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Att ta demensmedicin och medicin mot epilepsi, vilket verkar vara de två stora medicingrupper som de diskuterar efter PET-scanning är jag inte intresserad av.

Nej, precis. Ny, mer riktad epileptika vore att föredra. Helt klart. Som sagt, vi får hoppas att det framkommer nya intressanta och givande rön de kommande åren.


Jag har också fått höra att det finns personer som enbart lider av somatisk tinnitus, dvs som uppfattar tinnitus överhuvudtaget enbart om de gör vissa rörelser.

Denna tinnitus ska tydligen vara lika avskyvärd som annan "vanlig" hörselrelaterad tinnitus, men i en vanlig stilla situation utan huvudvridningar etc så uppfattar inte personerna tinnitus alls!

Det kan innebära att nattetid då de vrider huvudet åt sidan så vaknar de automatiskt.

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Även om vagusnervsstimuleringen inte alls gick till som jag trodde, så hade jag definitivt valt det före medikamenter.

Ett risgryn i storlek, implanterat i nacken. Jaja.

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  • 2 månader senare...

2011 Oct 4.

Bilateral Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus Lesions Prevent Acoustic-Trauma Induced Tinnitus in an Animal Model.

Brozoski TJ, Wisner KW, Sybert LT, Bauer CA.

SourceDivision of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, IL, 62794, USA, tbrozoski@siumed.edu.


Animal experiments suggest that chronic tinnitus ("ringing in the ears") may result from processes that overcompensate for lost afferent input. Abnormally elevated spontaneous neural activity has been found in the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) of animals with psychophysical evidence of tinnitus. However, it has also been reported that DCN ablation fails to reduce established tinnitus. Since other auditory areas have been implicated in tinnitus, the role of the DCN is unresolved. The apparently conflicting electrophysiological and lesion data can be reconciled if the DCN serves as a necessary trigger zone rather than a chronic generator of tinnitus. The present experiment used lesion procedures identical to those that failed to decrease pre-existing tinnitus. The exception was that lesions were done prior to tinnitus induction. Young adult rats were trained and tested using a psychophysical procedure shown to detect tinnitus. Tinnitus was induced by a single unilateral high-level noise exposure. Consistent with the trigger hypothesis, bilateral dorsal DCN lesions made before high-level noise exposure prevented the development of tinnitus. A protective effect stemming from disruption of the afferent pathway could not explain the outcome because unilateral lesions ipsilateral to the noise exposure did not prevent tinnitus and unilateral lesions contralateral to the noise exposure actually exacerbated the tinnitus. The DCN trigger mechanism may involve plastic circuits that, through loss of inhibition, or upregulation of excitation, increase spontaneous neural output to rostral areas such as the inferior colliculus. The increased drive could produce persistent pathological changes in the rostral areas, such as high-frequency bursting and decreased interspike variance, that comprise the chronic tinnitus signal."

  • 2 veckor senare...

Neuromonics Receives U.S. Army Grant to Study Non-Invasive Tinnitus Treatment

Neuromonics, Inc. has received a contract from the U.S. Army worth nearly $700,000 to study the effects and use of the Neuromonics Tinnitus Treatment (NTT) in military environments.

Bethlehem, PA (PRWEB) October 18, 2011

Neuromonics, Inc., the maker and distributor of the Oasis, an FDA-cleared, patented and clinically proven medical device designed for long-term significant relief of tinnitus, has received a contract from the U.S. Army to study the effects and use of the Neuromonics Tinnitus Treatment (NTT) in military environments.

The contract, issued and administered by the U.S Army Medical Research Acquisition Act, totals nearly $700,000, and provides funds to extend work currently in progress under a grant Neuromonics received in 2010. The clinical study is examining the effects of placebo treatment and the NTT in active and retired members of the military with tinnitus. The new study, expected to take place at the U.S. Army’s Fort Rucker post in Alabama, will also seek to improve the efficacy of the NTT among members of the military. The NTT already has proven effective in more than a dozen clinical studies in both civilian and military populations, according to Duane Knight, chief operating officer at Neuromonics.

“This grant continues the strong working relationship between Neuromonics and the U.S. military,” says Knight. “It is a clear indication that both organizations are committed to providing the best possible solution to all those who suffer from tinnitus as a result of their active military service, and help those individuals – including active-duty personnel – get back to work as quickly as possible.”

