GeorgieFree Postat 20 april 2020 Postat 20 april 2020 No sound gets out of symphony I/O. When opening Apogee maestro 2 it says:"No Apogee systems found Been to system preferences and Users &grupps and my login current user is set as Admin already. Firewall is off already The system is OS X 10.9.5 Maverick downloaded symphony I/O - Thunderbridge 64 sofware from Apogee The 4,8 up didnt work, the maestro found the symphony system in blips and crashed the maestro 2 application a few times. I downloaded and installed symphony thunderbridge 5,0 and 5,2 software for the maverick, and no maestro 2 opens and says "No apogee systems found" What to do? Update OS X to later than 10.9.5 maverick? Has it to do with installing with USB3 instead of USB 2, that is on the MAc Pro round tin can? Now I try uninstall symphony and reinstall again. Are there any help company or person with music studio experience for symphony apogee systems,? I can pay for help. best regards Genjor
JakobP Postat 20 april 2020 Postat 20 april 2020 1 timme sedan sa GeorgieFree: ...Has it to do with installing with USB3 instead of USB 2, that is on the MAc Pro round tin can? ... What do you mean by that ? It's a Thunderbolt interface, isn't it ?!? Does it show up in audio system preferences ?
osiris Postat 20 april 2020 Postat 20 april 2020 Hello Genjor, Please provide som more info about how your chain is set up; MacPro -> Thunderbridge -> Symphony I/O ? Is everything connected properly via thunderbolt and Symphony PCI-port? Has it worked before or is this a new setup for you?
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