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About the Logic Pro 9.1.6 Update


On OS X Lion 10.7, "Revert to Saved" is now possible after a project has been renamed.

Performance and Stability

Logic now uses multiple available cores as expected when performing offline bounces.

Resolves an issue in which Logic sometimes quit unexpectedly when deleting multiple Marquee selected tracks with the Drag Mode set to Shuffle L.

Fixes an issue in which clicking in an automation lane with the Marquee tool could cause Logic to quit unexpectedly.

Channel strip level meters no longer sometimes momentarily stop responding when the playhead is moved to a new position during playback.

Loading a Kontakt 4/5 factory preset in 64-bit mode no longer causes Logic to quit unexpectedly.

Logic now reliably initializes MIDI ports when Logic is launched by double-clicking a project file, choosing “Open with” from the project file contextual menu, or when using the Load Most Recent Project startup action.


Channel strips with pre-fader sends now mute consistently.

Audio playback while using Prelisten in the Audio Bin now properly updates when changing the selection of files or regions.

Fixes an issue in which record repeat would delete the wrong take.

Plug-ins and Instruments

Dropping multiple samples on the EXS editor keyboard and choosing the Contiguous Zones option now correctly results in a chromatic mapping of the samples.

Using the + key to step through EXS instruments no longer causes Logic to sometimes quit unexpectedly.

The Key Release Time for a Group can now be set to values greater than 1000 as expected in the EXS editor.

Fixes an issue in which EXS24 did not play one-shots in mono or legato mode.

Resolves an issue in EXS24 in which instruments containing zones triggered by key release via a group were susceptible to stuck notes.

In EVB3, the extended parameter area no longer shows controls already available in the main plug-in window.

Ultrabeat now properly maintains the set pitch of a previously loaded sample after browsing for a new sample and then canceling.

Resolves an issue in which auditioning samples in Ultrabeat with Voice Auto Select and "Preview in Voice" active could lead to a sample endlessly looping.

Control Surfaces

Changes made to a project using a control surface now reliably activate the control surface Save button.

The Undo LED on Logic Control now correctly lights to show the availability of undo steps.

Setting parameter assignments on Control Surfaces to fixed values other than 1 now works correctly in 64-bit mode.


Clicking on an unused take after deleting a comp section no longer selects the entire take folder.

Resolves an issue in which using Auto Set Locators by Marquee Selection with very small Marquee selection lengths could result in the playhead getting stuck.

Playback now reliably starts from the beginning of the project after using the "Return to Zero" button in the Transport, no matter what Play setting is active.

With Catch Clock Position active and Cycle enabled, Logic now centers the cycle area if it fits within the current view.

Fixes an issue in which the visible area in the Arrange window would sometimes jump a few pixels to the left after scrolling to the right on OS X 10.7 Lion.

Resolves an issue in which using the Fade tool on a region could cause audio regions to be deleted in projects that contain unused audio regions.

"Bounce - Replace All Tracks" now places regions on the correct tracks in songs that contain MIDI take folders.

Volume automation now works reliably on all frozen tracks.

Resolves an issue in which the Hyper editor did not reliably update to show new selections at high vertical zoom levels.

MIDI editors now reliably update to show the contents of MIDI regions selected by rubber-band selection.

In the Event editor, the up, down, left, and right arrow keys now correctly navigate between fields while in text edit mode.

Logic no longer sometimes asks to save changes when closing a song that has not been changed.

The key commands to select projects now work as expected.

After using Save As to make a new version of an existing project to a new location, the recording path for the project is now appropriately updated to the location where the new project was saved.

Resolves an issue in which moving an audio region where the anchor had been set caused the anchor to reset to the beginning of the region if the project contained take folders.

Fixes an issue in which moving or copying a take folder with the drag mode set to No Overlap could alter the take folder.


About the Logic Pro 9.1.6 Update


On OS X Lion 10.7, "Revert to Saved" is now possible after a project has been renamed.

Performance and Stability

Logic now uses multiple available cores as expected when performing offline bounces.

Resolves an issue in which Logic sometimes quit unexpectedly when deleting multiple Marquee selected tracks with the Drag Mode set to Shuffle L.

Fixes an issue in which clicking in an automation lane with the Marquee tool could cause Logic to quit unexpectedly.

