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  • Per_a_55


  • Pazo


  • ViktorDenStore


  • Pico


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God natt människor och fähundar och katter och spindlar och granar och grenar och grannar och vägar och tvättmaskiner osv... osv... osv... osv!

Redigerat av Tajp

Duktiga pojkar! Är nu tebaks efter ett par gammeldansk och några öl. Skål tanefabn!


Orkade fan inte redigera,,,,

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Fan detta är ju sjukt...

Den dagliga dosen inlägg på forumet...

Pico 132

-k9- 126

Grahn 107

Kommer Pico att bli våran nästa postasåinnihelvetesmycketidennatrådenkung?

Jo jag tror banne mej det!


Nepp, skall lägga in mig på forums-avgiftning imorgon! 😛

Redigerat av Pico
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Jag vill posta!

SKÅLA GRAHN! (orkade inte vänta 30 sek)

Redigerat av Per_a_55
Postat (redigerat)

jaja, jag är en slow starteer...

fan vad jag stavar illa, måste va för lite gammeldanskl....

Redigerat av Per_a_55

Hm, en öl till kanske?




Du har fått tillräckligt... ge dem till mig istället! 😄


Nänä, men du kan få två andra...


Tänk vad dom kan hitta på...

En anpassad försvarsunderrättelseverksamhet (Ds 2005:30)

Mot bakgrund av förslagen i betänkandet Underrättelsetjänsten - en översyn (SOU 1999:37) av 1996 års underrättelsekommitté reglerades försvarsunderrättelseverksamheten genom Lag om försvarsunderrättelseverksamhet (2000:130), som trädde i kraft den 1 juli 2000. Behovet av ytterligare reformering av försvarsunderrättelseverksamheten har därefter påtalats bland annat i betänkandena:

· Vår beredskap efter den 11 september (SOU 2003:32) och

· Försvarets radioanstalt - en översyn (SOU 2003:30)

För att tillgodose de krav som idag bör ställas på försvarsunderrättelseverksamheten har departementspromemorian En anpassad försvarsunderrättelseverksamhet (Ds 2005:30) utarbetats inom Försvarsdepartementet. Hovrättspresidenten Johan Hirschfeldt, f.d. justitiekanslern Hans Regner och f.d. generaldirektören Rolf Holmquist har biträtt departementet i arbetet.

Försvarets radioanstalt (FRA) har sedan 1942 bedrivit signalspaning mot eterburen trafik. På grund av teknikutvecklingen går trafiken emellertid alltmer i tråd. Verksamheten bör anpassas till denna utveckling.

I departementspromemorian föreslås därför regleringar av hur FRA ska kunna biträda myndigheter som till exempel Försvarsmakten, polisen och Tullen med signalspaning av internationell trafik även över tråd. Syftet är alltså att öka kunskapen om verksamhet utanför Sveriges gränser och på så sätt avvärja hot riktade mot Sverige och svenska intressen. Kontrollen över verksamheten föreslås främst åvila Försvarets underrättelsenämnd.

- Den civila myndigheten FRA har idag inga bra möjligheter att hjälpa de myndigheter som behöver information som bara kan inhämtas via signalspaning på internationell trafik över tråd. Den nuvarande lagstiftningen gör att Sverige, trots hög allmän kompetens på underrättelseområdet, halkar efter. I förlängningen kan det innebära försämrad försvarsförmåga, försämrad IT-säkerhet, högre risker för svenskar på internationella uppdrag och större möjligheter för grova gränsöverskridande hot att etablera sig i Sverige, säger försvarsminister Leni Björklund.

- Försvarsunderrättelseverksamheten ska av naturnödvändighet vara hemlig. Däremot ska lagstiftningen kring den och kontrollfunktionerna vara föremål för en öppen diskussion. Därför är det viktigt med en ordentlig remissomgång så myndigheter, organisationer och medborgare får insyn i hur förslagen ser ut, avslutar Leni Björklund.

Departementspromemorian remitteras till cirka 100 remissinstanser. Remisstiden går ut den 31 oktober 2005. Beroende på remissutfallet ska lagförslagen därefter underställas först lagrådet i en lagrådsremiss och sedan riksdagen i en proposition senast i mars 2006. Författningsändringar till följd av förslaget föreslås träda ikraft den 1 juli 2006.


