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Postat mest i detta ämne

Jääävlar vad det är gott med jordnötssmör!

Nutella skare va'! 😲


Det är också gott!


Virginity like bubble, one prick, all gone.

Man who run in front of car get tired.

Man who run behind car get exhausted.

Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day.

Foolish man give wife grand piano, wise man give wife upright organ.

Man who walk through airport turnstile sideways going to Bangkok.

Man with one chopstick go hungry.

Man who scratch ass should not bite fingernails.

Man who eat many prunes get good run for money.

Baseball is wrong: man with four balls cannot walk.

Panties not best thing on earth! but next to best thing on earth.

War does not determine who is right, war determine who is left.

Wife who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cat house.

Man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night.

It take many nails to build crib, but one screw to fill it.

Man who drive like hell, bound to get there.

Man who stand on toilet is high on pot.

Man who live in glass house should change clothes in basement.

Man who fish in other man's well often catch crabs.

Man who fart in church sit in own pew.

Crowded elevator smell different to midget.


MarcusRombo (oregistrerad)

Jag har missat lite va?

MarcusRombo (oregistrerad)

"I fought the war, I fought the war, but the war won't stop for the love of God. I fought the war, but the war won."

MarcusRombo (oregistrerad)
Jag har missat lite va?


MarcusRombo (oregistrerad)


"I fought the war, I fought the war, but the war won't stop for the love of God. I fought the war, but the war won."

I raised with time but time won

I raised with time but time won

I fought my heart but my heart won

I fought my heart but my heart won

"I fought the war, I fought the war, but the war won't stop for the love of God. I fought the war, but the war won."
I raised with time but time won

I raised with time but time won

I fought my heart but my heart won

I fought my heart but my heart won

I fought in a war and I left my friends behind me

To go looking for the enemy, and it wasn't very long

Before I would stand with another boy in front of me

And a corpse that just fell into me, with the bullets flying


Jag har en grej att berätta för er!!! Men jag gör det senare....


MarcusRombo (oregistrerad)


"I fought the war, I fought the war, but the war won't stop for the love of God. I fought the war, but the war won."
I raised with time but time won

I raised with time but time won

I fought my heart but my heart won

I fought my heart but my heart won

I fought in a war and I left my friends behind me

To go looking for the enemy, and it wasn't very long

Before I would stand with another boy in front of me

And a corpse that just fell into me, with the bullets flying


I fought the law and the law won

I fought the law and the law won

MarcusRombo (oregistrerad)
"I fought the war, I fought the war, but the war won't stop for the love of God. I fought the war, but the war won."
I raised with time but time won

I raised with time but time won

I fought my heart but my heart won

I fought my heart but my heart won

I fought in a war and I left my friends behind me

To go looking for the enemy, and it wasn't very long

Before I would stand with another boy in front of me

And a corpse that just fell into me, with the bullets flying


I fought the war

I fought the war

But the war won't stop for the love of God

I fought the war

But the war won

Sh!t, nu förstår jag varför...


Varför vad?

Nu blir det lördags-TACOS!


Igår åt jag fredagsnachos. Smarrigt, smarrigt!


Nu räcker det snart med "roliga bilder" i den här tråden tycker jag 😆😉😄

Nu räcker det snart med "roliga bilder" i den här tråden tycker jag 😆😉😄

Eller äh, vafan, vi måste ju nå 50 000 snart. Posta på bara 😄

MarcusRombo (oregistrerad)
Nu är det såhär att jag behöver eran hjälp nu och det är viktigt...



Det tycker jag att du ska. Det är ju gott, och man blir full.

MarcusRombo (oregistrerad)

Jag ska inte dricka öl ikväll. Vi ville spela ölspelet, men har inte fått tag på någon smuggelöl idag. Och Amanda orkade inte köpa åt oss, och någon annan hade inte tid eller liknande. Så det blir inget ölspelande idag 😆 Men Tim har 28 sjuttisar i bilen, så alkohol blir det iaf!

Nu är det såhär att jag behöver eran hjälp nu och det är viktigt...



Det tycker jag att du ska. Det är ju gott, och man blir full.

Ja då gör jag nog det...kanske.

Fast jag är inte sugen direkt... 😱

Det kan iofs gå över ikväll. 😄

När du har fått i dig två stycken ska du se att resten slinker ner.

Detta ämne är nu stängt för fler svar.

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