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Married With Children... en av mina absoluta favoritserier rullar i repris igen.

Är bara tvungen att fira detta med ett antal Al Bundy-citat 😕

* I'm Maharaja Bundy and women with 4 hooters feed me Ding Dongs all day.

* Hey, Marcy, what's holding the towel up?

* Remember our motto: We ain't got it.

* Envy me. That's my wife. Those are my kids and I sell womens' shoes.

* If God had wanted women to play ball, he would've made them men.

* Peg, is there any reason this cactus is where my alarm clock should be?

* I had a dream last night. A big red haired mosquito in tight pants was hovering over me sucking money out of my wallet.

* We're closed and, much like my life, the day is over.

* There's only one dead guy in this mall and you're looking at him.

* Why is it that Elvis is dead but I'm in hell?

* We all have to live with our disappointments... I have to sleep with mine.

* I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. Since I'm not home, I won't have to.

* Love is not only blind but stupid.

* Threats don't work on me... I've already been to hell.

* Peg, I suspect your mind, much like the lost continent of Atlantis, no longer appears on any map.

* I'd rather dive of the Sears Tower head first into a thumbtack or bait a crocodile with my manhood...

* Am I truly nothing? Could the neighbourhood children be right?

* Oh. life is good! But not for me...

* White crosses, sunlight... nothing works on you anymore does it?

* I was driving home... God knows why?

* Oh mighty one in the heavens who created the mountains, the seas and beer...

* I don't HAVE to go to sleep after sex. I WANT to go to sleep after sex. I welcome the darkness.

* Now wait a second. My pretty teenage daughter with the brain of a fruit-fly earned a thousand dollars in three nights. Should I be worried?

* I left high-school, lost the will to live and here I am...

* May the shoe-business take you all!

* Marcy, the part with the cups goes in front.

* Laugh at this, hyenas!

* Why doesn't the world die?

* Greetings vultures! Your meal-ticket is here.

* ...and no-one understands why I scream on the way home...

* Peg we've been married for 17 years. Can't we just be friends?

* A man's home is his coffin.

* Milwaukee. That's the town they build around you mother isn't it, Peg?

* The opera isn't over until the last heterosexual falls asleep.

* This is not a recorded message. I'm a human being, damn it!

* I begged for the death-penalty but they insisted that I'd learn a lesson.

* You go home and tell your daddy you have the mail-man's eyes.

* I'm the only guy in the world who has to wake up to have a nightmare.

* Behind every successful man is a woman who didn't marry me.

* We are blood-Bundys. We are truly doomed.

* Nothing's to good for me...

* Ah, home sweet hell.

* Why go out for milk when you've got a cow at home.

* Christmas is not the time for regrets. That's what anniversaries are for.

* Congratulations Peg, you've just won a trip to Disney Fist.

* I hate my life ... can't eat, can't sleep, can't bury my wife in the backyard.

* Today is the first day of the end of your life.

* A man is a man all his life. A woman is only sexy until she becomes your wife.

* Six bucks is too much money to spend on any woman.

* If dynamite was dangerous, do you think they'd sell it to an idiot like me.

* I married you 'til death do us part. So when I'm dead, I'm free to date.

* Marriage stinks, have a kid. Kid stinks, have another kid.

* Sorry, Peg, I didn't hear you. I was thinking of killing myself.

* That's what being a man is like: making mistakes and not caring.

Postat (redigerat)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😛😄😎😆


Jag älskar den serien 😄

Redigerat av Christofer
musik (oregistrerad)

Lite småkul, fast grannen Marcy är vidrig!

Bästa grejen var när Pamela Anderson var gäst.



Bästa grejen var när Pamela Anderson var gäst.

Eller hur! Enda bra grejen med serien...humorn känns lite gammal... 😲

humorn känns lite gammal...

Jag är gammal, ergo fungerar gammal humor fin-fint för mig 😉

Men visst, hade inte Ed O'Neil spelat Al Bundy så hade nog vissa av skämten känts väl pressade. Finns ingen som kan se så miserabel ut som Ed O'Neil... haha.... I love it! 😛


Jag är inte gammal.. Men det är fan den bästa komediserie som någonsin gjorts!

Älskar Våra Värsta År!

Jag är inte gammal.. Men det är fan den bästa komediserie som någonsin gjorts!

Älskar Våra Värsta År!

Håller med 🙂

musik (oregistrerad)

Jag menade inte alls att den var dålig! Jag menade bara att det bästa avsnittet var det med en ung Pamela Anderson, för hon påminde om mitt ex.


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