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The portrait of the Champion idealist:

The Champion Idealists are abstract in thought and speech, cooperative in accomplishing their aims, and informative and expressive when relating with others. For Champions, nothing occurs which does not have some deep ethical significance, and this, coupled with their uncanny sense of the motivations of others, gives them a talent for seeing life as an exciting drama, pregnant with possibilities for both good and evil. This type is found in only about 3 percent of the general population, but they have great influence because of their extraordinary impact on others. Champions are inclined to go everywhere and look into everything that has to do with the advance of good and the retreat of evil in the world. They can't bear to miss out on what is going on around them; they must experience, first hand, all the significant social events that affect our lives. And then they are eager to relate the stories they've uncovered, hoping to disclose the "truth" of people and issues, and to advocate causes. This strong drive to unveil current events can make them tireless in conversing with others, like fountains that bubble and splash, spilling over their own words to get it all out.

Champions consider intense emotional experiences as being vital to a full life, although they can never quite shake the feeling that a part of themselves is split off, uninvolved in the experience. Thus, while they strive for emotional congruency, they often see themselves in some danger of losing touch with their real feelings, which Champions possess in a wide range and variety. In the same vein, Champions strive toward a kind of spontaneous personal authenticity, and this intention always to "be themselves" is usually communicated nonverbally to others, who find it quite attractive. All too often, however, Champions fall short in their efforts to be authentic, and they tend to heap coals of fire on themselves, berating themselves for the slightest self-conscious role-playing.


Redigerat av Florian le Sage
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decisive, fearless, planner, thrill seeker, engaged, social, self centered, comfortable around others, image conscious, likes to be center of attention, adventurous, outgoing, manipulative, emotionally stable, leader, ambitious, hard working, dominant, prepared, hates to be bored, confident, opinionated, analytical, prepares for worst case scenarios, organized, orderly, clean, driven, resourceful, finishes most things they start, achieving, risk taker, desires fame/acclaim, image focused, narcissistic, arrogant, perfectionist, driven, academic, scientific, critical, avoids giving in to others, does not like to compromise, skeptical

Tja, vad säjer man... Jag är skeptisk 😲

Redigerat av Lilleman
Postat (redigerat)
Famous ISFPs:


Britney Spears

Min själsfrände! 🙁

Du, jag och britney.

Redigerat av Fidden
Postat (redigerat)

ENFJ type description by D.Keirsey / ENFJ type description by J. Butt

Hans is:

* slightly expressed extrovert

* distinctively expressed intuitive personality

* moderately expressed feeling personality

* moderately expressed judging personality

"ENFJs generally believe in their dreams, and see themselves as helpers and enablers, which they usually are.

ENFJ have tremendous charisma by which many are drawn into // ENFJs are global learners. They see the big picture."

Så sant, så sant, och ödmjuka är dom också 🙁!

Redigerat av Hans
Most important feature of an ideal job: "Use of my special abilities."

In national sample, highest in reporting stress associated with "Work, "Intimate relationship," "School," and "Other."

In national sample, highest in coping with stress by "Talking to a professional."

In national sample, ranked highest in being dissatisfied with "Marriage/intimate relationship"

In national sample "Leisure Activities," overrepresented in "Writing" and "Appreciating art"; underrepresented in "Watching sporting events."

Academic subjects preferred: art, English, music.

Among highest college persisters.

3 top work characteristics favored in national sample: "Variety of tasks," "Clear structure," and "Independence & achievement"; lowest of all types in liking work environments with "Opportunities for advancement & high pay but not job security."

In national sample, dissatisfied with "Promotions" and "Salary" in their jobs.

With ISTPs, ranked first among all the types in using spiritual/philosophical coping resources.

Vi kan bilda klubb Chroma 😱

Själv brukar jag vara skeptisk till sånt här men gav det en chans och beskrivningen är faktiskt ruskigt överensstämmande... 😆

Särskilt då "underrepresented in "Watching sporting events."" 😕

Tjoho! Nu är vi tre. Ja fan det stämmer nog rätt väl ändå. Kul test!


