Shanty Postat 15 december 2007 Postat 15 december 2007 I need a solo part in one of my songs, and want to use the violin Midi patch to give the ilusion of a solo violin. The song is a slow balad. I know that Garritan has a Stradivari program, but I think it is to much to buy an expensive program just for a small solo part now and then. I need all the tips possible on how to create a convincing sounding violin from my ceyboard. How do YOU do it? Is there some small programs out there that are useful? Any tips and trix is of great value to me. Best regards from Shanty.
Novembernatt Postat 24 december 2007 Postat 24 december 2007 (redigerat) . Redigerat 11 september 2022 av Novembernatt
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