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Your Type is


Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging

Strength of the preferences %

22 25 25 11

You are:

slightly expressed introvert

moderately expressed intuitive personality

moderately expressed thinking personality

slightly expressed judging personality

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drloop (oregistrerad)


ENTJs are often "larger than life" in describing their projects or proposals.


Mina buddisar:

Benny Goodman, "Big Band" leader

General Norman Schwarzkopf

Harrison Ford

Steve Martin

Whoopi Goldberg

Sigourney Weaver

Margaret Thatcher

Al Gore (U.S Vice President, 1993-2001)

Lamar Alexander (former governor, US Secretary of Education)

Les Aspen, former U.S. Secretary of Defense

Candace Bergen (Murphy Brown)

Dave Letterman

Newt Gingrich

Patrick Stewart (STNG: Jean Luc Picard)

Robert James Waller (author: The Bridges of Madison County)

Jim Carrey (Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Mask)

Steve Jobs

Penn Jillette

Redigerat av drloop
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drloop (oregistrerad)
Själv är jag en ENFJ, och ju mer jag läser om personligheten desto roligare. Det stämmer fruktansvärt väl 🥰

Du är pedagogisk Linus!

Har inte träffat dig men på dina inlägg kan man utläsa karaktären. 😄

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Your Type is


Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging

Strength of the preferences %

33 62 62 11

You are:

* moderately expressed introvert

* distinctively expressed intuitive personality

* distinctively expressed feeling personality

* slightly expressed judging personality

Kända INFJ:

Mahatma Gandhi

Nelson Mandela

Mel Gibson

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Nicole Kidman

Billy Crystal


Mja.... kanske lite.. fast detta är ju så flummigt och vagt.

Nog för att jag är snäll, men jag är ingen Gandhi.

Fast Billy Crystal verkar vara en skön snubbe.

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drloop (oregistrerad)
Sigourney Weaver


Sigourney, LOL såg inte det.

Jim Carrey, hur känns den då?

Måste jag börja springa omkring och grimasera nu då?


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The ENTJ personality is a natural born leader with a strong desire to create order within an organization. 

They make decisions quickly, are very career-focused, and fit well into the corporate world. 

Since they like to be in charge and need to be in charge to take advantage of their exceptional leadership skills, the ENTJ is usually successful in the business world.  Ideally, ENTJs should choose a career that allows them to creatively solve problems and enforce structure. 

ENTJs represent approximately 5% of the general population.  The following list represents some careers that may appeal to ENTJs.

Redigerat av Linus
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Most important feature of an ideal job: "Use of my special abilities."

In national sample, highest in reporting stress associated with "Work, "Intimate relationship," "School," and "Other."

In national sample, highest in coping with stress by "Talking to a professional."

In national sample, ranked highest in being dissatisfied with "Marriage/intimate relationship"

In national sample "Leisure Activities," overrepresented in "Writing" and "Appreciating art"; underrepresented in "Watching sporting events."

Academic subjects preferred: art, English, music.

Among highest college persisters.

3 top work characteristics favored in national sample: "Variety of tasks," "Clear structure," and "Independence & achievement"; lowest of all types in liking work environments with "Opportunities for advancement & high pay but not job security."

In national sample, dissatisfied with "Promotions" and "Salary" in their jobs.

With ISTPs, ranked first among all the types in using spiritual/philosophical coping resources.

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Varför ska man hamna längst ut i schemat...? 🥰😄

När det gäller personligheten, så kan jag lätt identifiera mig med både Harrison Ford, Steve Martin och Dave Letterman, som verkar vara ganska lika mig till kynnet - så helt fel är det nog inte.

Jim Carrey tycker jag däremot måste vara så långt från mig som det går att komma, så där är jag minst sagt förvånad... 😛

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Most important feature of an ideal job: "Use of my special abilities."

In national sample, highest in reporting stress associated with "Work, "Intimate relationship," "School," and "Other."

In national sample, highest in coping with stress by "Talking to a professional."

In national sample, ranked highest in being dissatisfied with "Marriage/intimate relationship"

In national sample "Leisure Activities," overrepresented in "Writing" and "Appreciating art"; underrepresented in "Watching sporting events."

Academic subjects preferred: art, English, music.

Among highest college persisters.

3 top work characteristics favored in national sample: "Variety of tasks," "Clear structure," and "Independence & achievement"; lowest of all types in liking work environments with "Opportunities for advancement & high pay but not job security."

In national sample, dissatisfied with "Promotions" and "Salary" in their jobs.

