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hur hade du tänkt i refrängen? bara något enstaka ord eller kort fras som upprepas?

Jag har egentligen inte tänkt nått alls men tror inte det ska vara för få ord heller. Jag har knappt skrivit en sångtext så jag är inte till mycket hjälp egentligen.

Postat (redigerat)

Jag tänker mig lite detta stuket på text, Zak!


Winners and losers, turn the pages of my life

We’re beggars and choosers, with all the struggles and the strife

I got no reason to turn my head and look the other way

We’re good and we’re evil, which one will I be today?

There’s saints and sinners

Life’s a gamble and you might lose

There’s cowards and heroes

Both have been known now to break the rules

There’s lovers and haters

The strong and the weak will all have their day

We’re devils and angels

Which one will I be today?


Are you happy now with all the choices you’ve made?

Are there times in life when you know you should’ve stayed?

Will you compromise and then realize the price is too much to pay?

Winners and losers, which one will you be today?

There’s a light and a dark side

Standing at the crossroads, there we’ll meet

There’s prophets and fools there

The lies and the truth, will be at our feet

I got a reason to turn my head and look the other way

Its heaven and hell here, which one will I live today?


Are you happy now with all the choices you’ve made?

Are there times in life when you know you should’ve stayed?

Did you compromise and then realize the price was too much to pay?

Winners and losers, which one will you be today?

Which one will you be today?

Which one will I be today?

Nu ska ja lägga mig.. Postade detta inlägg i Hotmail-tråden först. Ett gott tecken på trötthet.. 😆

Redigerat av Neosus

får plocka fram ett rimlexikon då 😛

Nja förutom det då... 😄

Men jag skulle lägga mig 😠

..nu sitter jag och mixar istället. Kan inte släppa den... 🤪😱

Detta ämne är nu stängt för fler svar.

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