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Försökte med detta på ett annat forum men fick dåligt gensvar... Vad sägs om följande från Joni Mitchells album "Blue"?

I could drink a case of you

And I would still be on my feet

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En av Dylans mer cyniska rader

Yes, I wish that for just one time

You could stand inside my shoes

You'd know what a drag it is

To see you



The road is long

With many a winding turn

That leads us to who knows where

Who knows when

But I'm strong

Strong enough to carry him

He ain't heavy, he's my brother

Ursäkta längden men älskar denna text 😉


"Each empty snakelike body floats,

Silent sorrow in empty boats."

Peter Gabriel i låten The Lamia från Lamb Lies Down on Broadway 1974


Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah

'well, maybe there's a god above

but all i've ever learned from love

was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you '




Megadeth, Angry Again.


...jag tänkte citera någon rad ur Josh Ritters "The Temptation of Adam" men... det är fan omöjligt att välja. Dylan och Cohan i all ära, men här, mina damer och herrar, är framtiden.

If this was the Cold War we could keep each other warm

I said on the first occasion that I met Marie

We were crawling through the hatch that was the missile silo door

And I don't think that she really thought that much of me

I never had to learn to love her like I learned to love the Bomb

She just came along and started to ignore me

But as we waited for the Big One

I started singing her my songs

And I think she started feeling something for me

We passed the time with crosswords that she thought to bring inside

What five letters spell "apocalypse" she asked me

I won her over saying "W.W.I.I.I."

She smiled and we both knew that she'd misjudged me

Oh Marie it was so easy to fall in love with you

It felt almost like a home of sorts or something

And you would keep the warhead missile silo good as new

And I'd watch you with my thumb above the button

Then one night you found me in my army issue cot

And you told me of your flash of inspiration

You said fusion was the broken heart that's lonely's only thought

And all night long you drove me wild with your equations

Oh Marie do you remember all the time we used to take

We'd make our love and then ransack the rations

I think about you leaving now and the avalanche cascades

And my eyes get washed away in chain reactions

Oh Marie if you would stay then we could stick pins in the map

Of all the places where you thought that love would be found

But I would only need one pin to show where my heart's at

In a top secret location three hundred feet under the ground

We could hold each other close and stay up every night

Looking up into the dark like it's the night sky

And pretend this giant missile is an old oak tree instead

And carve our name in hearts into the warhead

Oh Marie there's something tells me things just won't work out above

That our love would live a half-life on the surface

So at night while you are sleeping

I hold you closer just because

As our time grows short I get a little nervous

I think about the Big One, W.W.I.I.I.

Would we ever really care the world had ended

You could hold me here forever like you're holding me tonight

I look at that great big red button and I'm tempted


Det finns ju hur mycket som helst. Jag är inte värst förtjust i texter av/med svartsminkade arga gothmusiker.

Likaså har jag svårt för proggigt svenskt vänstervridet nationalteaterncrap.

Däremot gillar jag rader som:

Sting - Seven days

Does it bother me at all?

My rival is Neanderthal, it makes me think

Perhaps I need a drink


IQ is no problem here

We won't be playing Scrabble for her hand I fear

I need that beer

Stephan Jenkins - Palm reader

Freud said that love was a good psychosis, but I don't know I've had too many doses

He's a creep and we all know that he probably made it up

Sen är ju One piece at a time med Johnny Cash en klassiker. Skrivet som en riktig underhållande liten historia.


But thats the way I like it baby..

Cause I dont want to live forever.

Ace of spades med Motörhead!


En av de allra bästa raderna:

Så begynner där den resning som oss sedan frihet gav,

Fast hårt vårt regemente, detta arvet nu ni har!

Ett språk, det er förenar, ett land, det enat är,

Ett Sverige som trots strider - mot framtid folket bär!

Jan Thörnblom, Ultima Thule, "I fäders spår"



There is no pain you are receding

A distant ship smoke on the horizon

You are only coming through in waves

Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying

When I was a child

I caught a fleeting glimpse

Out of the corner of my eye

I turned to look but it was gone

I cannot put my finger on it now

The child is grown

The dream is gone

And I have become

Comfortably numb

DieHard (oregistrerad)
... om vi svimmar någonstans får vi gratis ambulans, mera Brännvin....