Gjorde testet på jobbet för många år sedan och är visst densamma idag som då:

Your Type is


You are:

    * slightly expressed extrovert

    * distinctively expressed intuitive personality

    * moderately expressed feeling personality

    * moderately expressed judging personality

Vi blir ganska många enfj:are här om man jämför med statistiken på angivna 2-3 procent av befolkningen. Förutom detta sista tillskott är vi sex personer: Linus, Egghuvud, Kricke, Hego och Hans.


Själv blev jag visst INFP.

Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving

22 38 38 33

* slightly expressed introvert

* moderately expressed intuitive personality

* moderately expressed feeling personality

* moderately expressed perceiving personality

Mina buds:



William Shakespeare

Jungfru Maria

Neil Diamond

Julia Roberts

Lisa Kudrow

Kalle (i Kalle & Hobbe)

A.A. Milne

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Bastian (från "Den Oändliga Historien")

Gjorde testet på jobbet för många år sedan och är visst densamma idag som då:
Your Type is


You are:

    * slightly expressed extrovert

    * distinctively expressed intuitive personality

    * moderately expressed feeling personality

    * moderately expressed judging personality

Vi blir ganska många enfj:are här om man jämför med statistiken på angivna 2-3 procent av befolkningen. Förutom detta sista tillskott är vi sex personer: Linus, Egghuvud, Kricke, Hego och Hans.

Skriv till mig också!

Det lustiga var att min favoritskådis Johnny Depp också tillhörde detta personlighetssläkte. Man står sig själv närmast, man är sig själv lik? Hmmm

Gjorde testet för många år sedan och är visst densamma idag som då:
Your Type is


You are:

    * slightly expressed extrovert

    * distinctively expressed intuitive personality

    * moderately expressed feeling personality

    * moderately expressed judging personality

Vi blir ganska många enfj:are här om man jämför med statistiken på angivna 2-3 procent av befolkningen. Förutom detta sista tillskott är vi sex personer: Linus, Egghuvud, Kricke, Hego och Hans.

Skriv till mig också!

Det lustiga var att min favoritskådis Johnny Depp också tillhörde detta personlighetssläkte. Man står sig själv närmast, man är sig själv lik? Hmmm

Och för mig var Ben Stiller klockren 😉


ENFPs have what some call a "silly switch." They can be intellectual, serious, all business for a while, but whenever they get the chance, they flip that switch and become CAPTAIN WILDCHILD, the scourge of the swimming pool, ticklers par excellence. Som etimes they may even appear intoxicated when the "switch" is flipped.

Faktiskt lite skrämmande vad bra det stämmer 🙂

Postat (redigerat)

General Ulysses S. Grant 😆😆

Famous INTJs:

Dan Aykroyd (The Blues Brothers)

Susan B. Anthony

Arthur Ashe, tennis champion

Augustus Caesar (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus)

Jane Austen (Pride and Prejudice)

William J. Bennett, "drug czar"

William F. Buckley, Jr.

Raymond Burr (Perry Mason, Ironsides)

Chevy Chase (Cornelius Crane) (Fletch)

Phil Donahue

Michael Dukakis, governor of Mass., 1988 U.S. Dem. pres. candidate

Greg Gumbel, television sportscaster

Hannibal, Carthaginian military leader

Veronica Hamel (Hill Street Blues)

Angela Lansbury (Murder, She Wrote)

Orel Leonard Hershiser, IV

Peter Jennings

Charles Everett Koop

Ivan Lendl

C. S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia)

Joan Lunden

Edwin Moses, U.S. olympian (hurdles)

Martina Navratilova

Charles Rangel, U. S. Representative, D-N.Y.

Pernell Roberts (Bonanza)

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California

Josephine Tey (Elizabeth Mackintosh), mystery writer (Brat Farrar)

Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor

Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defense

General Colin Powell, US Secretary of State

Lance Armstrong

Richard Gere (Pretty Woman)

Katie Couric


Cassius (Julius Caesar)

Mr. Darcy (Pride and Prejudice)

Gandalf the Grey (J. R. R. Tolkein's Middle Earth books)

Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs)

Professor Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes' nemesis

Ensign Ro (Star Trek--the Next Generation)

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (Hamlet)

George Smiley, John le Carre's master spy

Clarice Starling (Silence of the Lambs)


Redigerat av Twilight_Zound
The ENTJ personality is a natural born leader with a strong desire to create order within an organization. 