The NTT uses an electronic medical device that combines soothing music with an embedded tone. This patient-specific, customized stimulus works to relieve the effects of tinnitus. Neuromonics’ Oasis device, which works by desensitizing the patient’s tinnitus perception, is an FDA-cleared, patented and clinically proven medical device with documented long-term relief of tinnitus. The patient wears the small, non-invasive device for a few hours per day, listening to soothing music that is customized to each person’s unique hearing profile by specially trained audiologists. The NTT is particularly helpful for patients whose sleep is disturbed by their tinnitus, according to Knight, and enables many tinnitus sufferers to maintain or return to a normal working life.

Tinnitus in the military

According to the American Tinnitus Association, more than 50 million people in the United States suffer from tinnitus, the condition described as ringing in the ears when no external sounds are present. Usually brought on by exposure to loud noise, the problem is especially significant in the military, with more than 34 percent of returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan suffering from the condition.

Recent research has demonstrated that the NTT yields clinically significant reduction in tinnitus disturbance for more than 90 percent of suitable patients in a formal clinical trial setting. Members of the military experience similar, or better, results. In one recent study at the Hollywood, Fla., Veterans Administration Hospital, 96 percent of patients reported a reduction in their TRQ (Tinnitus Reaction Questionnaire), a self-report questionnaire that evaluates tinnitus distress, by 40 percent or more.

Neuromonics, Inc. (http://www.neuromonics.com)

Neuromonics, Inc., manufactures and distributes the FDA-cleared, patented and clinically proven medical device designed for long-term significant relief of tinnitus. With research and development beginning in the early 1990s, the Neuromonics tinnitus treatment has helped thousands of tinnitus sufferers improve their quality of life and overcome the daily life challenges associated with tinnitus. Neuromonics is based in Bethlehem, Pa.

USAMRMC Contract

This research and development project will be conducted by Neuromonics, Inc., and is made possible by a contract that was awarded and administered by the U.S. Army Medical Research & Materiel Command (USAMRMC) and the Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC), at Fort Detrick, MD, under Contract Number: W81XWH-11-2-0190.


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  • 8 månader senare...

Jag känner verkligen med er alla som drabbats av tinnitus. Har själv vänner som har det men har själv lyckats att undvika det trots massor av repetitionssessioner och konserter utan öronproppar. Man kan bara hoppas att den här tråden kommer att fungera som en ögonöppnare för alla unga musiker här på forumet att ALLTID skydda sin hörsel!

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Det är ta mig tusan bedrövligt att ingen hjälp kan erbjudas - det är trots allt inte så många företeelser i samhället där man drabbas permanent som fallet är med tinnitus! Och där det dessutom inte finns någon gräns för hur illa det kan (hur högt)

Min läkare sade för övrigt till mig senast jag träffade honom "Botemedel mot tinnitus finns inte och kommer ej att finnas, då skulle man redan kunnat bota det.

Känns inte särskilt hoppfullt främst eftersom han är insatt i forskningen etc.

Redigerat av Lesky

Angående träning, styrketränar man längre pass (över en timme) skapas stresshormonet cortisol och det ger sämre effekt plus att du blir tröttare och det tar längre tid att återhämta dig. För mig hjälpte träningen extremt mycket jag tog en paus i träningen ett par veckor och tinnitusen var jättejobbig. Började träna igen fast kortare styrkepass 45 min. Och nu mår jag bra och tänker inte på tinnitus. Träning frigör massa ämnen i kroppen bla. Dopamin och testosteron som är bättre än att ta anti-depressiva. Kör tunga vikter korta pass för att maxa effekten, varva med lugna veckor varannan månad

  • 4 månader senare...

Jag hittade detta om senaste resultaten av vagus stimulering - tyvärr är det negativa uppgifter:

They aren't satisfied with their pilot study on VNS. Initially, 7 of the 10 patients had good results but most reverted back to their previous states. Long terms wise, only two of them have a light amelioration. Shown by both the EEGs and the questionnaires. I was told that the tinnitus of the lab rats was recent and some of the human test patients had tinnitus as old as 8 years. Also the implantation wasn't complete: they had just an electrode on their vagus nerve but used an external stimulator which was used only in hospital for short sessions. Maybe with an implanted stimulator sending impulses all day long the results will be better.

I was also told about the electrode implantations. They are still perfecting this. Since overctive cortical zones stimulate each other, taming one zone with one electrode is efficient with a minority of cases. that's why they experiment with mutli electrode implants. Sometimes 3 or 4 electrodes on different cortical sites ! The problem is often the tinnitus is tamed at first but comes back after a while and they have to find new stimulation parameters. They told me they still need several years to perfect this. Some lucky patients have had a total suppression of their tinnitus with that but they are a tiny few.

Anyway an implantation of one electrode costs around 20 000 € ! i don't want to guess how much it would cost for mutli electrode implants.

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