😆😆 Hurrö nu har du druckit för mycket och är inne på fel tråd. Det är tråden om usla låtar du ska posta det här 😆

DieHard (oregistrerad)
En av de allra bästa raderna:

Så begynner där den resning som oss sedan frihet gav,

Fast hårt vårt regemente, detta arvet nu ni har!

Ett språk, det er förenar, ett land, det enat är,

Ett Sverige som trots strider - mot framtid folket bär!

Jan Thörnblom, Ultima Thule, "I fäders spår"

Det där kalkondyngan hör också hemma i usla textertråden.

DieHard (oregistrerad)
En av de fraser som verkligen har satt sig fast, är följande:

I ain't got no money - but honey, I'm rich on personality...

Den tycker jag är alldeles lysande bra - och dessutom av en j-t bra artist. 😆

Vem är artisten? Bryan Adams? 😆

DieHard (oregistrerad)
The road is long

With many a winding turn

That leads us to who knows where

Who knows when

But I'm strong

Strong enough to carry him

He ain't heavy, he's my brother

Ursäkta längden men älskar denna text 😆

Grymt bra låt. Har lyssnat på den mycket på sistone. Blir nog en gång innan jag alldeles strax hoppar ned i lopplådan.

En av de fraser som verkligen har satt sig fast, är följande:

I ain't got no money - but honey, I'm rich on personality...

Den tycker jag är alldeles lysande bra - och dessutom av en j-t bra artist. 😆

Vem är artisten? Bryan Adams? 😛

😆 Häda inte! 😆

Det finns bara en "the Artist" (som han kallade sig ett tag... 😛 ).

Nåja - Bryan Adams har gjort flera bra låtar också, men ligger en bra bit efter...


Skulle kunna komma på tusen olika. Men just nu tar jag Flogging molly ☺️

It's been the worst day since yesterday


Försökte bestämma mig för en fras i texten, men det går ju inte, allt äger:

(men skulle jag tvingas så är det isåfall slutfrasen.."They got groupies for their band...osv")

Elvis, he's a hero

he's a superstar,

And I hear that Paul McCartney

drives a Rolls Royce car.

And Dylan sings for millions,

And I just sing for free.

Oh, everybody's makin' it big but me.

Oh, everybody's makin' it big but me.

Everybody's makin' it big but me.

Neil Diamond sings for diamonds,

And here's ole rhinestone me.

Oh, everybody's makin' it big but me.

Well, I hear that Alice Cooper's got a foxy chick

To wipe off his snake, keep him rich.

And Elton John's got two fine ladies,

And Doctor John's got three.

And I'm still seein' them same old sleezoes

That I used to see.

Oh, everybody's makin' it big but me.

Everybody's makin' it big but me.

I've got charisma

And personality.

How come everybody's makin' it big but me?

Well, I paint my face with glitter

Just like Bowie does.

And I wear the same mascara

That Mick Jagger does.

And I even put some lipstick on --

That just hurt my dad and mom.

Everybody's makin' it big but me.

They got groupies for their bands,

And all I got is my right hand.

And everybody's makin' it big but me

Gruppen, någon?



En av mina favoriter, av Depeche Mode:

I dont want to start any blasphemous rumours

But I think that god's got a sick sense of humor

And when I die I expect to find him laughing

Postat (redigerat)

Den här är bra:

Vind för våg.

Vi driver sakta,

vind för våg.

Små flarn på vattnet,

vi sjunker ej.

Når vi andra sidan,

finns det någon sån?

Små barn i vattnet,

vi kämpar på.

Vinden vrider medsols,

från Ost till Syd.

Kommer ljumma vindar,

eller storm till oss?

Vi driver sakta,

i topp och dal.

Vi har våran längtan,

vi har våra kval.

Text o musik Håkan Nilsson

Redigerat av Guitar Nilsson

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