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Jag skulle behöva ett par till lurar till inspelning, de får varken läcka ut för mycket ljud, eller släppa in ljud om man tex spelar bredvid en munter trummis med klipp i nyporna.

Nån som testat Shure SRH 440? Kostar en dryg tusing. Shure för mig är jäkligt bra grejer som inte går sönder de första 40 åren. Men jag hittar ingen uppgift om hur många db de dämpar skramlet runtomkring?




Här är en test jag hittade. Här står det bla att de ska "brännas in" och låter efter det mkt bättre. De jämför med den dyrare refernsluren 840S och när 440 var nya lät de väldigt tunt i jämförelse, men efter att ha bränt in dem var det inte mycket skillnad. 12 timmars inkörning skulle det vara stod det...

Vad betyder "lacking"

Join Date: Aug 2009

Posts: 134

Default Shure SHR440 Review

Well, I've owned the 840s for a few weeks and I adore them. Not the best sounding cans I've ever used but for sure the most balanced closed backs I've ever used. My dad got to listening to them and decided he wanted a pair of his own. So I decided to buy him a pair...he said he didn't feel right in paying 200 smackers for the 840s, and was okay with the 440s being 100$ So we got them instead.

I told him out of the box they would sound tinny. And I was very right, they sounded pretty awful at first. Later on yesterday after I let them burn in for a few hours, they started really coming together nicely. I believe the freq range on them is like 10-20 or something close to that, and on the 840s 5-25. So hontestly there isnt THAT much of a massive difference as I thought there would be.

I've also used the ATHes7s for a long time. These 440s are not fully burnt in yet ( about 12 hours ) and they sound near identical to the es7, but they are VASTLY more comfy. Ear fatigue on the es7s set in within a few minutes and it feels like a crocodile clamping your head. The 440s are nice and soft, a heavy but comfortable fit. Now onto the overall quality and sound.

The Sound:

Well, lets face it, these are not fully burnt in yet and they sound just as good as fully burnt in es7s. The bass is sometimes overwhelming. Songs like "Dirty off your Shoulder" or your pick of a Gorillaz song is sometimes just too much for me. My head shakes. It's not a warm bass, it's got a nice kick to it though, to me it seems very artificial, amped even when you crank up the bass on your EQ.

On a track like Michael Jacksons "Dirty Diana" or "Scream" the bass is simply a jawdropper ( for 100$ cans ) The reason I say this is because its got a real depth to the bass but it does not at all ruin the quality of the sounds around it. That is rare. If you are a basshead, these cans are not for you. However if you want an enjoyable bass experience that doesnt cover up the general quality of a song, you cant go wrong.

Build Quality and comfort:

10/10 for build quality, 7/10 for comfort. The headband twists and is very elasticish. You can bend and twist it and it wont break. The only downside to this is that there is very little padding on the part that rests on the top of your head. ( hell, its infinitely nicer than NOTHING, as on the es7s)

The ear pads are not as soft as a pair of Beyerdynamics, but realize that these cans are only 100 bucks and ear fatigue and pain is almost unavoidable. The pressure points around your ears are just too sensitive for over ear cans to sit on for extended periods of time. Shure could have done a better job with the comfort of the ear pads in my opinion, but don't let that fool you, It's still very comfy. Outside of wanting softer pads ( I always want this no matter how soft they are ) all I can complain about is the weight. They are pretty heavy.

The Comparisons:

These beat out the Es7s well before fully burnt in. Thats just epic win. I feel I've made a grave mistake in buying the 840s for myself. I can hardly tell the difference in the overall sound quality between the 440 and the 840. The only REALLY noticeable feature is the Bass. It's much thicker on the 840 than the 440...but not by that much.

440 range 10-22khz

840 range 5-25khz

to some this is a MASSIVE difference. When you are listening though a great dedicated amp ( not portable ) with a high quality music track you really hear the difference between the two. However if you are listening via mp3 player ( even with a portable amp ) the different is not worth the extra $100.00 in my opinion )

The downside to the 840 line is that they really are not suited for mp3 player usage at all unless you have a fantastic amp. The sound is distant, still nice but lacking a lot. The 440s breeze through my Samsung p3, and I just picked up the Archos 5 60gb and holy hell and a half the sound coming out of this thing is sublime.

Overall 440 rating: 8/10 I've owned better closed backs, but something was lacking from them. The 440s lack nothing. And I mean this...nothing. The bass is fantastic and not insanely harsh ( unless you crank that bass line on the EQ to max then its like holy bassophile batman ) These cans really do their job nicely. I can't really gripe about anything but the weight. They are monsters. For my needs, I made a huge mistake in paying for the 840s, as I only use them for gaming and mp3 usage. The 440 performs just as nicely with a slight decrease in overall quality.

Jag skulle behöva ett par till lurar till inspelning, de får varken läcka ut för mycket ljud, eller släppa in ljud om man tex spelar bredvid en munter trummis med klipp i nyporna.

Nån som testat Shure SRH 440? Kostar en dryg tusing. Shure för mig är jäkligt bra grejer som inte går sönder de första 40 åren. Men jag hittar ingen uppgift om hur många db de dämpar skramlet runtomkring?

Jag äger själv ett par SRH840 och de låter hur bra som helst.

När det gäller dämpning av yttre ljud så dämpar de ganska bra jämfört med t.ex. mina beyerdynamix dt240 men jag skulle aldrig vilja ställa mig bredvid en hårdslående trummis med de här lurarna.

Har testat 440-varianten i affär, och jag har för mig att dämpningen är likartad, d.v.s. ganska bra men inget för att stå bredvid en virveltrumma med.


Kanske det är smartast att köpa ett till lika par Sennheiser HD 280 som jag redan har? De kostar ca tusenlappen åsså får man samma ljud i bägge paren när man kör på samma lurförstärkare. Och de isolerar ju verkligen bra, plus att jag har några tusen timmars vana av dem...



Vill man ha det så läckfritt det bara går skulle jag satsa på in ear, typ koss-varianten med gummi så att det sluter tätt redan på det stadiet, och sen smacka på ett par vanliga hörselkåpor ovanpå det... En variant bara. Blir nog svårt att stå bredvid en trummis utan att få in väsentligt läck med bara ett par slutna lurar.

Är lite sugen på de där shur lurarna också, men vad innebär att bränna in dem?

Att spela in dem, dvs när de fått gå ett par timmar med ljud igenom, till skillnad mot sprillans oanvända.

Testa även ATH-M50, sluter mycket bra och låter jäkligt bra för att vara slutna.

Har du kunnat hitta några siffror på hur mycket de dämpar? Jag har letat, men inte lyckats...

Instämmer i att ATH-M50 verkligen låter bra för pengarna, men mina favoriter bland slutna lurar, är ändå Ultrasone Pro750 (och Pro900, men de är betydligt dyrare utan att vara så väldigt mycket bättre - och känns därför inte lika prisvärda).

Sennheiser HD280 Pro dämpar 32dB och Ultrasone's Pro-serie dämpar 30dB.

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