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Postat mest i detta ämne

  • Micke H


  • Pazo


  • Overkill


  • Neosus


Postat mest i detta ämne


As the snow fell, meandering down in a pattern reminiscent of the shapes on the face of my mirror the very same evening, I could not help but wonder whether or not the woman standing beside me could notice the way I was observing her modest shifts in weight, the one foot relieving the other from the continuous pressure against the frosty tarmac. In the center of the black crust an assortment of cracks caught my omniscient eye. The blanket of white, bursting with stars and sparkle, utterly fractal in nature. Light refracting through their embrace, divided by the dark and deep canyons scattered unreservedly round our bodies. She twitched somewhat -- a form of nervous tic, perhaps. Though probably not related to my presence as such, I entertained the thought of her subconsciously picking up the tension that arose from my being there, next to her. Watching her skin folding onto itself as she coordinated another set of her shifts.

The fantasies that promptly started upon her innocent altering of limbs plunged me into a trance of sorts. Mind going wild, blood surging, then blankness. My eyes looked at the great nullity of space, then no longer at it. Into it. She consumed my every thought. My gaze froze shut like the icy surface of the pools of water accumulated in the depressions of the street. Meanwhile, the moment apparently had made my presence rather perceivable, because when I momentarily snapped out of my sluggish state, her eyes wandered across my face. I melted. I could feel her. Then I damned myself for slipping out of concentration. But rather then dwelling on it I by mere chance caught a glimpse of her breasts. Her green jacket, almost military in appearance and texture, split in the middle. Having not been properly closed, it allowed for her bare, warm skin to tickle the former coldness of my distant self, sending waves of opiate like pleasure resonating through my body as she turned a quarter of a full circle in my direction. I was ecstatic, on the verge of bursting at the seams. She had my full attention; every second of time previously spent contemplating anything other than her being seemed futile and wasteful. Yes, worthless. In my thoughts I grinned, transcending every limit the situation had to offer. The wonder of the moment, however, ended abruptly and all too soon, as she seemed liable to be pondering the possibilities of a conversation. The surge of blood in my veins was sucked into the depths of my flesh once again, turning me gray, only this time around twice as fast as before. The thought of it, the confrontation, had been relentlessly frightening. Run, I thought, although I turned around merely walking, as not to upset the environment. What could have happened then, God only knows. And he wept.

Looking into my mirror my mind strayed to the playful dance of the cottony stars. How they swirled around the ankles of the lone girl leaning towards the cold, unfriendly metal of the street light, casting ominous shadows wherever she turned. I could see myself in those shadows. Lurking in her trail, passively anticipating my moment of opportunity, my time of transcendence, like I have been doing for so long now. Slowly working myself into her body, gnawing at first, then: upon the calling of my name, upon the strike of the witching hour, at just the right moment, clenching my teeth around her innermost fears, making her scream out in dread as I ravage her without reason nor mercy. But of course no one will hear her. I would see to that. Surely I would see to that.

Me too....

Gjorde lite inspelning idag, en låt i 90 bpm och en i 92.

Gjorde du klart dem, eller spelade du bara in delar?


Jo här uppe har vi varmt. Sket i det å städade iaf. Rond 1 avklarad-dammsugning. Rond två blir toan å skura golven. Ska ta itu med d nu innan utmattheten tar över igen. Svetten lackar!

Pazo: Du kommer bli "råbigga" (kraftig, tjock) när du blir äldre... 😄


haha. nepp de kommer jag icket! 😄

har ju "lov" nu så jag pressar sjuka mängder mat av den anledningen. Sen när jag drar tillbaka till uppsala (månda el. tisda) så blir det diet och hårdträning! 😄

Detta ämne är nu stängt för fler svar.

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