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21 hertz - Wave of time

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sylvain (oregistrerad)

One more demo song before the album:

LÅTNAMN: Wave of time


GENRE: Trip hop

LÅTLÄNGD: 6'28''






STATUS: Premaster

LÅTLÄNK: Wave of time

nattvaktaren (oregistrerad)
Postat (redigerat)

Good mixing - poor tune.

Or no tune, rather.

It is all to clear what your influences are, and it's boring.

Redigerat av nattvaktaren
sylvain (oregistrerad)
Postat (redigerat)
Good mixing - poor tune.

Or no tune, rather.

It is all to clear what your influences are, and it's boring.

Going on your web page, listening to the music on it, I take your comments as a compliment my friend.

I'm glad that you recognise the quality of the production... but taste is a thing where there is no right or wrong, good or bad.

Have a good night.

Redigerat av sylvain
Postat (redigerat)

The production really sounds professional, ready for the stores. No doubt about that. However it still remains a question for me why such good musicians keeps imitating already existing music.

Redigerat av nev
sylvain (oregistrerad)
Postat (redigerat)

Well, let's speak about immitating...

There are poeple here who post rock, dance, techno... songs. Nothing so original, again and again the same things, in their styles.

But when we post everybody points at as saying that we have no originality. I don't know why, maybe they need to classify, to refer to other groups to know where to put us, and there are not so many trip hop groups.

Sorry, but we make trip hop, and this is how trip hop sounds like.

Redigerat av sylvain
nattvaktaren (oregistrerad)
Postat (redigerat)
I don't know why, maybe they need to classify, to refer to other groups to know where to put us, and there are not so many trip hop groups.

That is just it.

"Trip hop" is no genre, it was a mid-90s thing that involved about three bands.

You sound exactly like those bands, minus interesting lyrics and catchy tunes.

edit: And feel free to comment other peoples demos, as this site isn't a feedback service, but a community.

Redigerat av nattvaktaren

1. What is triphop?

1a. general

1b. styles

1c. message+lyrics

1d. quotes

2. Who coined the term "TripHop"?

3. How long has this style been around?

4. Who are the originators?

5. Are there different types of TripHop?

1. What is triphop?

1a. This is by far the most commonly asked question, and the most difficult to answer, but I will try my best to sum it up. Triphop is a blend of electronica and hip-hop, urban and ethereal, street and ambience. It is music that is thought provoking, sexy, sensual, and deep. Defining triphop is so difficult because the music is so amorphous, and it spreads across such a wide range of emotions and sounds. Some groups will have you nodding your head and tapping your feet while others will possibly lower your blood pressure (joke, sorta;). ^top

1b. Some triphop is narcotic - extremely mellow strings, a gentle brush beat on the drums, spacey bass lines echoing in the background with sullen female vocals at a whispers volume. Some triphop is loud - in your face with turntables burning themselves up, bass driven hip hop beats, thumping bass lines and rapping. A good deal of what is between these 2 examples would classify as triphop. That is indeed a big pill to swallow, so I will now attempt to describe triphop from a different point, the mood and messages evoked. ^top

1c. While it would not be correct to assume that all triphop lyrics focus on anything in particular, a good deal of groups express sentiments on love, the loss of love, relationships in general, life in general, city life, escapism, etc. Not all, but a good deal of groups also approach these topics from a somber or regretful standpoint. This isn't to say that all triphop is for heartbroken souls who want to stay couped up in a studio apartment, chainsmoking and drinking all night because they are now damaged. There is triphop which deals with the good things in life as well: good times in life, worthy experiences, the pleasure of a certain herb, etc... but just about every triphop album out there will have at least a song or two that will focus on the downfalls of love. It seems to be quite a universal theme within this music. Hopefully this is starting to shape up into something that can actually be grasped. ^top

1d. While these are all my personal perceptions of the genre, being a diehard devotee to the blissful beats of triphop going on eight years now, I think it would be wise to add some comments of others who have something to say on this subject. Below I have listed some quotes that appear on Tripnotic's Triphop-music.com message forum (http://mitglied.lycos.de/tripnotic/phpBB2/index.php).