Nån mer som vill ha öl? ( har varit i Puttgarden!)



Distinguished Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The UN Security Council Resolution 1546 of June 2004 and the successful parliamentary elections in January 2005 have created an opportunity for the Iraqi people and entire international community. We must now all support Iraq in its efforts to continue the reconstruction process, achieve stability and a sustainable democracy.

To be successful in the quest for a democratic society, the political process must be inclusive and transparent. The neighbouring states have a special responsibility to play a constructive role in order to bring lasting peace and stability to this troubled region. The conference here today is an expression of our belief in the Iraqi people. I am pleased to participate and manifest my country's strong support to the democratic process. I would like to focus on the importance of safeguarding human rights, especially with regard to women and children, in the reconstruction of Iraq. I will make three points:


Although democracy and human rights are two separate concepts, there is a close connection between them. Respect for human rights is an essential condition for democratisation. Human rights are directly linked to democratic decision-making. A democratic society is strengthened and defended by good governance, rule of law, free and independent media, and by well-informed citizens, who take part in political life and constitute a strong civil society. Non-discrimination, respect and tolerance among people constitute an antidote to extremism and foster better understanding between religions and cultures.

The Iraqi people lived under a unique dictatorship for a long time and endured grave violations of human rights. One of the most acute issues is to establish a state governed by the rule of law. There is an urgent need to reform the Iraqi legal system in accordance with international standards.


Reform of the judicial system must include guarantees for equal rights and opportunities for all - men and women, regardless of ethnicity, religion and language. Let me underline the importance of the participation of women. Iraq needs the active involvement of its strong and skilled women in order build a truly democratic and inclusive society.

Women must have a chance to fully integrate into political and professional life. If the rights laid down in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women are to be implemented, and society to benefit fully from its effects, women must not be regarded as passive subjects of rights, but as active right holders.


Recent developments in Iraq have resulted in certain groups becoming particularly vulnerable. Iraqi children were severely affected during the period of the sanctions system and during the wars. They are also very vulnerable in the existing security situation. Children do not only need security, protection against exploitation and discrimination and the satisfaction of their needs - they have a right to have these needs guaranteed. Thus we have an obligation to protect, provide and make their active participation in society possible.

To these ends reconstruction assistance should be implemented so as to instil and defend a human rights perspective and to promote equal opportunities in society. Knowledge and application of the conventions of human rights, including the conventions on women's and children's rights need to be strengthened. Human rights organisations in a growing civil society, not least the women's organizations, and can play an important role. The principle of human rights should underpin all international efforts in support of the reconstruction of Iraq.

Thank you!


Your Royal Highness, Excellencies, Distinguished participants in the Swedish Business Day!

It is a pleasure to be here in Ankara today for such an important event. I deeply appreciate the high level participation in this business seminar, gathering so many distinguished participants, as well as a large number of representatives from a great variety of Swedish businesses active in Turkey or seeking to establish themselves here.

Trade contacts between Sweden and Turkey date at least back to the 18th century, when our first commercial agreement was signed, in 1737. But the first Swedish travelers to what is today Istanbul, was Vikings, who came already more than one thousand years ago. This tradition of traveling is now upheld by a quarter of a million Swedes, who will spend their vacation in Turkey this year. Here, the development is fast and an even greater increase is, I believe, to be expected

Several important Swedish companies have a long history of activities in Turkey, including Ericsson, SKF and Volvo. We are very pleased to see the trade, in both directions, increase substantially. The interest from Swedish companies in establishing themselves on the Turkish market is significant and increasing. We also see possibilities for further developments. The interest from Swedish companies to invest in Turkey has grown. Not least the impressive growth rate in the Turkish economy and the important reform process, which has taken place over recent years have contributed to this development. I cannot underline enough the importance of continuing on this road ahead.

