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The new Studio Projects 828 is an 8 Channel mic preamp incorporating the latest rev of Burr Brown IC's. The SP828 is also an 8X2 mixer that allows a real time mix of all 8 inputs two a stereo out buss. Housed in a 1U 19" rack, each channel on the SP828 offers:


• 48V phantom power with LED

• Phase Reverse with LED

• Mic/Line Switch with LED - Defaults to 20dB Pad

• Peak and Signal Present Indicators

• Gain Control

• Level & Pan

• Solo Switch with LED


Kom den nu? 😉

Var inne på deras hemsida för länge sedan och läste om den. Fattade inte att den inte hade kommit ut än...


Tyvärr - jag har inte testat den ännu, men jag ska se om den bristen kan åtgärdas... 😉

Även om jag gillar Studio Projects, så tvivlar jag att den når upp till riktigt samma klass som OMP - men den har ju andra funktioner som kan vara intressanta och som saknas i OMP.

Postat (redigerat)
08-05-2005, 05:32 

It has been shipping for about five or six weeks now. If you need assistance in locating one, e-mail me at alan@pmiaudio.com

The photo at some of the dealers on the SP828 is not what the unit actually looks like. We did not use any colored knobs. They are all silver and black.


Alan Hyatt

PMI Audio Group

Studio Projects Joemeek Toft Audio


Det var en nyhet för mig iaf... så jag tänke att det var fler som hade missat denna preamp.

Intressant info om VTB-2..

Originally Posted by tkingen


What kind of features will the VTB2 have?




I need to keep some of those quiet, but it will be a real 300V Tube Mic amp design.

Balanced transformer in and balanced transformer out. It will have adjustable plate voltage so you can regulate the voltage to

change the distortion properties for more, or less coloration if you will.

All the features you expect will be on it, 48V, Phase Reverse, Low Pass Filters,

Hi Pass Filters, but there is much more that I do not want to discuss yet as these

have come with the long lead time in finishing this project. So while it has been

bad in not getting it out, it has been good in what we have been able to do to

enhance the unit over this long time period.

We hope NAMM is the planned release.


Lite mer information om SP 😉

There are two new E-Series Microphones that have been designed, but do not look

for those until end of 1st quarter in 2006. We are also now going to revamp the

old Joemeek models. Specifically the JM47 and JM27. The JM37 and JM37-DP are

new models and we are very happy with them. There will be a new TB47 (Tube)

mic coming in January, and a new custom designed Joemeek mic is coming in 60

days. It is the replacement for the old JM47. A completely new design from us in

the same body. The mic is quite nice, and we will tackle the JM27 next year.

The VTB2 is targeted at $799.99 list. It may go to $999.00 list but we will not know

until we decide which transformers we will use. The VTB2 uses 2 input and 2

output transformers. Transformers are expensive!

I hope this helps in keeping you informed of what we are doing.


Alan Hyatt

Redigerat av sounden
Det var en nyhet för mig iaf... så jag tänke att det var fler som hade missat denna preamp.

Och det var en nyhet för mig att den inte fanns tillgämglig förrän i april (om jag nu räknade rätt). 😱


Mycket sugen på recensioner- har bara hört bra saker om Studio Projects än så länge-

(they are bound for a klavertramp sooner or later) 😑

Framför allt vill jag se en jämförelse med Mackies inbyggda XDR-ampar.... behöver 8 analoga kanaler till, och fort skall det gå!

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