"Triphop is smooth beats, moods, emotions... Engeneered music, not trance or techno though (yaaark..) It' wavy music, it takes you through those waves, i love it, its some kind of relaxing music that helps you think. I feel it like city music, night music, thoughful music." - Anonymous Guest

"imo...i say what hip hop is to rap...triphop is to dance.... its just toned down more. basically a slow electronic sound usually accompanied with female vocal. just great music to chill to." - snow_san

"i think the simplest consensus could be its laid back&relaxing electronics/synths accompanied by a beautiful female (for the most part) voice. usually one might think some dark but w/ bands like Morcheeba...can be refreshing too ahhhhh. i'm thinking of "sao paulo".." - snow_san

"To me Triphop or downbeat or whatever your linguistic choice is, is not affronting or accosting, but enveloping and open. It is Like all other music in that it creates a mood and emotion in the listener. For Me Rap and lots of rock and heavy metal type stuff tend to incite a certain primality, rage and rawness. MTV pop tends to evoke symptoms of happiness (fake happiness in my mind) although often it seems to be a hollow happiness. Triphop evokes a melancholy, contemplative feel inside of me (by the way most people that I know that like triphop tend to have a sad tint on life, not depressive or negative, just feel pain a little stronger). The picture on the front of the actual CD of Goldfrapp's album best personifies Triphop to me. An unassuming set of trees in the forest, blanketed in soft white snow. It's cool shit." - I know nothing (dont let his name fool you... this is by far one of the best descriptions i have seen).

Hopefully you have an idea of what triphop is now. If you've never heard it, then I think even the best description in the world wouldnt really do justice to actually listening to the music, and if you have heard some triphop songs already, then what you have just read most likely reaffirmed what you were already assuming about the genre. ^top

2. Who coined the term "TripHop"?

Almost akin to ancient folklore, the tale goes something like this... Back in the early 90's, electronic music began to blossom on labels such as Cup of Tea, Ninja Tune, and Mo Wax, spawning new styles such as downtempo, lo-fi, and dub. Around 1995, the British zine scene could no longer bear to let this music continue on without giving it a name to clearly define its existence and give it its own personal niche, and the name was given: triphop. Why they chose the word "trip" is anybodies guess. Does it refer to herb or drugs in general? The overall trippiness (or dare I say, pschyedelia) of the music? Maybe by "trip" they just meant music to let your mind float away to? Nobody knows for sure. The "hop" part is quite obvious however, seeing that the term "triphop" was given to the initial groups who were slowing down hip hop at the time. ^top

3. How long has this style been around?

Since the early 90's. Of course, it wasn't called triphop back then, but the slowed down and more melodic forms of hip hop with vocals which were actually sang/whispered rather than rapped was blossoming in Europe in the early 90's. Even before the 90's there existed Wild Bunch (pre-Massive Attack) and Smith & Mighty (also a part of Wild Bunch), who were around back in the 80's. But as for the actual "triphop" style, the early 90's was the definitive turning point. ^top

4. Who are the originators?

The most important and early triphop groups/projects which come to mind are Smith & Mighty, Dj Shadow, Portishead, and Massive Attack. There is also one other who didn't exist (in his own right) until slightly after these 4 (mainly because he was a former member of Massive Attack) and that is Tricky. Smith & Mighty came from an electronic/dub angle, Dj Shadow came from the turntable/emcee angle, Portishead came from the jazz angle, Massive Attack came from the electronic angle, and Tricky came from the gritty hiphop/rap angle. These 5 (along with Wild Bunch) could most likely get away with being called the staple of triphop, and if it was not for their existence, the genre would most likely be much different (or even nonexistent!) than it is today. ^top

5. Where did triphop start

England, primarily in a city about 100 miles west of London called Bristol. In reading reviews or articles of triphop albums, you may see constant referencees to something called "The Bristol Sound" (basically another term for triphop, although for the purists, relating more to the darker material which bands like Portishead and Tricky create. It's not a very pretty city). Smith & Mighty, Portishead, Massive Attack, and Tricky all hail from Bristol by the way. ^top

sylvain (oregistrerad)
Postat (redigerat)
And feel free to comment other peoples demos, as this site isn't a feedback service, but a community.