We also welcome the broad interest in Sweden on deepening relations with Turkey - between governments, authorities, municipalities and civil society organizations. Last year, Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson announced in parliament a new initiative to enhance contacts with Turkey further. We hope to be able to develop our cooperation with Turkey on many levels, over the years to come and in parallel with Turkey's EU-accession process. As you know, Sweden supports full EU- membership for Turkey as soon as the economical and political criteria are reached.

But already now, we can see that the interaction between our countries has increased. Many Swedish visitors at a high level have visited Ankara and Turkey over the past few years. Apart from the Prime Minister, I can mention two Foreign Ministers - the late Anna Lindh, in whose heart Turkey had a very special place, and Laila Freivalds, many members of the Swedish parliament, leading businessmen such as Jacob Wallenberg and today, H R H Crown Princess Victoria.

Turkish immigrants in Sweden also have an advanced position in society and can contribute in important ways to building bridges between our societies. I am very happy to see such a distinguished gathering here today and to be able to participate in this important together with my Turkish colleague H E Ali Coskun.


Mr. Chairman, honoured Delegates,

It is for me a special honour and privilege to open the 28th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting here in Stockholm.

Sweden has had quite a long and intense relation with Antarctica. The scientific efforts undertaken by individual Swedish Scientists in relation to the Terra Incognita started already in the 18th Century. Swedish scientific research expeditions were undertaken before the Antarctic Treaty was concluded. The first expedition was led by Otto Nordenskjöld in 1901-1903, and the scientific results from that expedition were outstanding.

Many of the countries represented here today have had similar and even more dramatic Antarctic experiences in their national history. At the same time I would like to stress that what really matters for our Antarctic experiences of today is international cooperation.

Sweden adhered to the Antarctic Treaty over twenty years ago, in 1984. One of the main reasons for this was the fact that the cooperation within the Antarctic Treaty System had been so promising. The objectives in the treaty - that Antarctica shall be used for peaceful purposes only, and that it shall not become the scene or object of international discord - had been successfully met.

The Continent of Antarctica is a great example of fruitful and expanding international cooperation. A cooperation that really has served and could continue to serve as a model of conflict prevention and peaceful cooperation. The Antarctic Treaty and the Meetings under its umbrella play a key role in this respect. We therefore welcome that the new Antarctic Secretariat in Buenos Aires is operational.

Sweden is a relatively small research nation in Antarctica. Therefore international cooperation with other countries researchers and polar organizations is a main feature of our research program. Sweden's polar research covers both the Arctic and Antarctica. The Swedish Antarctic Research Program has its geographical focus on Dronning Maud Land, where our two research stations Wasa and Svea. are located.

Honoured delegates,

As you all know Antarctica is the first and only demilitarised continent. A continent that has been designated as a natural reserve, devoted to peace and science. It has served as a source of inspiration for on sight inspection regimes - something that is also mentioned by the former UN-inspector in Iraq, Hans Blix, in his book "Disarming Iraq". The history of Antarctica therefore brings about a special responsibility for the Antarctic treaty parties to continue the cooperation in a peaceful and successful manner.

For Sweden it is a special privilege to host this Meeting. For the first time all the issues on the agenda have to be solved in collaboration between our Host Country Secretariat and the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat, headed by Mr. Huber. I hope that when these two weeks are over, you will leave Stockholm with an over all good and positive impression of the Meeting and Sweden. But more importantly, I hope that you will have made concrete progress in some of the key areas before you. I think here especially of a new Annex on Liability arising from environmental emergencies in the Antarctic Treaty Area.

I understand that Delegations are now very close to a final agreement. If this is accomplished it would certainly contribute to prevent detrimental effects arising from environmental emergencies in Antarctic. But there are also other items on the Agenda before you where more progress is needed.

Environmental protection has always been a central theme of the cooperation between the Antarctic Treaty Parties. Our common and challenging task is to manage this extraordinary continent for the benefit of our common environment - and for future generations. The Antarctic Continent is our largest joint nature reserve. But the continent can also give us a unique perspective and knowledge regarding today's global environmental hazards. You all have an important task before you when you now start the first week of the Meeting, with crucial environmental issues on the agenda.

With these words it is my pleasure to declare the 28th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting open, and I wish you every success in your important work.

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