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Jag skrev förresten klart min spökhistoria igår, men den blev inte så läskig så jag döpte den till "The not so scary story" 😄

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fest idag igen.. nu har jag vaknat och nu drar jag till bolaget. en tio kung o 4 grolsch.. finfint!!


fest idag igen.. nu har jag vaknat och nu drar jag till bolaget. en tio kung o 4 grolsch.. finfint!!


10 kung är standard fö många:P haha


It was a clear night in November. The moon was shining on John's brand new Ford Mustang. He was one of those car freaks but

he didn't have the nerves to do a speed test worth its name during the day. He was just pulling his little cruise off when he

passed the old scary castle. It was always reminding him of Scooby Doo, but that's just a silly story, isn't it?

Before he came up with a good answer, the engine died.

- Oh crap! he muttered.

John stepped out of the car and slammed the door and in the very next moment he heard a scream from the castle.

- Please God, tell me I didn't hear that.

There it was again. And again.

He thought of his options for a little while and decided to at least sneak to the big door, which he hoped to find locked.

Of course it wasn't. He took a deep breath and walked through the door.

The inside was just as scary as he thought it would be. A brown, ragged old sofa with no cushions was right to the big

stairway, which was placed just in front of him.

- I'd better get up, he thought and sighed. he walked with normal speed until he reached the stairway.

John Matthew Hall, which was his complete name, snuck up the stairway to the small platform where the stairs turned

180(degrees) and he had to do it as well. Up the stairs and obliquely(?) to the left a door was open.

He was standing on the platform with his hands steady on the rail, looking around. The walls were 4-5 metres high and they

were even emptier than the room downstairs. 3 windows out of 4 were broken and it was only one painting, which depicted(?)

King Louis IV of France.

As John heard the scream once again, he remembered his mission and snuck the last 15 steps. His pulse increased as he in the

corner of his eye noticed someone, or hopefully something, in the room downstairs.

He saw a young girl sitting a dirty bed. She was very pale and looked tired. He thought she might be apathetic but dropped

the thought immediately, top priority was to save her from the evil one who had put here there.

As the light reflected on the windows John saw the man clothed in black coming towards him with something in his hands that

looked like an axe or something like that. He prayed it wasn't one.

Unfortunately it was and John had to think quick. What should he do? he had nothing in his hands or in his pockets, except

for the car key. He thought it was a bit tiny against that axe but he had no choice.

When the black man swung his axe John duck quickly and turned around. Face to face with this ugly beast that didn't deserve

to be called a human. John punched the monster in the stomach trying to make a hole with the key...

- John! John!

...he hit him once again, did he manage to get it through the skin?


He hoped he did, that monster must die...

- John, are you awake? It's time to get up! School's in an hour so you'd better hurry! Oh darling, did you have a nightmare?

You look very pale!

Skrämde jag er?


fest idag igen.. nu har jag vaknat och nu drar jag till bolaget. en tio kung o 4 grolsch.. finfint!!


10 kung är standard fö många:P haha

jag vet..helst är det för de som sitter o väntar kl 10 när bolaget öppnar.. 😕

btw hade dom slut på kung så det fick bli 3 norrlands guld, 4 grolsch, 1 falcon, och sen hittade jag en kung i mitt kylskåp!!!

är trött och dricker öl o lyssnar på kraftwerk.


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