Don't worry, I wont miss your tracks.

"Trip hop" is no genre, it was a mid-90s thing that involved about three bands.

Well if you know about 3 trip hop bands, it tells a lot about your cultural background.

You sound exactly like those bands, minus interesting lyrics and catchy tunes.

The fact that you doesn't like trip hop doesn't bother me. But the fact that you take your taste as the norme if a little pertubating. Who are you to say what's good and what's bad?

I expect an answer to that, my friend.peck.gif

Redigerat av sylvain
sylvain (oregistrerad)

> massive

Thanks for your help, but please, don't trash that thread anymore with post like this. 😏

nattvaktaren (oregistrerad)
And feel free to comment other peoples demos, as this site isn't a feedback service, but a community.

Don't worry, I wont miss your tracks.


But I don't see you posting anything on the forum but your demos,

and that's not cool. A bit like "trip hop" really.

Well if you know about 3 trip hop bands, it tells a lot about your cultural background.

Aha. I'm sure there were lots more.

I just can't remember what I listened to 10 years ago.

Who are you to say what's good and what's bad?

If you post a demo you're likely to get peoples opinions of it.

You got mine.

Postat (redigerat)

Kunde inte bärga mig..

Vad håller du på med nattvaktarn?.. du har ju en helt egen tråd där du tycker att folk ska tänka till innan de ger kritik.

Vare sig du vill det eller ej låter triphop mycket såhär, och jag kan inte säga att jag tycker att det är aldeles för likt liknande låtar.

Jätteegendomligt att du som technonisse postar detta då fär de flesta av era låtar låter ju likadant, eller? Sånt skulle du itne vilja höra om dina egna låtar?.. Tror bestämt det var därför du tyckte att folk skulle "tänka till"?


Sweet production. Good song. Sooo triphop.

Don't get it why you post it here tho, how are we supposed to critisise a "complete" song? 😏

Redigerat av Kringlan
sylvain (oregistrerad)
But I don't see you posting anything on the forum but your demos,

and that's not cool.

I agree with that. I'd like to post more than my demos and give feedback to other. But I have to admit I don't do it because this is a swedish forum. Starting a thread in english is one thing, posting a english answer in a swedish thread is another. This doesn't mean that I am not listening to their work.

If you post a demo you're likely to get peoples opinions of it.

You got mine.

You don't answer the question... who are you to tell what's good or bad?

I would have accept something like "I don't like it", but you went to far. There is a difference between giving an opinion and judging.

We can continue in private if you want to. I think we are going off topic now...

Postat (redigerat)
But I don't see you posting anything on the forum but your demos,

and that's not cool.

I agree with that. I'd like to post more than my demos and give feedback to other. But I have to admit I don't do it because this is a swedish forum. Starting a thread in english is one thing, posting a english answer in a swedish thread is another. This doesn't mean that I am not listening to their work.

I think most of us understand english good enough to understand feedback in english. Atleast I wouldnt mind getting feedback in english. The lack of feedback from my side on this thread is because I'm not very into this genre, and I think my comments wouldnt contribute a very lot to the subject. [sorry if OT]

Redigerat av Neko
nattvaktaren (oregistrerad)
You don't answer the question... who are you to tell what's good or bad?

I'm a member of this forum, that's who.

I gave you my opinion.

Now if you're only interested in hearing how much people love your stuff you should go play it to your mom and dad. Get it?

Kringlan: Det stämmer att jag tröttnade på "trip hop" cirka 1996.

Men jag kan mina Bristol-band lika bra som någon annan.

Min huvudsakliga kritik mot låten var att det saknas, tja, en låt.

Jag vet att du är lite bitter och gärna vill hugga min hals så fort du bara får chansen, men du får lugna dig lite till, detta var inte tillfället du väntat på. Kommer nog ska du se. 😆

sylvain (oregistrerad)
Now if you're only interested in hearing how much people love your stuff you should go play it to your mom and dad. Get it?

I'd rather release my album. If you want a promo-copy, don't hesitate to ask 😆

Postat (redigerat)
Now if you're only interested in hearing how much people love your stuff you should go play it to your mom and dad. Get it?

