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Tja, vet att detta Àr ett svenskt forum men skriver pÄ engelska för att jag har samma post pÄ flera andra forum. I grund och botten Àr detta ett test för "vanliga" konsumenter, alltsÄ folk som bara uppskattar musik utan att veta dem tekniska sakerna men min handlÀggare trodde att det skulle bli instressant att fÄ synpunkter frÄn lite kunnigare folk. LÀs igenom, svara, helst bara svaren pÄ frÄgorna och inte kommentarer om lÄtarna eftersom det kan pÄverka andra som lÀser kommentarerna. Good luck have fun!


I have this assignment in class and I chose to try do something fun. I made two short covers of famous songs. The two songs are Owl City - "Fireflies" and Metallica - "Enter Sandman". I also made different versions where the song track differs.

Now here's the fun part. Listen to each version and tell me which version you think is Auto-tuned and write the options in the comments below. Try not to look on the other comments as they might influence your judgement. If you didn't know, Auto-tune is basicly when you alter a audio file, this time my song, and "tune" it in pitch.

It's a great thing because people like me, that can't really sing, suddenly can!

You can find the songs in this link!

Okey, here is the questions.

1. On the Cover of Fireflies (there are two versions) which track/tracks do you think has Auto-tune on the song?

A) Only Fireflies 1 has been Auto-tuned.

😎 Only Fireflies 2 has been Auto-tuned.

C) Both have been Auto-tuned.

D) Neither one of them has been auto-tuned.

Okey. Easy? Great!

Here is the other

2. On the Cover of Enter Sandmand (there is now three versions) which track/tracks do you think has Auto-tune on the song.

A) On Enter sandman 1 and 2

😎 On Enter sandman 1 and 3

C) On Enter sandman 2 and 3

D) On all versions.

E) On neither of them.

The point of this test is what YOU think, there is no right or wrong, well kinda but that's not the point, I want to know what you think.

Also if possible, tell as many as you can to do this test. It only takes a second to do and it helps me if alot of people participate.



Allt Àr mer eller mindre autotunat. Möjligen Àr det nÄn annan effekt Àn autotune pÄ sista lÄten, men jag tycker nog det lÄter AT som sagt.



Tackar för svaren hittills, alla svaren Ă€r utmĂ€rkta för min undersökning 😛. Undersökningen ska va uppe i drygt en vecka till sĂ„ fortsĂ€tt svara pĂ„ den!


Tycker nog att allt lĂ„ter autotunat, dock blir det ganska förvirrande nĂ€r det stundtals Ă€r otajt. Kan ju Ă€ven vara flanger eller annan effekt som Ă€r pĂ„lagd för att förvirra 😳

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