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Ny Sylenth1 liknande synth för Reason. Ute nu!



Antidote RE is a brand-new virtual-analog software synthesizer for Propellerhead Reason. This Reason-exclusive device manages to combine the highest audio quality, flexibility and a fast work flow in an extremely easy-to-use Rack Extension. Antidote has been specifically developed to complement Reason, and to perfectly integrate into its environment.


Antidote RE comes feature packed with two stereo oscillator banks, each emitting a stack of up to 50 virtual-analog oscillators per voice, in highest audio quality. Conventional synthesizers cannot even reach that in unison mode. With all voices active, Antidote delivers up to 800 stereo oscillators. This oscillator power is not a gimmick, but a requirement to synthesize typical sounds found in today's dance music. Until now this was only possible with very few synthesizers, mostly hardware.

The available oscillator shapes not only comprise classic analog waveforms such as sawtooth, pulse and triangle. Each oscillator type has an additional feature (called a “Modifier”), which allows to apply extra features such as hard sync, pulse width modulation or to blend between different waveform shapes.


Antidote employs a multimode filter with the latest zero-delay feedback designs. This recent technology models the highly sought after sound of analog filters much more faithfully than previous designs. When adding resonance, in particular, the behavior of the filters is much closer to vintage analog hardware.

Filter designs in Antidote comprise the OTA low pass ladder, a filter topology frequently seen in analog synthesizers. Low pass roll offs range from 6 to 24 dB, so that anything from deep fat basses to thin bright sounds can be synthesized. The low pass filter reaches self-oscillation and is properly tuned, so that the filter can be used as an oscillator at high resonant levels. Two derivative filters yield a 12 dB bandpass and high pass response.

A unique feature in Antidote is the diode ladder filter, which models a rare analog filter circuit composed out of diodes (or transistors hooked up as diodes). This filter topology is widely known from the famous "silver box", and responsible for some unforgotten classic analog sounds, like growling basses and squelchy leads. To the best of our knowledge, this filter topology has never been realized before in a polyphonic synthesizer such as Antidote.


Three envelopes, two LFOs and the arpeggiator further shape the sound. The powerful modulation matrix, which can modulate almost any sound parameter, adds the necessary depth to realize complex sounds. Furthermore, CV inputs on the back panel can be used to modulate any sound parameter from any Reason device - the sky is the limit!


The arpeggiator module in Antidote features the well-known classic modes (up/down/...), with 20 preset rhythms to choose from. But there's more to it, of course - the arpeggiator both emits a gate and an accent signal, freely usable as a modulation source.


One of the big strengths of Antidote is its massive effect chain, which contain some of the best effect algorithms from Synapse Audio. A total of 8 effect modules is available, all of which can be used simultaneously.

EQ and Bass: A classic three-band EQ design followed by a bass enhancer. The bass enhancer is modeled from circuits found in some legendary analog synths, and allows Antidote to mimic their bass response. A simple yet invaluable tool to create fat analog bass sounds that cut through the mix.

Distortion: Full stereo distortion effect using 4x oversampling to minimize aliasing noise. Tone, Low- and high-pass controls can be used to further refine the distortion timbre at the output of the effect.

Phaser: 4-stage stereo phaser, based on the Synapse AP-12 phaser technology.

Chorus: Stereo chorus effect with adjustable delay time and feedback, allowing the unit to be used both as a chorus, as well as a flanger effect.

Delay: A comprehensive delay section with separate L/R controls, a color parameter for low/high pass echoes, and a modulation section to create a full, lush stereo delay sound.

Reverb: The reverb unit is based on the Synapse DR-1 rack extension, a modulated true stereo reverb modeled after high-end hardware. Its sound character is especially well suited for synthetic sounds and works exceptionally well on lead sounds.

Compressor: The smooth stereo compressor allows instant level reduction with attack times ranging down to the microsecond range, while minimizing artifacts as much as possible, and without introducing any latency.

