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Då har jag också fallit för ditt tips 🙂

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Här kommer några recensioner.

11-Mar-2012 14:55

generally easy to listen to this song.

the singer seems to have learned his vocal range and not trying to go out of it.

the lyrics do not seem to repeat themselves to me.

I think this would appear in general to most people.

as a single download probable worth about $1.10

if I had a link for this song directly to post it would be put on my facebook. overall rating is 6.




11-Mar-2012 14:48

A riveting rock and roll sound on this track. the vocals have solid expression of the lyrics and the sound is a very easy listening one with great harmony and rhythm throughout the track. very fine performance.




11-Mar-2012 14:51

Sweet riff I guess. I think there should be more gain in the distortion. Song is also very cool. Not very original but cool. The guitar playing is very interesting. Little distortion, little strumming, little delay, little harmonics. The guitarist did a great job. I think that backing vocal should be louder.

Redigerat av toniced
Postat (redigerat)

F*n !!!! Detta vart beroende framkallande 😉

En låt till. 7.2/10


Hoppas jag inte tråkar ut er 😉 BTW: Fick 10/10 från en av dem 🙂

11-Mar-2012 15:56

Nice intro with well balanced musical instruments sound. Muted guitar sound is very impressive and well remembered. Vocal is moderately appealing and attractive. Smooth transition appeared all over the song and emotional feeling never get away. Good melody line and chord movements are appealing well.


11-Mar-2012 15:50

Guitar solo at the beginning of great song has some really good moles and dures corresponding at least to me, and the emergence of music and singing voice make this song complete. Singer's voice is harmonius, emotional and has great dynamics during the singing. Music is well balanced with a voice as rich and very relaxing.


11-Mar-2012 15:49

this song is good to my ear,its kinda relaxing ,the voice is good and the music amazed me ,the lyrics inspires me i really love this one ,ill put this on my playlsit

11-Mar-2012 15:48

Pop rock track with male vocals. the singer has a decent voice and he sounds very melodious and interesting. The lyrics are about love and relationship. The performance quality is very good. The instrumental arrangement sound conventional and the song sounds very similar to other tracks of the genre.

11-Mar-2012 15:48

Good song, maybe its not so good, but on another hand is good, becouse its good song. Acoustic guitar has the best sound for me, and the voice of this man is good, I liek it very much. Lyrics touch me in the hart, I will start crying, oh how good it is. I cant gave nothing but grade 10 for this. I wili listen this song for long time. How people do create this kind of song, this is miracle. I should recomend this song to all of my friends, and learn it to play on my guitar. My favorite kind of songs is this, with acoustic guitar, best instrument ever. I am so amazed with this song i would have listen to all songs of this artist, he is surelly good man.


11-Mar-2012 15:47

The track starts off in a quiet rock sort of format, and then the singer starts in a quiet but catchy style that catches your attention just by the way he vocalizes the words. The lyrics are natural and real. The loveing way he makes the chords just blend with the rest of the music is just a tell tale sign this guy is a true artist. There is so much out there for him to explore and get his creativity into. I think he has the world at his hands and he will do fine with this singing, as long as he keeps focused on what he's singing. Alittle more energy would be nice but aside from that he sings well and the music is just what the song needs to keep it going as well.

Redigerat av toniced

Roligt.. kastade in den senaste låten jag spelade in... oj.. va det 2009 eller nåt sånt =P

Trodde nog fler skulle rata den då det är lite väl klämmig låt haha


Poäng: 6.8 /10

Here's a summary of your 10 SoundOut Reviews:

11-Mar-2012 17:58

I thought that this track was very well done. It was catchy and very original, very pure and sincere. The vocals were high quality and the song itself

was well written and structured. Length was perfect. I do not have any criticism of this track as I was impressed by its originality.

11-Mar-2012 17:48

i love his voice and I really appreciate how he puts an effort to make this song. The lyrics was very good and the story behind it was touching.

Whenever I hear a really good song it always come to my mind that it came from the heart, like this song for example is one of those. I just enjoyed

listening to it a lot! The acoustic guitar, drums, and electric guitar mixed well with this song and the only improvement in my opinion is more base to

the song, and make the high note higher. But overall a great song it's very nice to listen to. Nothing major to criticize about and wish to hear more

from them.

11-Mar-2012 17:48

SOng have sad and emocional text, singer experiencing text of song. Instrumental too good. It have got goodworked text. I voting seven because i dont

like type of this song, but it not mean that it is bad.

11-Mar-2012 17:48

Refreshing, cheerful little track with acoustic guitar and a melodious male vocal.

This artist appears to have a unique talent, he does not sound like everyone else who specialises in acoustic music, which is quite a nice change.

11-Mar-2012 17:45

well this one is good, i like the music and the voice of the singer ,its a slow song not rock ofcourse but its fit what i really want in a song ,,this song

slightly cap ture me ! i like it

11-Mar-2012 17:45

The start of this song is a bit lame. May, it is a bit slowed. The voice is great. At some points the melody can be improved. A few backgroundsounds

would be nice.

11-Mar-2012 17:45

As soon as this song started, I actually thought that it had a pretty cute and fun sound to it. It was easygoing and simple but it still caught my

attention. When the vocals came in, they sounded alright. They were being slightly overpowered by all of the background music (which didn't sound

too great). The vocals just didn't have a GREAT sound to them that perfected or added a lot to the song. It just sounded like you didn't have a whole lot

of control over your vocals, and for this song, you are going to need that. The song as a whole was just not very original, something I have heard time

and time again.

11-Mar-2012 17:44

Good music.I betcha he gets all the ladies.The song has a good message,very positive.Something all the ladies loving a guy more than he loves them

would love to hear the things in this song being personally said to them.

11-Mar-2012 17:44

not a bad beat at the start of the song takes a while to get into the song. the song is a bit low for my liking. the guitar and drums goes well with the

singing but needs a better choice of words. i do not really like this song its a bit slow and boring. does not touch me as recent songs i have heard very

disappointed with this song

11-Mar-2012 17:44

I can see this song put to in my dream and i crazy to see this lyrics are very romantic and heart touching guitar

and drum roll play well i like this song

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