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Redigerat av Algotezza

Akkfenörd heter det.

Kungen är en störd nörd av börd.

pjocke (oregistrerad)

Kungen är en störd nörd av börd.

Prinsen är en hög bög från smög...en.

k9 (oregistrerad)

Slut på kaffe hemma nu! 😱



Fidden! Hur många heavenly cookies hade du? Jag är uppe i strax över 5000.

Bra jobbat på ett par veckor!

Jag har 50000 tror jag. Eller 70000.


Bra jobbat på ett par veckor!

Jag har 50000 tror jag. Eller 70000.

God damn! 😮 xD

Det är så segt just nu, jag kommer aldrig upp i 150 antimatter eller 150 prismor!


Ska du köpa dom där nya rolandsyntygrejjerna?

Vem säljer dem? Vad kostar de?


Ska man söka jobb hos fotinläggstillverkningsföretaget? (Finns det längre ord?)


Jo det åkte iväg en ansökan. 😱

Akffe på det? 😕


Ser mycket intressant ut. Men historieskrivningen är delvis lite missvisande. I Sverige fanns tidigt EMS, ElektronMusikStudion, där bl.a. Ralph Lundsten var verksam på 60- och 70-talen. Men det stämmer att det inte var direkt elektronisk dansmusik då, utan något för nördar som gillade märkliga ljud. Första poplåten jag känner till där moogen användes var Beach Boys Good Vibrations. Jag blev tidigt fascinerad av ljudmöjligheterna och började lyssna på Kraftwerk och J-M Jarre på sjuttiotalet.

pjocke (oregistrerad)

Beach Boys Good Vibrations

Så kallad "moogen-dans".


God damn! 😮 xD

Det är så segt just nu, jag kommer aldrig upp i 150 antimatter eller 150 prismor!

200 av allt känns långt borta också... Men jag gissar att det kommer nya byggnader och prylar till påsk.
Postat (redigerat)

Trodde det var en theremin?

Oh, nej. Jag kommer ihåg hur Lennart Wretilind, tror jag det var, för första gången berättade om denna spännande "Moog Syntheziser". Men den har ju väldig ljudlikhet med theremin i denna Beach Boys-låt.

Fast på engelska wikipedia talas om electro-theremin...

Låten kom 1966.

Redigerat av Algotezza

200 av allt känns långt borta också... Men jag gissar att det kommer nya byggnader och prylar till påsk.

Jag såg också idag att man kan ta tillbaka jul, valentine och halloween-temat under 24 timmar.

Postat (redigerat)

Från: http://www.songfacts...ail.php?id=1093

The unusual, high-pitched sound in this song was produced using a theremin, which uses electric current to produce sound. You don't touch a theremin to play it, but move your hand across the electric field. The instrument was invented in 1919, but was very hard to play, and ended up being used mostly as a sound effects device. Brian Wilson was familiar with the instrument, as it was used to create eerie sounds in low budget horror movies like The Day the Earth Stood Still and It Came from Outer Space. When he put cellos on "Good Vibrations," he envisioned an unusual high frequency sound to go along with them, and he thought of the theramin. Wilson couldn't track down a real theremin, but found an inventor named Paul Tanner who'd been a trombonist with the Glenn Miller Orchestra between 1938-42. He had developed a similar device with Bob Whitsell called an Electro-Theremin, which had just one antenna instead of two. Tanner was brought in to play the device on the recording.

Redigerat av Algotezza
Postat (redigerat)

Noog inte en moog men en modern theremin. Har provat en i Malmö. Jag kände spänningsfältet i fingrarna. Skulle inte vilja sätta huvudet i det fättet en längre tid...


Redigerat av Algotezza

Oh, nej. Jag kommer ihåg hur Lennart Wretilind, tror jag det var, för första gången berättade om denna spännande "Moog Syntheziser". Men den har ju väldig ljudlikhet med theremin i denna Beach Boys-låt.

Fast på engelska wikipedia talas om electro-theremin...

Låten kom 1966.

Från: http://www.songfacts...ail.php?id=1093

The unusual, high-pitched sound in this song was produced using a theremin, which uses electric current to produce sound. You don't touch a theremin to play it, but move your hand across the electric field. The instrument was invented in 1919, but was very hard to play, and ended up being used mostly as a sound effects device. Brian Wilson was familiar with the instrument, as it was used to create eerie sounds in low budget horror movies like The Day the Earth Stood Still and It Came from Outer Space. When he put cellos on "Good Vibrations," he envisioned an unusual high frequency sound to go along with them, and he thought of the theramin. Wilson couldn't track down a real theremin, but found an inventor named Paul Tanner who'd been a trombonist with the Glenn Miller Orchestra between 1938-42. He had developed a similar device with Bob Whitsell called an Electro-Theremin, which had just one antenna instead of two. Tanner was brought in to play the device on the recording.

Har du rätt eller fel, eller både och?

Postat (redigerat)

När Good Vibrations presenterades på USA-listan i radio 1966 i programmet Pop 66 - och det var nog Leif H. Andersson som gjorde det - talades det om en Moog Syntheziser. Att jag minns detta beror på att det var första gången i mitt liv jag hörde ordet syntheziser.

Mysteriet tätnar. På samma sida jag citerat innan står det längre ner:

The instrument on the recording is NOT a Theramin or a Tannerin....read below:

Paul Tanner's recollection of his relationship with Brian Wilson in the early '60s highlighted the evening, both of their genius and humor were revealed. The Beach Boys hired Paul Tanner and "The Box" for the fascinating theremin like sound in classic 1966 "Good Vibrations". The normal recording sessions began after midnight at Brian's home. When Paul asked Brian for the sheet music, Brian laughed because he could not write music, it was all in his head. The original "Good Vibrations" was recorded on a 4 track recorder with everyone doing what they hope is correct; Paul Tanner adlibs the theremin sound as they all play along.

Paul Tanner built only one instrument which he called "The Box" (Not a Theremin) with the help of friend Robert Whitsell. After about two weeks of construction time he completed it just hours before it was called into use. "The Box" was used on several Hollywood productions where it became known as "Paul's Box" this included the 1960's TV show "My Favorite Martian", the sound of Martins antennas raising. With the synthesizer on the horizon, Bob Moog a well known engineer in the theremin community visited Paul in search of new ideas (circa 1970). Both agreed that "The Box" was just a Tinker Toy. Soon after their get together Paul felt it was time to retire "The Box". He gave it to a hospital in Santa Monica, California where they were interested in using it for hearing tests. The box had a range of tones that would extend outside of the upper and lower limits of human hearing. Year's later Dr. Tanner checked back with the hospital to find out what happened to "The Box", only to find it had been destroyed in one of those California earthquakes! (The Quake of 1971)

The next time you hear the "original" recording of "Good Vibrations", instead of just saying "that's not a Theremin" also mention "it's not a Tannerin", an instrument that came later to be used as a substitute on Beach Boy recordings. What you do hear in the original "Good Vibrations" is called "The Box" a design that came about by Paul Tanner's observation of Thereminist Samuel Hoffman in Hollywood having difficulty in setting up his theremin. The internet is full of myth and misinformation, why not give credit to the fine work of one musician, Dr. Paul Tanner who captured the voice of the theremin and put it in his box. This has brought more worldwide awareness to the theremin instrument than anything had before. Dr. Paul Tanner is a true theremin success story!

Redigerat av Algotezza
k9 (oregistrerad)


Gissa vad jag glömde köpa? 😊

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