With ISTPs, ranked first among all the types in using spiritual/philosophical coping resources.

Hmm... det där låter desto mer likt. "Dissatisfied with promotion and salary in their jobs..." that's me! 🙂

ranked highest in being dissatisfied with "Marriage/intimate relationship"

Kan ligga nånting i det. Gräset är alltid grönare.. 🙂

Fast det där om stressen känner jag inte riktigt igen. Jag upplever mycket sällan stress på jobbet (ett bevis på det är väl min frekventa närvaro på detta forum). Att ha mycket att göra är inte samma sak som att känna sig stressad. Jag tycker om att ha mycket att göra. Men då man väl känner stress så är det en obehaglig känsla.

Fick man inte se din lista förresten?:

The following list represents some careers that may appeal to ENTJs.


Redigerat av ChromaWoods
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Most important feature of an ideal job: "Use of my special abilities."

In national sample, highest in reporting stress associated with "Work, "Intimate relationship," "School," and "Other."

In national sample, highest in coping with stress by "Talking to a professional."

In national sample, ranked highest in being dissatisfied with "Marriage/intimate relationship"

In national sample "Leisure Activities," overrepresented in "Writing" and "Appreciating art"; underrepresented in "Watching sporting events."

Academic subjects preferred: art, English, music.

Among highest college persisters.

3 top work characteristics favored in national sample: "Variety of tasks," "Clear structure," and "Independence & achievement"; lowest of all types in liking work environments with "Opportunities for advancement & high pay but not job security."

In national sample, dissatisfied with "Promotions" and "Salary" in their jobs.

With ISTPs, ranked first among all the types in using spiritual/philosophical coping resources.

Vi kan bilda klubb Chroma 🙂

Själv brukar jag vara skeptisk till sånt här men gav det en chans och beskrivningen är faktiskt ruskigt överensstämmande... 🙂

Särskilt då "underrepresented in "Watching sporting events."" 😉

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Själv är jag en ENFJ, och ju mer jag läser om personligheten desto roligare. Det stämmer fruktansvärt väl 😉

Då kan jag bilda klubb med dig Linus. Jag vart också en ENFJ. Jag gjorde Myer-Briggs i min ungdom och tröstande nog är jag inte alls samma person då som nu. Saker förändras.... 🙂

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Löken (oregistrerad)

INTJ - The free thinker.

INTJs live in the world of ideas and strategic planning. They value intelligence, knowledge, and competence, and typically have high standards in these regards, which they continuously strive to fulfill. To a somewhat lesser extent, they have similar expectations of others.


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Vi kan bilda klubb Chroma 😎

Själv brukar jag vara skeptisk till sånt här men gav det en chans och beskrivningen är faktiskt ruskigt överensstämmande... 😎

Särskilt då "underrepresented in "Watching sporting events."" 😱

Cool 😎

Ja, samma här, såvida det inte är VM eller OS.

Annars är jag ganska lost.

Man skulle kunna göra intressanta experiment baserat på liknande tester. Låta en INFJ leva tillsammans med tio ENTJ i isolerad tillvaro några veckor och se vad som händer. Och sen vända på steken och låta en ENTJ leva tillsammans med ett gäng INFJ. Eller ha hälften av varje eller whatever. Vore intressant att jämföra resultatet.

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INFJs are gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive individuals. Artistic and creative, they live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities. Only one percent of the population has an INFJ Personality Type, making it the most rare of all the types.


The INFJ individual is gifted in ways that other types are not. Life is not necessarily easy for the INFJ, but they are capable of great depth of feeling and personal achievement


Plötsligt känner man sig... speciell. 😱

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Löken (oregistrerad)
INTJ! Linus, kan du inte fixa en såndär grej till mig med (som du gjorde till Chroma t.ex). 😱

Nu vill jag byta.

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drloop (oregistrerad)
The ENTJ personality is a natural born leader with a strong desire to create order within an organization. 

They make decisions quickly, are very career-focused, and fit well into the corporate world. 

Since they like to be in charge and need to be in charge to take advantage of their exceptional leadership skills, the ENTJ is usually successful in the business world.  Ideally, ENTJs should choose a career that allows them to creatively solve problems and enforce structure. 

ENTJs represent approximately 5% of the general population.  The following list represents some careers that may appeal to ENTJs.

Inte så charmigt.

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Your Type is


Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging

Strength of the preferences %

22 25 25 11

You are:

slightly expressed introvert

moderately expressed intuitive personality

moderately expressed thinking personality

slightly expressed judging personality

😎 Vi är lika som bär..!

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