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Lovade att skriva och berätta om mina nya monitorer när de dök upp, vilket de gjorde idag! Snodde texten jag skrev på gearslutz:

So I got my a17-m's today. Thumbs up to Helios Pro Audio Solutions - Haarlem for the fantastic support.

My first impression after 1 hour of listening (coming from Neumann kh-120, Adam a7x and Focal Twin's):

Extremely detailed, I mean... it's really scary. At first I thought it was something wrong with the monitors, they felt super sensitve, everything just jumped out of the speakers. I guess these monitors needs a little burn-in time as well, because I could feel that the bass needed to loosen up a little. (UPDATE - After moving the monitors 4-5cm back closer to the wall the bass felt just right!). They seem very forward and "not pleasing at all" right from the start. Anyone have similar experience regarding this?

I started off with some classics: Pink Floyd, Beatles, Fleetwod Mac and so on. Floyd always sounds good wherever you play em and this time was no exception. Only thing that bothered me was the vocals that felt very bright, never heard Floyd like this before, a strange feeling. Beatles (remaster from 2009) gave me a BIG smile on my face, never really understood all the hype regarding their sound (I always loved the songs though) - But now? Oh man did they sound good! Fleetwood didn't sound as good as I expected they would, "Roumors" lacked bass in a way I didnt care for before - But again, everything was super clear and beoynd well pronunced.

I moved on with some more modern stuff. First off was Coldplay's Parachutes. Had to turn it off immediately, Chris s-sounds was just too much, they sounded really bad and the whole album felt very compressed. I guess I'll never listen to them again on these speakers 🙁

Next up was Bon Iver - For Emma: Very nice depth and sound stage, I could "feel the wood" in the same way I could feel and touch the kick drum on Beatles remaster.

From there I just played some other stuff like Sparklehorse (very wide, deep and airy), Cracker (too bright around 2khz) etc. Haven't dare to turn on Arcade fire's Suburbs, it WILL sound like shit (Update - Actually the record sounded ok, but not more). Maybe their old records will work.

So my fist impression sums up like this:

Extremely detailed monitors, forward sounding and VERY VERY unforgiving. Right off the bat I feel a little worried that my mixes will turn out too dark and muddy, because you hear everything, like you have a magnifying glass from 1 cm distance when you listen (Update - The first mix didn't turn out muddy at all, rather the opposite; very clean, breathing and transparent sounding!), I'm one VERY happy customer.

Day 1:

After one more day of mixing I must also add that the stereo image is superb. You can easily hear a 5-10% pan - almost like you are wearing headphones. When listening to some more tracks from Beach House, Beck, Michael Jackson and so and I begin hear things I never heard before. The bass is super defined and precise. Excellent!

Day 2:

Reverb, reverb, reverb... it's so easy to hear it now!


Redigerat av Yllet
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Efter flera timmars lyssnade och lite mixande kan jag konstatera att monitorerna låter om än mer fantastiskt. Precis så tydliga och oförlåtande som jag hoppats på. Samtidigt verkar de inte trötta ut öronen, utan känns hela tiden oerhört neutrala och naturliga, även på riktigt stark volym (om man så önskar). Inte ett uns av distortion eller kompression.


Redigerat av Yllet
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Du som har bra högtalare nu du borde testa om du hör skillnad i Spotify med Fidelizer. http://www.windowsxlive.net/fidelizer/ - Det är helt non-destruktive. Du ska kryssa i 1 2 och 3. Skippa fyran. Kolla med Pink Floyd eller Beatles!

Tack för tipset men nej tack.. Det där konceptet känner jag mig ytterst tveksam till och inget jag skulle installera på min musikdator bara sådär (trots påpekande om non destructive). Ska läsa på mer, men det är högst osannolikt, för att inte säga omöjligt, att lite resursförflyttande och I/O prio i Windows skulle påverka ljudet i positiv bemärkelse. Spotify säger du, det låter ju redan skit som det är, skulle ett program råda bot på detta? Ljudet kan ju inte bli bättre än vad det är ursprungligen, i detta fall max 320kbs mp3 om man har premium. Snarare skulle det väl i såfall låta sämre om lyssningen nu blev bättre och mer ärlig? Men det var kanske detta du menade?

24 bitars flac i tex foobar hade dock varit mer mätbart, men Fidelizer är inget som lockar mig alls i dagsläget. Hur som helst ska du återigen ha tack för tipset, nu tillbka till monitorerna. 🙂


Redigerat av Yllet

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