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Den allmänna snacktråden, 2008


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Skrev av mig lite, och känner mig bättre nu. 😛 Detta är en del av vad jag skrev, om nu någon är det minsta intresserad. 😄

While surfing tha interwebz, I like to explore the different message boards that exists out there. Message boards is really unique in the way that they sort of take on a life of its own. Different message boards breads different cultures and ways to express themselves, and the more you dive into them, the more obvious it becomes. On some boards, most participants entirely cast aside the anonymous thing and really get to know each other. The fact that they get to know each other from behind computer screens seems to loosen up some walls for some people, enabling them to express themselves in ways that would never be possible in real life.

Anyway, the one thing theses message boards seems to have in common, is the lack of respect for each other's opinions. Instead of trying to understand, perhaps making counter-arguments, they dismiss the opinion entirely. They find "flaws" in their opinions.

Well, guess what! "Flaws" doesn't exist in one's opinion! We talk a lot about diversity, but how much do we really value it? If divergent opinions are valuable, why are we so quick to attack them or dismiss them? I know everyone isn't like this, but there's a growing sense of polarization, a "with us or against us" attitude that refuses compromise.

It seems to be more important to attack and kick the living shit out of your opponent rather trying to understand him. Many arguments are born out of conflicting opinions. An opinion - if it's truly an opinion - is neither right nor wrong. So why are so many people determined to "prove" that their opinion is "right"? It's not possible.

Us humans must not be frightened of opinions. In music. In politics. In film. In life. We must not fear that which is different because that which is different could help us. Opening my mind helps get me through the day. We should all open our minds a little more and stop being so hard-assed about needing everyone to think exactly like we do.

Nej, jag fick inte så mycket gjort idag. Men jag är okej med det, och det är det viktigaste. 🙂

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3 stooora koppar kaffe idag. magen kommer vara så sur snart. brukar dricka typ en per vecka.

men vad gör man inte för att piggna till 🙂

den här tråden borde ta några koppar kaffe också.

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och om jag också ska köra lite träningsdagbok, så har jag gått 5km på 38:15 idag och kört lite hemträning. Sen kollade jag upp lite priser på olika gym, men sedan kom jag på att även om det tar längre tid, så är det lite kaxigt att lyckas bygga upp lite muskler hemma, speciellt som vegetarian.

(plus att jag haaaatar gym... fast typ friskis kan nog vara lite ok faktiskt, borde vara lite mer avslappnat liksom... eller? pazo?)

Nu ska jag iallafall försöka läsa lite avhandlingar och sedan kanske ta en kvällspromenad också. och typ pissa 59052893 gånger pga kaffet.

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