Channel strip level meters no longer sometimes momentarily stop responding when the playhead is moved to a new position during playback.

Loading a Kontakt 4/5 factory preset in 64-bit mode no longer causes Logic to quit unexpectedly.

Logic now reliably initializes MIDI ports when Logic is launched by double-clicking a project file, choosing “Open with” from the project file contextual menu, or when using the Load Most Recent Project startup action.


Channel strips with pre-fader sends now mute consistently.

Audio playback while using Prelisten in the Audio Bin now properly updates when changing the selection of files or regions.

Fixes an issue in which record repeat would delete the wrong take.

Plug-ins and Instruments

Dropping multiple samples on the EXS editor keyboard and choosing the Contiguous Zones option now correctly results in a chromatic mapping of the samples.

Using the + key to step through EXS instruments no longer causes Logic to sometimes quit unexpectedly.

The Key Release Time for a Group can now be set to values greater than 1000 as expected in the EXS editor.

Fixes an issue in which EXS24 did not play one-shots in mono or legato mode.

Resolves an issue in EXS24 in which instruments containing zones triggered by key release via a group were susceptible to stuck notes.

In EVB3, the extended parameter area no longer shows controls already available in the main plug-in window.

Ultrabeat now properly maintains the set pitch of a previously loaded sample after browsing for a new sample and then canceling.

Resolves an issue in which auditioning samples in Ultrabeat with Voice Auto Select and "Preview in Voice" active could lead to a sample endlessly looping.

Control Surfaces

Changes made to a project using a control surface now reliably activate the control surface Save button.

The Undo LED on Logic Control now correctly lights to show the availability of undo steps.

Setting parameter assignments on Control Surfaces to fixed values other than 1 now works correctly in 64-bit mode.


Clicking on an unused take after deleting a comp section no longer selects the entire take folder.

Resolves an issue in which using Auto Set Locators by Marquee Selection with very small Marquee selection lengths could result in the playhead getting stuck.

Playback now reliably starts from the beginning of the project after using the "Return to Zero" button in the Transport, no matter what Play setting is active.

With Catch Clock Position active and Cycle enabled, Logic now centers the cycle area if it fits within the current view.

Fixes an issue in which the visible area in the Arrange window would sometimes jump a few pixels to the left after scrolling to the right on OS X 10.7 Lion.

Resolves an issue in which using the Fade tool on a region could cause audio regions to be deleted in projects that contain unused audio regions.

"Bounce - Replace All Tracks" now places regions on the correct tracks in songs that contain MIDI take folders.

Volume automation now works reliably on all frozen tracks.

Resolves an issue in which the Hyper editor did not reliably update to show new selections at high vertical zoom levels.

MIDI editors now reliably update to show the contents of MIDI regions selected by rubber-band selection.

In the Event editor, the up, down, left, and right arrow keys now correctly navigate between fields while in text edit mode.

Logic no longer sometimes asks to save changes when closing a song that has not been changed.

The key commands to select projects now work as expected.

After using Save As to make a new version of an existing project to a new location, the recording path for the project is now appropriately updated to the location where the new project was saved.

Resolves an issue in which moving an audio region where the anchor had been set caused the anchor to reset to the beginning of the region if the project contained take folders.

Fixes an issue in which moving or copying a take folder with the drag mode set to No Overlap could alter the take folder.

spank you very much


Dessutom finns Logic Pro på AppStore, för endast 1399:-!

Alltså, bara Logic Pro, inte resten av Studio-paketet, men hallå, prisvärt! 1399:-!!!

HA! Vad lurad man känner sig när man köpt Logic Studio för massa pengar och i slutändan aldrig använder all bös som följde med inklusive samplingsbibblan utan bara Logic...

drloop (oregistrerad)

Jösses... 1400 spänn.

Nästan så man måste köpa Logic igen ... bara för att det är så billigt.


Postat (redigerat)

Såg nu att apple har slutat att sälja logic fysiskt och säljer det via mac app store istället. är det verkligen samma version som Logic Pro eftersom det bara kostar 1399 kr på appstore och det förut kostade ungefär 5500 kr att köpa i affär?

Redigerat av Olsberg
Slår ihop med existerande ämne

Det är bara Logic Pro. Men man går oxå miste om Soundtrack Pro, WaveBurner och Impulse Response Utilty.

Compressor och Mainstage går att köpa lös för nån hundring.