They make decisions quickly, are very career-focused, and fit well into the corporate world. 

Since they like to be in charge and need to be in charge to take advantage of their exceptional leadership skills, the ENTJ is usually successful in the business world.  Ideally, ENTJs should choose a career that allows them to creatively solve problems and enforce structure. 

ENTJs represent approximately 5% of the general population.  The following list represents some careers that may appeal to ENTJs.

JAg känner mig som en klockren ENTJ,, har gjort testet flera gånger och två ggr har det varit den mer seriösa varianten, som utförts med hjälp av utbildad person och genomgång tillsammans med psykolog.


INTP = Tystlåten och bara intresserad av fakta, som ändå räknar med att det som horoskopet säger är sant...

(Kan ju inte påstå att jag är bättre..)

Hoppas att ingen tog illa vid sig, eller?

Jag själv som är en ENTJ, pratar för mycket framför allt om logiska följder grundade på fakta och fattar beslut grundat på det, vill gärna fatta andras beslut oxo...

Postat (redigerat)
Själv blev jag visst INFP.

Introverted Intuitive Feeling    Perceiving

22 38 38 33

    * slightly expressed introvert

    * moderately expressed intuitive personality

    * moderately expressed feeling personality

    * moderately expressed perceiving personality

Mina buds:



William Shakespeare

Jungfru Maria

Neil Diamond

Julia Roberts

Lisa Kudrow

Kalle (i Kalle & Hobbe)

A.A. Milne

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Bastian (från "Den Oändliga Historien")

Samma här... Stämmer nog hyfsat bra. På vissa av frågorna fanns inget klart ja eller nej dock.

Introverted	Intuitive	Feeling	Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
44          12          75         11


Redigerat av D Vibe


Är jag den enda "artisten" bland alla musiker här? 😠

Your Type is


Extroverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving

56 12 25 22

Demonstrating or performing is putting on a show to entertain others, and Performers, whether on the job, with friends, or in their families, are the natural performers among the types, people for whom it can truly be said "all the world's a stage." Playful and fun-loving, the Performer' primary social interest lies in stimulating those around them, arousing their senses and their pleasureful emotions-charming them, in a sense, to cast off their concerns and "lighten up." Representing about ten per cent of the general population, Performers radiate warmth and optimism, and are able to lift others' spirits with their contagious laughter and their irrepressible joy of living.

Passar klockrent på mig!



"Where's the party?" ESFPs love people, excitement, telling stories and having fun. The spontaneous, impulsive nature of this type is almost always entertaining. And ESFPs love to entertain -- on stage, at work, and/or at home. Social gatherings are an energy boost to these "people" people.

SPs sometimes think and talk in more of a spider-web approach. Several of my ESFP friends jump from thought to thought in mid-sentence, touching here or there in a manner that's almost incoherent to the listener, but will eventually cover the waterfront by skipping on impulse from one piece of information to another. It's really quite fascinating.

New! ESFPs are attracted to new ideas, new fashions, new gadgets, new ______. Perhaps it's the newness of life that attracts ESFPs to elementary education, especially to preschool and kindergarten.

ESFPs love to talk to people about people. Some of the most colorful storytellers are ESFPs. Their down-to-earth, often homespun wit reflects a mischievous benevolence.

Almost every ESFP loves to talk. Some can be identified by the twenty minute conversation required to ask or answer a simple factual question.

Klockrent! 😳


Gjorde ett Myers Briggs-test (med utbildad ledare) när jag jobbade på tv för några år sen.

Fick INTE samma resultat då som nu. Ska man tolka det som att jag har ändrat min personlighet, eller att det här testet inte är helt pålitligt. Eller kanske båda?

Gjorde ett Myers Briggs-test (med utbildad ledare) när jag jobbade på tv för några år sen.

Fick INTE samma resultat då som nu. Ska man tolka det som att jag har ändrat min personlighet, eller att det här testet inte är helt pålitligt. Eller kanske båda?

Du skall tolka det som om du utvecklats!

Man bör göra detta lite då och då



( Den något introverte och rationella vetenskapsmannen)

Stämmer bara för j-a bra. Speciellt beskrivningen om att den här typen tycker att folksamlingar är ett nödvändigt ont 🙂

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