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Hade tänkt stämma ner ett halvt steg. Räcker det då att stämma D# A# F#...osv? (chromatic tuner). Finns det något jag måste tänka på? Menar inte tekniskt med gitarren, utan om man måste stämma på ett speciellt sätt genom att exempelvis hålla ner strängen på första bandet och stämma i E istället? Har det någon betydelse? Finns det rätt och fel om man vill gå efter standarden så att säga?

Jag antar att vad min kromatiska stämmare kallar D# är detsamma som Eb?

Redigerat av Soxic

lyckades hitta detta svar efter ännu mer googlande...

Ideally, your tuner is a chromatic tuner that will simply read any pitch it gets, and will read " E b" or " D# "

If you happen to have a tuner that only supports EADGbe - well then you are in a bit of trouble (as I was once when I first started and didn't have good tuner). You can tune based on the first or 13th fret, which should read E (when the actualy string is E flat).

The downside of this is that using a fretted string for tuning takes your guitars intonation for tuning. Basically, if the intonation isn't perfect (and the first 1-5 frets can be a bit off on any guitar, simply due to the way frets have been traditionally spaced), the open strings might not be in tune.

The best thing to do is to spend about $10 on a Korg chromatic tuner, or buy a multieffects pedal, if you ever desired to, since most of them (Zoom, Digitech, etc. ) have tuners built in.

With a Chromatic tuner, you can basically tune any string to any note of the 12 note chromatic scale. In the long run, this is best, since alternate tunings are quite common, and you may even decide to keep all your guitars in Eb, for example.

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