Loopar och samplingar kan man ladda ner direkt från huvudmenyn i Logic.

Så ja en del har försvunnit och en del får man sopa ihop själv.

Logic Pro på Appstore väger 413 MB. Logic Studio (den kompletta för 5 papp) väger hela 55GB på hårddisk!


jomen om jag bara använder logic pro 9, använder alltså inga apple loops, waveburner, soundtrack pro etc. går man miste om någonting då om man köper det på appstore? inte för att jag ska göra det då jag redan har det men undrar lite över det.

drloop (oregistrerad)

1400:- för Logic Pro. Helt otroligt.

En Reaper-dödare! icon_twisted.gif

Reaper dödare vågade jag inte säga...

drloop (oregistrerad)

Som jag förstår så kan man ladda hem ca 19gb av grejer innefrån Logic när man väl köpt det från app storen...



Visst går man miste om funktioner ifall 38 GB material har blivit 19 GB, och sex programvaror blivit tre (som dessutom säljs separat och tillsammans kostar 2007 kr)

Eller är t ex Impulse Response Utility och Waveburner inkluderat i köpet av Logic Pro på App Store?


Jag tror att det endast är komprimerat och sedan blir det mer när du installerar det på datorn.

Tror inte de har tagit bort något alls. Fast den som har köpt det via app store kan berätta ifall det stämmer eller inte kanske.


Om man vill ha ljuden och det som inte följer med, hur gör man då då?

Postat (redigerat)

Är det samtliga loopar/ljud som man får ladda ner i den menyn?

Verkar inte så. Jag kollade mina skivor och fick fram dessa storlekar

Dvd skivorna Är 8 stycken plus en demoskiva totalt 9 skivor.

-Logic Studio (8GB) (HÄr ligger alla programmen)

-Audio Content 1 (8.5 GB)

-Audio Content 2 (7.6 GB)

-Audio Content 3 (7.8 GB)

-Jam Pack Content 1 (4.8 GB)

-Jam Pack Content 2 (6.3 GB)

-Jam Pack Content 3 (5.4 GB)

-Additional Content (2.4GB)

Runt 50 GB

Kollar man manualen så sÄger det en hel del


Och jÄmför man med skÄrmdumpen så Är det ju skillnad.


Och så hÄr ser installationspaketet ut för Logic Studio


Så, som svar på din fråga så verkar det inte vara hela Logic Studio.

Jam Pack 2 och 3 finns inte med. Inte heller Audio Content-skivorna.

Dessutom så Är inte Waveburner och Soundtrack Pro med.

Så småningom kanske det finns att köpa separat framöver!

Redigerat av KillwithSkill

Jag kan ha svarat lite snabbt, men:

Att säga att man inte får med Waveburner eller Impulseverktyget är som att säga att man inte får med photoshop i Illustrator.

De är ju olika program, i en programsvit som heer Logic Studio. Ett av dessa program, Logic Pro säljs separat. Enligt Apple's terminologi är ju dessutom alla loopar och sånt junk en fristående feature, som ingår i Logic Studio.

Jag, som använder Apple Loops en gång i aldrig ser inget problem med det, jag tycker att det är helt fantastiskt att de kan sälja programmet så otroligt billigt.

Jag hoppas bara att de fortsätter uppgradera och utveckla programmet.

Postat (redigerat)
Att säga att man inte får med Waveburner eller Impulseverktyget är som att säga att man inte får med photoshop i Illustrator.
Mer att Adobe skulle sluta sälja programsviten Creative Suite, sälja Photoshop som download och att Illustrator inte går att få tag på.

Jag hävdar inte att Logic Pro skulle vara Logic Studio. Det är bara synd att prislappen för Logic Studio blandas ihop med den låga prislappen för enbart Logic Pro. Om man sätter Logic Pro i perspektiv till Logic Studio är prisskillnaden inte i närheten av den prisdumpning man gjorde 2007 när Logic Studio lanserades och till halva priset av vad man tog för Logic Pro.

Audio Content-skivorna är kanske ingen jätteförlust för den som gör musik, eftersom det är mycket ljudeffekter och mattor till Soundtrack Pro etc.

Men att Waveburner inte finns kvar måste bara betyda en sak - att det är inbyggt i framtida Logic Pro X istället.

Redigerat av Linus

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