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Efter jag har hört historien på riktigt skulle jag varken ha köpt mickar eller preamps från den snubben!

Dock var han den bästa på den tiden!


Han var en producent och låtskrivare.

Wiki har det mesta om du vill vet mer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Meek 🙂

Han har, såvitt jag vet, varken konstruerat preampar eller micar, men använde kompressorn på ett speciellt sätt, som blev en viktig del av hans sound. Han har alltså bara långt efter sin död fått låna ut sitt namn till diverse prylar...


Meek's legacy (från wikipedia)

Despite not being able to play a musical instrument or write notation, Meek displayed a remarkable facility for writing and producing successful commercial recordings. In writing songs he was reliant on musicians such as Dave Adams, Geoff Goddard or Charles Blackwell to transcribe melodies from his vocal "demos". He worked on 245 singles, of which 45 were major hits (top fifty or better).

He pioneered studio tools such as multiple over-dubbing on one- and two-track machines, close miking, direct input of bass guitars, the compressor, and effects like echo and reverb, as well as sampling. Unlike other producers, his search was for the 'right' sound rather than for a catchy musical tune, and throughout his brief career he single-mindedly followed his quest to create a unique "sonic signature" for every record he produced.

At a time when many studio engineers were still wearing white coats and assiduously trying to maintain clarity and fidelity, Meek, the maverick, was producing everything on the three floors of his "home" studio and was never afraid to distort or manipulate the sound if it created the effect he was seeking.

Meek was one of the first producers to grasp and fully exploit the possibilities of the modern recording studio. His innovative techniques -- physically separating instruments, treating instruments and voices with echo and reverb, processing the sound through his fabled home-made electronic devices, the combining of separately-recorded performances and segments into a painstakingly constructed composite recording -- comprised a major breakthrough in sound production. Up to that time, the standard technique for pop, jazz and classical recordings alike was to record all the performers in one studio, playing together in real time, a legacy of the days before magnetic tape, when performances were literally cut live, directly onto disc.

Meek's style was also substantially different from that of his contemporary Phil Spector, who typically created his famous "Wall of sound" productions by making live recordings of large ensembles that used multiples of major instruments like bass, guitar and piano to create the complex sonic backgrounds for his singers.


Allt som bär Joe Meek är förmodligen bra. Men lå toss inte glömma att han var fucking störst även om han bara hade en landlady som han sköt och dessutom var homosexuel.

Att vara homo på den tiden var inte lätt.

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