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Först: Ursäkta för ett HUUUUUGE mess....

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You and your music have been selected to be part of an incredible money

making oppurtunity.

Johnny Wright (the manager to some of the biggest names in the music

industry) once said:

"People need to understand about the music business that the last person to

get paid is the artist."

Well, NOT ANYMORE! KoZoMo is here!

Are you an independent artist looking to make money from your music career?

Would you like a chance to jump start that career at absolutely no cost or

risk to you? How would you like your very own CD released and exposed to

thousands of music lovers all over the world without a single penny coming

out of your pocket or a single contract to sign? And, on top of ALL that,

how would you like to be driving around your hometown in a brand new

KoZoMobile car!!!

Welcome to KoZoMo, The Future of Independent Music! We will manufacture

your CD and make it available to thousands of paying customers at ZERO cost

or risk to you. You have absolutely nothing to lose.

We know this sounds too good to be true with all of the "no risk", "no cost

to you", "win a FREE car!", but keep reading, this is very real! Why would

we make independent musicians such an amazing offer? Because the music

industry is rapidly changing. Online marketing and sales are gradually

taking over the music scene, especially when it comes to hard-working

independent musicians such as yourself.

KoZoMo aims to help these struggling artists boost their exposure and their

credentials when they may not normally have the time or budget to do so on

their own. At KoZoMo, not only do we help independent artists directly,

but we encourage artists to, in turn, help other artists that are in a very

similar situation to their own. We are looking to build an entire network

of independent artists that can stand on its own and compete with some of

the biggest names in the industry!

OK, now to the specifics of what you have to do and/or have to get started

and become one of the first of many successful artists at KoZoMo:

1. You must have at least 5 completed songs for CD distribution. These

songs do not have to be absolutely perfect studio quality recordings, but

they must be of high enough quality to entice someone to buy your CD. If

you are unsure about the sound quality of your music, you can send us a

sample and we will either accept it or help you with tips and/or services

to improve your quality. We may be able to also arrange studio time for you

in certain areas of the country.

2. You must provide your own album cover artwork. The insert of the CD

will include the Cover Art on the front and your tracklisting/contact

information on the back. You can make this yourself, or have someone else

do it for you. The artwork represents you and your music, so you are free

to use anything you like as long it is not copyrighted by someone else.

When completed, you will send us your artwork in JPG format. You also have

the option of using the Kozomo default cover for your CD if you cannot get

one made.

3. You must agree and verify that you have the rights to every piece of

music that will be included on your CD.

Once you meet those simple criteria, here is how the process of turning you

into a money making independent artist will work:

1. Once we have your songs and your album artwork, you will be added to

the KoZoMo.com website with your own page and store for free. Each page

will feature a picture of the artist or band, a brief bio, a link to their

official website (not required), a sample clip of their music, and of

course a link to purchase their CD.

2. When someone buys your CD, the money will be split up as follows (below

is an example for a CD selling at $10, the rest of the pricing breakdowns

can be seen at http://www.kozomo.com/faqs.htm ):

There is a 20% manufacturing and handling fee for each CD, leaving an $8

profit. The $8 is split evenly between KoZoMo and the artist ($4 and $4),

which means you make $4 on every CD that sells at retail. (Remember, this

is a 100% profit for you, because you never pay anything at anytime.

KoZoMo covers all manufacturing AND shipping costs!)

3. You will receive daily updates of your earnings and royalty checks once

a month.

We need talented artists that meet the above criteria and are ready to be

part of something big to officially launch Kozomo.com . You have been

hand-selected as a possible candidate because after hearing your music, we

feel that you have the ability to sell records. You can see the very early

stages of KoZoMo at www.kozomo.com . Once we get the "launch artists",

then the site will be completed along with a full community and tons of

other great features for you and other independent artists.

If you are interested in this very exclusive offer to help you start making

money at no cost or risk to you, then simply reply to this email letting us

know, and we will give you further instructions.