The effect processor in Antidote can be used with external sources as well, and was designed with that option in mind. As a result, the processor intensive effects such as the reverb do not use any CPU when idle.

Built in content

Antidote comes with 300 patches sorted into the common categories (Arpeggiated, Bass, Lead, Pads, etc.) as well as 10 Combinator patches.

Antidote @ Propellerhead Shop

  • 1 månad senare...

Version 1.1 av Antidote släpptes precis som en gratis uppdatering. Bland nyheterna finner vi följande:

New : Wavetable Synthesis

Antidote 1.1 gains wavetable synthesis, with currently 8 wavetables to choose from. The wavetable position is set using the Modifier knob. When changing the wavetable position, the blend between adjacent waveforms is perfectly smooth. All oscillator functions like stacking (Count, Dyad), Detune, Spread etc are available without restrictions when in Wavetable mode, so they act just like regular VA oscillators.

New: Rate Crush effect

Rate Crush (sometimes also referred to as Decimation or Rate Reduction) is a new mode in the Distortion section. Rate Crush alters the sound by downsampling the signal, employing a sample-and-hold circuit. The Drive knob controls the amount of downsampling to perform. A unique feature in Antidote's implementation is the Symmetry knob, which allows to perform downsampling only on a portion of the waveform, for instance the upper or lower half-wave.

New: Key Follow modulation source

Using key follow as a modulation source yields a value proportional to the frequency of the pressed MIDI key. This adds new sound design options, for example you can shorten the envelopes for higher keys (to simulate acoustic instruments like guitar), or just to apply key tracking to arbitrary sound parameters.

Extended: Phaser section

The phaser can now be toggled between 2, 4 and 6 stages. This allows for both more subtle, and more pronounced phasing effects. Using 6 stages, furthermore some formant-type effects can be achieved by adjusting/modulating the phasers spread and frequency parameters.

More Patches

This updated version gains 200 excellent patches by sound designers Daniel Thiel (eXode), Michael Kastrup and others. With this update, Antidote now comprises a total of 500 patches, plus the Combinator patches.

Further enhancements and bug fixes

- Improved performance for the Analog Saw waveform type.

- Improved performance when idle (ie no sound is being played, but some effects are active).

- Manual corrected and updated to reflect the new features in v1.1.

- LFO Amount modulation did not work properly when playing polyphonic, fixed.

- L/R Delay time did not always update on tempo changes, fixed.

  • 3 månader senare...

Synapse Audio har släppt version 1.2 av Synapse ANTIDOTE:

New Sallen-Key filter

The filter section in Antidote gains the Sallen-Key type, a 12 dB virtual-analog lowpass filter model inspired by some vintage synthesizers, such as the MS-10 and MS-20. This filter type has strong saturation in its feedback path, giving it a distinct character when turning up the resonance. The model employs a zero-delay feedback design like the other filters in Antidote. This preserves the circuit topology and results in proper resonant tuning. Furthermore the filter can reach self-oscillation.

More Wavetables

Two new wavetables have been added, consisting of short waveforms inspired by the classic PPG synthesizers.

CV Outputs added

Antidote gains CV outputs for both LFOs and all three envelopes, on the back panel. Now you can connect the filter envelope to our AF-4 module, for instance.

Reverse Delay

The delay section of Antidote gains a high-quality reverse delay effect. Reverse Delay is an effect which plays echoes backwards, as opposed to forward. You can find reverse delays in guitar stomp boxes, as well as in a few software synthesizers e.g. FM-8. Note that it requires more skill to use than a regular forward delay, because it is sensitive to timing and the shape of the input signal. When used well, it can sound very trippy.

Remote Map

Some users have asked for a remote map for Antidote, you can download it here:


+ lite nya presets. 🙂

Grymt enkel men samtidigt kompetent synth som låter fantastiskt. Det nya Sallen-Key filtret låter makalöst bra enligt min mening.

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