ API: added PreventUIRefresh which allows scripts/plugins to disable and reenable many UI updates during processing

+ Crossfade editor: activates for selected items that are adjacent or overlapping

+ Crossfade editor: crossfades can be constrained to be equal gain or equal power

+ Crossfade editor: default mouse modifier, double-click on crossfade to open/close editor

+ Crossfade editor: new dialog for editing various parameters of crossfades

+ Crossfade editor: themeable colors for active fades

+ Cursors: new cursors for resizing the extended mixer (extmix_resize, extmix_multiresize, extmix_allresize, extmix_section_resize, extmix_multisection_resize, extmix_allsection_resize)

+ Cursors: support for colors in custom cursor images

+ DDP: fixed MD5 generation on OSX 64

+ Fades/crossfades: new S-curve fade shape

+ Fades/crossfades: changing crossfade shape via right-click menu affects all selected crossfades

+ Fades/crossfades: default crossfade shape is equal power (existing projects are unchanged)

+ Fades/crossfades: fade curvature can be edited via mouse modifier, media item properties, or crossfade editor

+ Fades/crossfades: new cursors for fade/crossfade curvature, crossfade width adjustment

+ FX: improved threadsafety in certain instances

+ Grouping: doubleclicking track vol/pan/width labels now resets using grouping/ganging

+ Grouping: improved volume fader grouping behavior when some faders are at -inf

+ Item mouse hit zones: allow mouse to target buttons and fades even if another media item is overlapping

+ Item mouse hit zones: mouse targets the fade curve by default (can be disabled in preferences)

+ Item mouse hit zones: option to always show fade-in/fade-out handles

+ JS: improved font display on win32

+ JS: reduced fx initialization interrupting audio

+ LAME: support loading LAME DLLs from UserPlugins path, improved prompting

+ MIDI inline editor: fixed buttons when zoomed in

+ MIDI: fixed items that would not play in certain rounding instances

+ Mouse modifiers: added behavior to move item contents and ripple adjacent items

+ Mouse modifiers: new action to adjust length of two fades keeping intersection point constant

+ Mouse modifiers: new context for fade intersections

+ Mouse modifiers: support optional snapping for all fade/crossfade behaviors

+ OSC: fixed FX parameter feedback for inactive tracks

+ OSX: fix for render-drag problems with external drives

+ OSX: REAPER.app and ReaMote.app now have signatures for OSX 10.8

+ OSX: render-drag to a new file outside of REAPER (commdand+opt by default) prompts before overwriting an existing file

+ Pan: track pan value can be manually entered in track controls dialog

+ Pans: manually entered values like "R50" and "L25" are accepted, in addition to "50%R" and "25%L"

+ Project bay: fixed loading of bays in certain instances

+ Project save: support for adding multiple project versions to rpp-bak files, choosing version on load

+ ReaControlMIDI: automation support for enabling/disabling bank/program select and CC sliders

+ Render: fixed saving render presets in different categories (bounds, output, all settings)

+ ReWire: further improved shutdown/device unload sequence to better handle panels that prompt before exiting

+ Routing windows: space passes through to main actions, for keyboard navigation use shift+space

+ Sends: volume/pan values can be manually entered in I/O dialog

+ Snap to grid: don't snap to grid lines that are more than 1/4 screen width away

+ Tempo envelope: more consistent behavior when adding/deleting tempo markers when project timebase is beats

+ Toolbars: fixed crash when using certain strings as custom toolbar button text

+ Video: improved rendering accuracy near end of render when using resampling

+ VST: fixed audioMasterTempoAt accuracy in certain instances

+ Windows: installers now have authenticode signatures

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