The answers to most of the frequently asked questions, including "When and

how do I get my FREE CAR?!", are listed at http://www.kozomo.com/faqs.php


The KoZoMo Team



This email has been sent through the SoundClick 'contact artist' service.

SoundClick - the #1 artist music community


Fattar inte riktigt, kan det va ett bra erbjudande eller, någon mer som

fått liknande???

Postat (redigerat)

Hmm.. låter som de står för tryckeri och rubbet.. så de förlorar inte några pengar på att lägga upp folks musik och sedan bränna ut när någon köper.. eftersom artisterna gör sina egna omslag så behöver de inga kostnader på reklambyrå..

bilen fattar jag dock inte..

Ren nätbutik helt enkelt 😳

Redigerat av Drik
Postat (redigerat)

Njaa, efter att ha läst mailet mer ingåeende så fattar jag det som att

JAG säljer låtar via deras site och dom tar procent på det...Hmmm

Njaaaeee ingen bra deal för mig...

ELLER har jag fattat fel....

Redigerat av Twilight_Zound

"Are you an independent artist looking to make money from your music career?"

indikerar att det är ett massutskick...inget fel i det men det är nog en vanlig sajt där man kan lägga upp muzak och kanske sälja några ex

You and your music have been selected to be part of an incredible money

making oppurtunity.

luktar SH!T 😎 låååååång väg...


Sådana mail som man slänger utan att över huvud taget inte reflektera över det.

Ett företag som marknadsför sig med spam vill jag inte ha med att göra, dessutom har de ett språk som vilken lurendrejare som helst. "Mark as spam" så du slipper bry dig i fortsättningen 😎


Så SoundClick har alltså en 'contact artist' service för att låta andra spamma deras medlemmar... är det inte dax att byta snart, Twajaljt? 😎


Håller med alla föregående.. Tror inte att dom luras mycket egentligen.

MEN! ..hela idén verkar bygga på att deras site kommer bli oerhört populär och att alla kommer logga in där för att kolla in de senaste artisterna hela tiden.. som en "lunar" fast med shopping erbjudanden. Och dom tjänar pengar på det.. Förutsatt att dom faktiskt blir stora så är det ingen dålig pryl, men dom är en site bland tusentals.. att dom dessutom tar en del av förtjänsten gör att det bli billigare att köpa direkt av artisten.. och musiker/band-communitys som gör reklam helt gratis och i bästa fall kan erbjuda mp3 försäljning finns ju överallt..

Tror dom spelar mycket på att många musiker drömmer om att släppa en cd..

Mer tidsenliga musiker verkar ju tycka att mp3-försäljning är vettigare (jag är tyvärr inte en av dem.. men i sinom tid blir jag nog det med..).

Nog pratat för min del nu..


Elvlis (oregistrerad)
Postat (redigerat)


"You and your music have been selected to be part of an incredible money making oppurtunity."

Är detta ett skivkontrakts erbjudande???

Om du sedan får pengar? Ja! Om du därefter måste betala pengar? Nej!

Är det seriöst är det i sämsta fall gratis - det finns inga undantag! Är det oseriöst kostar det alltid pengar!

Är dom intresserade av dig påriktigt då antas du tjäna ordentliga pengar åt dom så varför då begära växel-pengar av dig?

Du har just vunnit $1,000,000! Sätt in $99 för administrativa avgifter så sätts sedan miljonen in på ditt konto!

Hmmmen kan ni inte istället dra av $99 på miljonen innan ni sätter in min vinst på mitt konto?

Jo, det vore förstås enklast men nu fungerar det inte så hos oss, ge oss först $99 så ger vi därefter dig $1,000,000!

Lovar du?

Ja, jag sätter Skivbranchens Heder samt Spelbranchens Samvete på att din vunna miljhon sedan ska sättas in på ditt konto!

Redigerat av Elvlis

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