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Tänkte höra om någon vet om digidesign brukar erbjuda gamla användare gratis uppdatering till den senaste bundeln. Som nu när ignition pack blir standard fr.o.m 1 sept...

Eller får man betala? Eller vara utan kanske?


Tänkte höra om någon vet om digidesign brukar erbjuda gamla användare gratis uppdatering till den senaste bundeln. Som nu när ignition pack blir standard fr.o.m 1 sept...

Eller får man betala? Eller vara utan kanske?


I och med att "Ignition" inte finns ännu har vi inte fått all info... men det lär vara som när vi introducerade "Bundle Mania".. då rörde det sig om en kostnad för att få tillgång till bundlen. Mer info inom kort...


Tänkte precis skriva om denna nyhet, Fick mail från Soundware med följande info

Pro Tools | Ignition Pack - Alla nya ProTools|HD och ProTools|LE system kommer fr o m

1 september 2005 att innehålla "Ignition pack" som består av;

Ableton Live Lite 4 Digidesign Edition

Propellerhead Software Reason Adapted 3

IK Multimedia SampleTank 2 SE

IK Multimedia AmpliTube 2 SE

IK Multimedia T-RackS EQ

Celemony Melodyne uno essential *

FXpansion BFD Lite *

Bunker 8 REX File CD *

ProTools Method One Instructional DVD *

One Year Membership to Broadjam.com *

Dem med stjärna är nya för mig som köpte mitt paket i julas.

Hittade följande info om Melodyne UNO på deras hemsida

The essential version of Melodyne uno is bundled with the applications of other software houses and is not available in any other form.

Essential is a cut-down version of Melodyne uno. It works rather like a sample editor and offers many of Melodyne’s unique audio editing functions. The functions for the manual editing of intonation and timing are all available in this free version, and Melodyne’s legendary sound quality is similarly uncompromised. The ultra practical Correct Pitch and Quantize Time macros, on the other hand, as well as the expert tools for the detailed editing of things like formants and vibrato are only available in demo mode. Uno essential supports all commonly used audio formats and is integrated into ProTools via the ReWire interface.

Melodyne uno essential for Windows and Mac OS X is currently included with every Pro Tools Ignition bundle and distributed worldwide by DigiDesign. Upgrades from the essential to the full version of Melodyne uno are available for US$99 (99 €) from music dealers as well as from.



Hallå Jayko!

Här kommer ett litet svar då;

Q: What about customers who recently bought a Pro Tools system? Is there a way for them to get their hands on the Pro Tools Ignition Pack?

A: Customers who purchased a new Pro Tools system on or after August 1, 2005, are eligible to receive the Pro Tools Ignition Pack for free. Customers must complete and send to Digidesign an update request form along with proof of purchase by October 31, 2005, to receive their update. The update request form is available at www.digidesign.com/ptignitionpack.

Q: Can customers who bought a Pro Tools system prior to August 1, 2005, purchase the Pro Tools Ignition Pack?

A: Yes, customers that bought and registered their Pro Tools system before August 1, 2005, can purchase a standalone version of the Pro Tools Ignition Pack for €84 until September 30, 2005, only through the DigiStore (http://store.digidesign.com).

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