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Svenskarna på Propellerheads meddelar nu att en Reasonversion speciellt för Intel-macar snart (20:e mars) finns redo för betatestning.

Det är alltså en ren Intelversion, inte s.k. Universal Binary... läs mer här.

Svenskarna på Propellerheads meddelar nu att en Reasonversion speciellt för Intel-macar snart (20:e mars) finns redo för betatestning.

Det är alltså en ren Intelversion, inte s.k. Universal Binary... läs mer här.

Jo, det är en Universal Binary. Vore ganska korkat och dumt annars.

Svenskarna på Propellerheads meddelar nu att en Reasonversion speciellt för Intel-macar snart (20:e mars) finns redo för betatestning.

Det är alltså en ren Intelversion, inte s.k. Universal Binary... läs mer här.

Jo, det är en Universal Binary. Vore ganska korkat och dumt annars.

Propellerheads första pressrelease förklarade att det inte skulle bli en Universal Binary, men nu har situationen förändrats.

Reason 3.0.5 is only available in Intel format, which means that this version does not run on PowerPC (PPC) based Mac computers. This is contrary to Apple's recommendation to developers, which is to ship a combined PPC and Intel based Mac application in a package called a Universal Binary. Based on our commitment to always provide the highest possible performance on all computer platforms that we support, Propellerhead Software made the decision to deviate from Apple's recommendation. Here are the details:

    A Universal Binary actually contains two compiled applications, one for PPC and one for Intel. To create a Universal Binary, Propellerhead would need to use Apple's XCode compiler for both the PPC and Intel versions of the program. By contrast, the shipping version of Reason for PPC computers (version 3.0.4) is compiled with Motorola's CodeWarrior compiler. Unfortunately, our internal performance testing shows that compiling Reason for PPC using Apple's XCode compiler creates a significantly slower program than the shipping 3.0.4 version that we have today. For this reason we have decided to keep the two versions separate for the time being.

    While this creates a small inconvenience in that user's have to manually determine which version is the right one to install, this is by far outshined by the advantages of having maximum performance.

    We are currently working together with Apple to increase the performance of the PPC version of Reason compiled with XCode.

...och det verkar som om Apple fått fart på XCode nu, då det nu blir en Universal Binary av 3.0.5

Contrary to previous messages, Reason 3.0.5 will be released as a Universal Binary, that is, an application that runs on both older PPC Macs and the new Intel based Macs. This has been achieved without performance penalties on either hardware platform.

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