Pazo Postat 2 september 2009 Postat 2 september 2009 Godagg! Hemma från skolan för jag har 3 timmar rast! eller nu äre inte tre utan nu äre rast till kl 13! för då börjar jag igen! med akvatisk miljöanalys!
Dingbats Postat 2 september 2009 Postat 2 september 2009 Godagg! Hemma från skolan för jag har 3 timmar rast! eller nu äre inte tre utan nu äre rast till kl 13! för då börjar jag igen! med akvatisk miljöanalys! Klockan 13 fakultet..? 😄 Okej jag SKA sluta!
Dingbats Postat 2 september 2009 Postat 2 september 2009 finns ingen fil i kylen, bara laktosfri yogurt :/
Micke H Postat 2 september 2009 Postat 2 september 2009 😄 Gissa vem som gjort det med en tjej inatt.... Säg inget till Clara bara...
Micke H Postat 2 september 2009 Postat 2 september 2009 So, Jesus, Moses, and an old man are playing golf. They come to a hole with a lake. Jesus takes his shot, and the ball goes into the water. He proceeds to walk across the water and retrieve his ball. Moses takes his shot, and it goes into the water. He proceeds to part the water and retrieve the ball. The old man is next. He hits his ball and just as its about to hit the water, a fish jumps out and swallows it. Just before the fish falls back into the water, an eagle swoops down and grabs the fish. The eagle flies up and circles the course three times, and drops the fish. The fish lands on the green, the ball pops out of the fish's mouth, rolls across the green and into the cup. Jesus turns to the old man and says,"Dad, quit fucking around and play golf!"
Dingbats Postat 2 september 2009 Postat 2 september 2009 Palla åka hela vägen till Kista för att plugga fysik........................................................................... ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ............................................................................
slejnard Postat 2 september 2009 Postat 2 september 2009 😄 hej 🙁 Snart lunch å kaffe i mängd intaget! 😄
Micke H Postat 2 september 2009 Postat 2 september 2009 😄hej 🙁 Snart lunch å kaffe i mängd intaget! 😄 AMEN!
slejnard Postat 2 september 2009 Postat 2 september 2009 Går ju inte å vara ledig...saker hopas....boten heter kaffe så man blir alldeles skakig. 😄
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