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Hej Forumvänner!

Sitter och känner mig rå-dum då jag inte har en aning om hur det funkar med att skriva kontrakt. Fick i början på september månad en möjlighet att göra en remix åt en artist och bolaget som jag gjorde detta åt är jättenöjda. Nu har dom skickat ett kontrakt som jag fick lite kalla fötter inför att skriva på då jag dels hajjar noll men sen även när det står en hel del saker som jag tror mig förstå men inte gillar. (Hela kontraktet finns inklistrat nedan för er beskådan men jag skriver upp det jag är mest fundersam över). Exempelvis så står det att läsa under första punkten "1. Term. The term of this agreement shall commence as of the date hereof and shall continue until the completion of Production services." Är inte denna rad väldigt flummig då den i princip kan ge dom rätt att avgöra när jobbet är slutfört fastän dom redan sagt att dom är nöjda med min remix, med andra ord kräva att jag gör nya remixer av låten i all evighet?

Sen så undrar jag även om jag i och med en påskrift av detta kontrakt säger upp min rätt som upphovsman av musiken helt och hållet?

Jag fick endast accapellan av dom och allt annat har jag gjort själv(inga loopar har jag använt heller vilket kanske är av mindre vikt att nämna).

Jag kommer kontakta advokat... eller kanske STIM för att höra vad dom har att säga men tänkte bara kolla om det finns någon vänlig själ som orkar skumma igenom kontraktet och säga vad hon/han tyycker?

Jag är helt ny på forumet så jag hoppas att jag inte brutit mot några regler när jag klistrat in kontraktet som jag gjort.

( Under sträcket nedan så börjar kontrakttexten. Jag har inte skrivit till eller ändrat något annat än namnen på berörda så om ni reagerar på första raden där det står "LåtNamn"(hereinafter referred to as the "Producer") så tror jag att det egentligen skulle stå mitt namn där men att dom skrivit fel).



Dear: "MittNamn"

This letter shall serve as our agreement in respect to “LåtNamn?” (hereinafter referred to as the "Producer") services in producing Master Recordings (hereinafter referred to as the "Masters") of the recording artist(s) professionally known as “ArtistensNamn” (hereinafter referred to as the "Artist").

1. Term. The term of this agreement shall commence as of the date hereof and shall continue until the completion of Production services.

2. Production. (a) Recording sessions for the Masters shall be conducted by Producer under this Agreement at such times and places as shall be mutually designated by you and Producer. All individuals rendering services in connection with the recording of Masters shall be subject to your approval. "SkivBolagetsNamn" shall have the right and opportunity to have our representatives attend each such recording session. Each Master shall embody the performance by the Artist of a single musical composition designated by the Artist (subject to your approval, not to be unreasonably withheld) and shall be subject to "SkivBolagestNamn"s approval as technically satisfactory for the manufacture, broadcast and sale of phonorecords, and, upon "SkivBolagetsNamn" request, Producer shall re-record any musical composition or other selection until a Master technically satisfactory. Producer agrees to begin pre- production, rehearsals, and recording on September 18 2008. (🙂 Producer shall deliver to you a two-track stereo CD suitable for duplication and manufacture of phonorecords/CD/DVD for each Master. All original session tapes, rough mixes and any derivatives or reproductions thereof shall also be delivered to you, or, at your election, maintained at a recording studio or other location designated by you, in your name and subject to your control.

3. Masters. All Masters produced hereunder, from the inception of the recording thereof, and all phonorecords and other reproductions made therefrom, together with the performances embodied therein and all copyrights therein and thereto, and all renewals and extensions thereof, shall be entirely the property of "SkivBolagetsNamn", free of any claims whatsoever by Producer/writers or any other person or person engaged in the production of the Masters. (It being understood that for copyright purposes that Producer and all persons rendering services in connection with such Masters shall be Contractors for hire in production of the master.

4. Compensation. (a) Conditioned upon Producer's full and faithful performance of all the terms and provisions hereof, you shall pay Producer, payable by "SkivBolagetsNamn". to Producer hereunder, the sum of 10% of all net revenue from digital release upon the delivery of the Masters. Payments shall be issued within 30 days of June and December of each calendar year.

5. Warranties. Producer hereby warrants, represents, and agrees that he is under no disability, restriction, or other incumbency with respect to his right to execute and perform the services described in this Agreement.

6. Transferral. "SkivBolagetsNamn" shall have the right, at your election, to designate other producers for recording sessions with the Artist, in which event Producer shall have no rights hereunder with respect to the Masters produced at such other recording sessions.

8. Assignment. "SkivBolagetsNamn" shall have the right, at our election, to assign any of our rights hereunder, in whole or part, to any subsidiary, affiliated, or related company, or to any person, firm or corporation acquiring rights in the Masters produced hereunder.

9. This Agreement. (a) This contract sets forth the entire understanding of the parties hereto relating to the subject matter hereof. No amendment or modification of this contract shall be binding unless confirmed in writing by both parties. (🙂 "SkivBolaget" shall not be deemed to be in breach of any of our obligations hereunder unless and until you have given us specific written notice of the nature of such breach and we have failed to cure such breach within thirty (30) days after our receipt of such notice. © Nothing herein contained shall constitute a partnership or joint venture between you and us. (d) This contract has been entered into in "LandetSkivbolagetKommerifrån", and its validity, construction, interpretation, and legal effect shall be governed by the laws of "LandetSkivbolagetKommerifrån".

10. To Be Delivered to "SkivBolaget" a) wav files of all contracted mixes. (Här ser det också konstigt ut då det bara är a) men inga efterföljande bokstäver som räknas upp).



Är jag orolig i onödan?




I agree with you that this contract appears a bit dizzy.

To me, it's unclear if they are enlisting your services "for the duration," or if this is a contract for one song only.

This comes from the fact that "production services" is not defined in the text.

If the contract is for one song only, it should have said someting along "<song name> production"; and acceptance and completion criteria for the work being finished could have been written in.

Conversely, if this is an "open contract" then a termination procedure should have been defined.

It's never wrong to alter a contract you do not understand or agree with; ensure you get something that you can agree on.

Or, as Judge Judy would have said: "a contract is a meeting of the minds" - and if you do not understand what you're signing - well, that becomes impossible.

Google the type of contract you're after ("music producer contract" - or similar)

You might pick up something by doing that... seeing a lawyer is also a great idea.


I agree with you that this contract appears a bit dizzy.

To me, it's unclear if they are enlisting your services "for the duration," or if this is a contract for one song only.

This comes from the fact that "production services" is not defined in the text.

If the contract is for one song only, it should have said someting along "<song name> production"; and acceptance and completion criteria for the work being finished could have been written in.

Conversely, if this is an "open contract" then a termination procedure should have been defined.

It's never wrong to alter a contract you do not understand or agree with; ensure you get something that you can agree on.

Or, as Judge Judy would have said: "a contract is a meeting of the minds" - and if you do not understand what you're signing - well, that becomes impossible.

Google the type of contract you're after ("music producer contract" - or similar)

You might pick up something by doing that... seeing a lawyer is also a great idea.


Hi Sven!

A big thank you for the time you took helping me with this.

It means alot that you have spotted some of the things I actually myself found a bit vague too. Judge Judy seems to be a very clever women! 😛

Thanks for the guidance Sven!!! 🙂

Biggest Regards!



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