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Logic Pro 7.01 --> 7.1 är trots liten sifferskillnad en stor uppgradering. Ingår gör bl.a. nya synthar, effekter och inte minst den efterlängtade plug-in delay-kompensationen. Uppgraderingen är en DVD på ca 300 MB och kan beställas från Apple Store fr.o.m. nästa vecka för 185 SEK.


Redigerat av Olsberg

Se även gårdagens nyhet på www.studio.se

// Delat från föregående inlägg //

Från Apples hemsida:

The Logic Pro 7.1 update adds a generous collection of new features and sought after enhancements such as full native plug-in delay compensation and over 70 new key commands. It provides greater facility for creating and managing Apple Loops and a convenient new method for re-ordering Channel Strip plug-in configurations. Logic Pro 7.1 further extends the creative options with 5 new plug-ins including a Bass Amp and two hybrid synthesizers. The update is rounded out by a host of optimizations and refinements that significantly improve the performance and stability of both Logic Pro and the included, updated version of Waveburner.


1. Expanded Apple Loops Integration

Produce your own software instrument Apple Loops using any Logic Pro or Audio Unit plug-in. Place the software instrument Apple Loops onto an Audio Instrument track and the original MIDI performance and Channel Strip configuration is completely restored. Convert your ReCycle (REX) files into Apple Loops by simply dragging them into the Arrange window. Find your Apple Loops more easily by limiting which Jam Packs or other loop collections you wish to browse.

2. Full Native Plug-In Delay Compensation

Take advantage of full plug-in delay compensation which now corrects for latency produced on bus, auxiliary, and output channels in addition to every other path in the native audio mixer. You?ll especially appreciate this enhancement if you own third party DSP cards like those developed by Universal Audio and TC Electronics.

3. New Instrument and Effect Plug-Ins

Add beef and character to your bass or other instruments with a new Bass Amp plug-in which replicates the sound of the industry?s sweetest bass amplifiers and direct boxes. Tighten up any performance using the Enhanced Timing plug-in or be inspired by the massive atmospheric synth textures produced by two new Hybrid Synth instruments.

4. Hand Tool in Track Mixer

Freely move, copy and swap plug-ins between Channel Strip Inserts using the new Hand Tool in either the Arrange window or Track Mixer.

5. Over 70 New Key Commands

Speed up your workflow by assigning up to 70 new key commands to your favorite functions, including many of those introduced in 7.0 such as Open Loop Browser, Next/Previous Channel Strip, Create Multiple Tracks, Import Audio Files, and Bounce.

6. Numerous Plug-In Improvements

Swap, copy, and import Ultrabeat voices and sequences using a simple drag and drop operation. Export Ultrabeat patterns directly to the Arrange window also using drag and drop. Create or edit EXS24 instruments more easily using rubber-band selection of Zones and the ability to define Start Note and Width settings when importing multiple samples. Exploit new options for the Rotor effect in the EVB3, which also now has improved integration with the Hammond Suzuki XB-1, XK-2, and XK-3 hardware Drawbar controllers. Enjoy many other useful refinements made to Sculpture, Vocal Transformer, Pitch Correction and other plug-ins.

7. Support for 9 additional Control Surfaces

Increase your choices for compatible hardware control surfaces thanks to dedicated support for these 9 popular controller devices: Korg KONTROL49 and MicroKONTROL, Frontier Design Groups Tranzport, Tascam US-2400 and FW-1082, JL Cooper CS-32 and FaderMaster 4/100.

8. Follow Tempo Option for Recorded Audio

Enable the new ?Follow Tempo? Region parameter for any audio recorded into your song, and Logic will time and pitch shift the file when you change the song?s tempo or key.

9. Insert Chords from Chord Track

Simplify the process for placing chords in lead sheets using a new option which imports the chords from the Global Chord Track.

10. Multiple Performance Enhancements

Streamline your entire workflow as a result of numerous general optimizations and performance enhancements found in Logic Pro 7.1. Highlights include accelerated waveform overview creation, speedier initialization of Audio Units plug-ins during startup, the option to add files to the Audio Window after many audio file functions, improved handling of XML, AAF, and OMF file transfers, and more.

Note: Logic Pro 7.1 is available to all Logic Pro users possessing an XSkey authorized for Logic Pro 7.0.

Postat (redigerat)

Jådå! det var det jag beställde.

Logic Express 7 to Logic Express 7.1 Upgrade

Update your Logic Express 7.0 to 7.1 and take advantage

of enhanced Apple Loops authoring, new plug-in effects and

software instruments, easy re-ordering of plug-ins and much


NOTE: Logic Express 7.0 must be installed and authorized

on your machine in order to use the Logic Express 7.1 Update.


SEK 185,00 Skickas vanligen:


Redigerat av sounden

Älskar när det kommer nya grejor....(basstärkarsimulatorn e jag lite nyfiken på faktiskt)......ska införskaffas på direkten! 😛)


Kul för er Mac-användare! :rolleyes:

Men den absolut största och viktigaste frågan är varför uppdateringen kommer på en DVD om den bara är 300 mb stor.

  Jocke sa:
Kul för er Mac-användare! 😎

Men den absolut största och viktigaste frågan är varför uppdateringen kommer på en DVD om den bara är 300 mb stor.

för att man skall betala, det borde man inte göra i detta läge, vi har precis betalat för logic 7 ju


Jag tror han menar att den skulle kunna släppts på CD istället för DVD.

Löjligt snålt av Apple att ta betalt för en uppdatering.


Kommer Logic att börja säljas i 7.1 versioner nu eller måste man skaffa sig orginalversionen och sedan uppdatera den?

Postat (redigerat)

Med tanke på att man får en mjukvarubasstärkare, nya syntar och massa annat smått och gott är väl 200 kr en högst symbolisk summa.

Vilken Logic 7-ägare kan inte avvara det?

Edit: Och ja, jag menade att den kunde levererats på CD istället. En bagatell men fortfarande ett mysterium. 😎

Redigerat av Jocke

275 spänn för en uppgradering! *S* fan, ibland så önskade man att man var Apple kund igen. Dom flesta uppgraderingar jag råkar ut för ligger mellan 2500 o 10000 kr. Smärta!


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