I'd rather release my album. If you want a promo-copy, don't hesitate to ask 😛

😆 If the song is final and you are currently releasing an album - why do you post here with us amateurs in a demo forum then? Do you want feedback or what?

Edit: my gaddämn inglish is lauschy

Redigerat av hammagrella
sylvain (oregistrerad)
If the song is final and you are currently releasing an album - why do you post here with us amateurs in a demo forum then? Do you want feedback or what?

To be honest, I would never post unfinished work... It doesn't mean I don't want feedback for what I do. Maybe we don't have the same definition of what a demo song is? To me it is a song ready to be shown to music professionals, but not to be released. I posted the premastered version...

And believe me, I am as much an amateur as anybody here.

Postat (redigerat)
Kringlan: Det stämmer att jag tröttnade på "trip hop" cirka 1996.

Men jag kan mina Bristol-band lika bra som någon annan.

Min huvudsakliga kritik mot låten var att det saknas, tja, en låt.

Jag vet att du är lite bitter och gärna vill hugga min hals så fort du bara får chansen, men du får lugna dig lite till, detta var inte tillfället du väntat på. Kommer nog ska du se. :rolleyes:

Förbannat också...

Fast allvarligt tycker jag din aggresion mot detta är rätt överflödig.. Tycker de e en bra produktion och tycker inte alls det saknas nåt 😉.. jag tror att du låter en del av din Bristol-trötthet gå ut över han.. stackarn

Sen att han aldrig kommenterar nån annan är ju en helt annan fråga

Redigerat av Kringlan
Postat (redigerat)

Nice Arr....

But i would classify this as FusionJazz....maby... 😆

And if i was u i would comment on the demos

presented i the forum, tell us what u think...

Even if they are in swedish....threads that is..

Its another matter with helpthreads in swedish.

It´s kind of, not possible, unless u got an enterp. 😄

Again. xiting tunes u got here 😄

Redigerat av Twilight_Zound
Kunde inte bärga mig..

Vad håller du på med nattvaktarn?.. du har ju en helt egen tråd där du tycker att folk ska tänka till innan de ger kritik.

Vare sig du vill det eller ej låter triphop mycket såhär, och jag kan inte säga att jag tycker att det är aldeles för likt liknande låtar.

Jätteegendomligt att du som technonisse postar detta då fär de flesta av era låtar låter ju likadant, eller? Sånt skulle du itne vilja höra om dina egna låtar?.. Tror bestämt det var därför du tyckte att folk skulle "tänka till"?

Kan inte göra mera än att hålla med kringlan. Inte direkt mästaren på konststruktiv kritik. 😆

Good mixing - poor tune.

Or no tune, rather.

It is all to clear what your influences are, and it's boring.

du låter lite sur

tar en iprene du

kommer gå bättre 😆


Oh, this was a nice one! I think I like this better than the previous tune you posted here...

But OTOH I recently bought the Portishead PNYC DVD, so maybe it's just that I'm more into this kind of music now... 😆

sylvain (oregistrerad)

Thanks everybody for your comments and your support 😄

Postat (redigerat)

Alltså , om jag inte visste bättre nu efter 10 månader på studio forum , så kunde jag svära på att det fanns sting av avundsjuka i Nattvaktarens och Hammagrellas inlägg ......... 😆 , men nu menar jag inte det nu ........ nu menar jag att det luktar broderlig nepotism 😆

Sylvain : Our "Veterans" have taken this forum a bit to granted . Forgive them , because they are not bad guys , they´re just clumsy sometimes. And they forgot to check their own lusekofta before giving an opinion....... 😄

Nattvaktaren : Du skulle lika gärna kunnat säga : " öööh vafaaan e de här för jäääääfla dynga " det hade sammanfattat bättre vad du tyckt i ditt första inlägg, som man kan tycka är så pass okunstruktiv så man undrar : Varför bry sig ? 🙁

Redigerat av Kill All Autotuner
nattvaktaren (oregistrerad)


Postat (redigerat)



Det trodde jag aldrig att nattvaktaren skulle klumpsa ur sig.

nej, ska inte strö salt i såren...

Förlåt 😮

Redigerat av Kringlan

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